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Ps3 Info And Such

Old 05-17-2005, 11:41 PM
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amazingo sex romp on nes
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Old 05-17-2005, 11:47 PM
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RE:4 was not an exclusive. It was supposed to come out on PS2 back in March. Never happened I guess??

I am talking about doing what Sony is doing, and Microsoft. Bring Grand Theft Auto type series to the next console they make. They will make SO many sales. Nintendo does well, but they are not number #1 anymore. That was back in the 80's.
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Old 05-17-2005, 11:55 PM
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Eh, I know that I always get a Nintendo system before I get the rest. I've been that way since NES days. The exclusives they have are always "must plays." I could care less about whether or not that thing I just shot bleeds or not, but I don't frown on games either way. The gameplay on their "Big 3" is always crisp and engaging. I do have to say that I agree with you on them porting over other games like GTA and such. There's one problem though, when you have a cross-platform release, people like me who have all of the current generation systems always buy the one where the controls are the best and/or the graphics are the best. Tony Hawk's Underground? X-Box version. List goes on. The way Nintendo designs their controllers is set up perfectly for all of the exclusives they have. Sony and Microsoft don't have as big of a home-grown game studio like Nintendo, therefore they have to rely on other multi-plats or a developer who makes a game strictly for them. They design their controllers accordingly. I have the 3 right now, and I thorougly enjoy them all at different times. I played God of War and GT4, now I'm on Forza. Before those I was on Metroid Prime 2. I don't care what happens to each company, I just know as long as Nintendo releases all of those games I've been playing since I was 2, I'll continue to buy what's required to play those games. (And I'll still get whatever their competitor's relase.)
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Old 05-18-2005, 12:00 AM
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[quote name='Il RX8 lI' date='May 18 2005, 12:55 AM']Eh, I know that I always get a Nintendo system before I get the rest. I've been that way since NES days. The exclusives they have are always "must plays." I could care less about whether or not that thing I just shot bleeds or not, but I don't frown on games either way. The gameplay on their "Big 3" is always crisp and engaging. I do have to say that I agree with you on them porting over other games like GTA and such. There's one problem though, when you have a cross-platform release, people like me who have all of the current generation systems always buy the one where the controls are the best and/or the graphics are the best. Tony Hawk's Underground? X-Box version. List goes on. The way Nintendo designs their controllers is set up perfectly for all of the exclusives they have. Sony and Microsoft don't have as big of a home-grown game studio like Nintendo, therefore they have to rely on other multi-plats or a developer who makes a game strictly for them. They design their controllers accordingly. I have the 3 right now, and I thorougly enjoy them all at different times. I played God of War and GT4, now I'm on Forza. Before those I was on Metroid Prime 2. I don't care what happens to each company, I just know as long as Nintendo releases all of those games I've been playing since I was 2, I'll continue to buy what's required to play those games. (And I'll still get whatever their competitor's relase.)



You have very good points. I have had my NES since I was 3. Oh, and it is the original one, with the Tony the Tiger sticker on the back. Even have the original box also. Just not the gun for Duck Hunt/Super Mario Bros. double cartridge. I WILL NEVER SELL THAT THING. It has sentimental value to me.

Nintendo will never die, but they will stay last in the run of the console wars on the track they are on now. But most of the craph games are put out on PS2 anyhow, most popular system, more publishers are going to go that console manfucaturer. Sony gets the SHITTIEST games I have ever seen. X-box is not too bad, and Gamecube has a limited occassion of this happening.
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Old 05-18-2005, 12:04 AM
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It's all about what you want really. You're just like me about the Nintendo stuff, I've got my original everything. I think it's safe to assume that Nintendo will always appeal to the "hardcore" crowd. (Or at least people like us who grew up with the stuff and hearing an updated version of that old song from Zelda or Metroid sends shivers down the spine.) Nintendo can continue to rely on our nostalgia all they want, I won't complain. They've already got the younger generations hooked on their magic with games like Pokemon. It's like Disney, there's just something there, it's got a soul.
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Old 05-18-2005, 12:22 AM
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Future games are still cloudy, but Iwata was clear in saying that the Revolution would definitely support all of Nintendo's past games. "We have designed Revolution to be a virtual console, capable of downloading 20 years of Nintendo content," as a slide showed the NES, SNES, and N64. "It is accurate to say that Nintendo Revolution is capable of playing virtually every Nintendo console game ever created. The idea of a console device transporting us back to those days should make us all feel young again & at least for a while."

That was from the press release at E3 talking about their new system, the Revolution. Does this mean I can play the oldies again? That right there would make it the best system of them all to me.
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Old 05-18-2005, 12:24 AM
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Revolution will feature an online matchmaking service ala Xbox Live with downloadable content in the form of a library of archived games. From old school games like Donkey Kong to modern GameCube releases like Super Mario Sunshine, Nintendo says they'll all be available for download on Revolution, though a price, if there will be one, has yet to be determined.

Well, there we have it, I found that literally 30 seconds after I posted the last one.
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Old 05-18-2005, 03:51 AM
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[quote name='rowtareh' date='May 18 2005, 12:00 AM']You have very good points. I have had my NES since I was 3. Oh, and it is the original one, with the Tony the Tiger sticker on the back. Even have the original box also. Just not the gun for Duck Hunt/Super Mario Bros. double cartridge. I WILL NEVER SELL THAT THING. It has sentimental value to me.



i have the triple cartridge bioch. mario/duck hunt/track meet

anyone else besides me think there needs to be a remake of duck hunt?
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Old 05-18-2005, 10:10 AM
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[quote name='Dysfnctnl85' date='May 17 2005, 06:42 PM']The Xbox 360 supports 1080i.

The PS3 supports Blu-Ray, allowing an amazing amount of storage for games. The Xbox 360 comes with a standard DVD drive. This alone should spell the end for M$.



Can't see how that makes much of a difference. If you've paid attention to games being released over the last 3 years you'll note that they all weigh in at about 3gb or so you don't see many games getting over that mark. The reason for that is not a lack of capacity as it's easy to pack in several CD's or DVD's, but because there's no reason to put that much content on a CD. Sure you can shovelware them if you want and add every map and third party creation you can find but there's not much point in that either.

Morrowind is staggeringly huge and it's only 1.2gb. I suppose you could pack the rest in with higher rez textures but even that is not going to weigh down the disk that much. EQ is about 3.5gb with all it's expansions. Doom 3 is about 4gb unpacked. DS is huge, 1.5gb. Sony's pig of a game EQ 2 is only 4gb and it has great looking graphics and textures.

See my point?

Content costs money, lots and lots of money. I don't see it happening in the next several years.
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Old 05-18-2005, 10:15 AM
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[quote name='Il RX8 lI' date='May 17 2005, 10:55 PM']Eh, I know that I always get a Nintendo system before I get the rest. I've been that way since NES days. The exclusives they have are always "must plays." I could care less about whether or not that thing I just shot bleeds or not, but I don't frown on games either way. The gameplay on their "Big 3" is always crisp and engaging. I do have to say that I agree with you on them porting over other games like GTA and such. There's one problem though, when you have a cross-platform release, people like me who have all of the current generation systems always buy the one where the controls are the best and/or the graphics are the best. Tony Hawk's Underground? X-Box version. List goes on. The way Nintendo designs their controllers is set up perfectly for all of the exclusives they have. Sony and Microsoft don't have as big of a home-grown game studio like Nintendo, therefore they have to rely on other multi-plats or a developer who makes a game strictly for them. They design their controllers accordingly. I have the 3 right now, and I thorougly enjoy them all at different times. I played God of War and GT4, now I'm on Forza. Before those I was on Metroid Prime 2. I don't care what happens to each company, I just know as long as Nintendo releases all of those games I've been playing since I was 2, I'll continue to buy what's required to play those games. (And I'll still get whatever their competitor's relase.)



Ditto if I can affored it and there's things I want to play on it, I'll buy it. Waiting for the PS2 to get to used prices before I get one as there's not quite as much there that I want to play for whatever reason. Oddly enough I don't play much console games these days anyways. Maybe I grew up. *shudders*

More a PC gamer then console.

As far as consoles go lets see I have...

Atari 2600,5200,7800. Magnavox I and II, Intellivision I and II, Colecovision and the 2600 expansion, Vectrex, Bally's Astrocade, the sears version of the 2600, SNES, NES, Playstation, Xbox, GameCube, Dream Cast and various versions of pong.

I also have an Atari 600xl, 800xl, XGS system (with the keyboard no less), Timex Sinclair, Atari 500st and I think parts of a C64 somewhere or another. Also have a busted amiga. Plus scads of PC's and an honest to god PS/2.

Used to have a timex sinclair color computer too.
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