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JT-Imports 01-07-2004 09:07 PM

agreed.... Thats what I was thinking too...

Most people have NO idea what I do haha some do, and think im crazy....... I work a shiteload, never really get tired of it though, kind of bad since I do like some rewards for hard work sometimes too. I mean when your on the boat (navy) actually working 12-18 hr days, sometimes 24 since you have that 8 night time duty, plus 7 days a week and you do this quite often and it doesnt bother you at all.... I guess your just a worker haha......

I do pretty much the same thing now.. Just no boat involved.

I just dont think there should be any free rides. Im not blamming the ecomomy for it, but it sure as hell doesnt help. You do the work, you go home you do it again over and over. THATS STANDARD. You got someone that comes early and stays late, maybe you should talk to them and see if they are in need or what... Maybe wants to make it higher and be apart of the company.

IMHO----You can find this type of info out in 2-3 days (if your good) but usually around 6 months in most companies and then you should see something...

JT-Imports 01-07-2004 09:09 PM

Yeah I have seen, met and played with that LINE even. I learned VERY quick not to cross it. I was lucky to find this out EARLY on in life........

Srce 01-07-2004 11:00 PM

I think you should fire him. Ask me why.

defprun 01-07-2004 11:09 PM

How about this:

Fire all of them, hire oompaloompas.

Dramon_Killer 01-07-2004 11:21 PM

Man, that would suck, you try extra hard and get fired. Though at the same time the jackasses could figure, hey if the guy who worked hard got fired it was probably because he didnt fit in and keep doin what theyre doin now.

Eric Happy Meal 01-07-2004 11:22 PM

well the reverse psychology works, BUT, then it sucks MAJOR ass for the hard worker....i mean he works his ass off and then gets fired?

HotPilot 01-07-2004 11:40 PM

I would not fire anyone.. I would reward the hard worker with praise and something monetary and of course let it be known to the jackasses that you have.

If these people are on hourly wages maybe change something so that it is a performance based pay structure.. (turn the NA's into turbo's) a promotion is a good reward if the individual is capable of handling the workload in a different position, not all people handle more power in the correct fashion. Some get on a power trip. Lets take scre for instance I would fire him ask me why? lmao he used his power to change something on my personal settings... said I was his bitch

ask me why?.. I know why.. I said he was ghey looking from that dumbass pic he posted of himself... what a dick. good luck on your employee adventure..

JT-Imports 01-08-2004 12:30 AM

Yeah i know about the power trip hehe

I like to keep my nose in all the business, but try not to mircomanage. I do get a little over zealous (spelling) sometimes. Either way I think I will just talk with them and see how we can get it to work.

I couldnt fire the hard worker, not just for him, but for me. He could end up being a good part of the company.

Fluid Dynamics 01-08-2004 12:37 AM

I have been the hard worker in that situation more times than I care to remember. The times I was exploited and given more than my share of work, or not rewarded for doing much more than my wage would suggest, were times I quit in short order and found better places to work.

One time when I worked in a bigger co. with more than one superviser, the times I really helped a supervisor was when they acknowleged my talents and ability to do the **** no one else would touch. The supervisors who just turned their backs on me and pushed me back into the **** area every day were the ones I hated and wanted to beat up.

All that hard workers want is to either have the other workers be _expected_ to get a clue and make some waves themselves, or to be recognized as being a star and given compensation / recognition / perks or some other form of evening out the inequity of a situation where they can't get a raise or promotion.

Take care of your hard worker before you lose him / her. If you neglect the situation, you will soon be left wondering why he / she left you, and you will have only the chumps to aide you, and they will really suck and piss you off.

94touring 01-08-2004 01:12 AM

Anytime you have to worry about the bad employees, its time to fire them. You shouldn't have to take their incompetence home with you. Always reward the hard worker, because hard workers work hard to be rewarded. They're the first to leave to greener grass if you don't treat them good. Obviously don't fire the good worker. Then you'll just have 3 shitty workers, which are already set in their way.

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