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JerryLH3 12-24-2004 08:26 AM

I forgot one thing. At last count, there were around 45-50 paying members.

jdp3253 12-24-2004 12:42 PM

Originally Posted by Jims5543' date='Dec 23 2004, 08:20 PM
I honestly think the details are irrelavent at this point. What needs to be decided is if there is going to be a future with the MRCCFL.


I'm sure everyone wants MRCCFL to have a future. The question becomes how to get to the future, when for openers:

1. Ian now controls the club's money.

2. His girl friend took sole ownership of the MRCCFL name November 2004.

3. The main MRCCFL list is being completely moderated and censored by Ian.

4. Under his control, he has shut the list down twice since Oct 16

5. He has blocked and banned officers from the officer's list.

6. Twice since Oct 16, he has subverted attempts at elections

7. He chooses not to follow the bylaws and wants to change them to allow for his girl friend to access the club's bank account as MRCCFL Secretary.

Point...these are just some issues blocking MRCCFLs future.

John P.

CantGoStraight 12-24-2004 04:36 PM


You seem upset with Brians agenda (which is his personel choice for his car) not for the direction of the club and it's members. This is important to some members because they want to have some input (that's why they feel paying dues is worth while) others in the club that join but don't pay could care less on what direction it takes. It's a tell me what's going on and if I feel like it I'll come. Those of us that pay and want to be in volved want help from the leaders (chosen or appointed) in getting these goals or ideas accomplished. The dictatorship works if everyone involved wants the same thing and the rest don't care. Brian wants to work with and support the club (fresh idea) but obviously one alot of us felt strongly about. I"ve posted to the main list twice and bothe were moderated from being posted (nothing in it about the demise of the club) so it's one persons personel agenda. Remember opinions are like *******....everyone has one. But the facts are indesputable. Ask those involved. Merry Christmas and see you guys at the Winter retreat (I'll need it !!!) Jack

banzaitoyota 12-28-2004 04:14 PM

Keep your MRCCFL politics and bickering away from the WINTER RETREAT!

JerryLH3 12-28-2004 08:26 PM

Don't worry, we will glady do that.

CantGoStraight 12-29-2004 07:08 AM

This isn't the winter retreat thread ? ? ? ?

Team140 01-05-2005 12:47 PM

Ahh, so much going on here. I guess I should chime in.

I have no hidden agenda to require all RX-7s in the club to have V8 swaps and a pentagram etched into the hood. A lot of people dislike piston engines in RX-7s, but that's my choice. My decision to bring up a club name change as a VOTE after my election was made before I decided to do the V8 swap. I was a member of this club before Ian changed the name to it's current state. I would like to see this club show it's heritage the way it should by reverting back to the original name. Nothing more.

All of my plans I have brought forth will all be brought up for VOTE. I do not want to do something to the club that the majority do not agree with. If subjects are brought up to be voted on and people vote for or against them, then the club will become what it wants to be. I want the club to become what it wants to be, not what *I* want it to be.

I want more participation from club members to shape this club. Face it - club participation is lacking. 50 or so paying members and over 300 list members is pretty small for a statewide club. If members have input and THEY can change the club, it will grow.

At any rate, I will probably be at the Jan 22 meet in Jacksonville (non MRCCFL) and will more than likely be at the Deal's Gap meet.

I'm glad to see this forum starting to take off. The last time I checked it was like a ghost town - just like the lists have become recently. Moderation maybe?

It's still saddening to see that elections have still not been held after what? Four years now. Elections were promised in early December, but they are still not here going into January.

CantGoStraight 01-05-2005 07:07 PM

Seems to me the only voting that will be done is for President. I don't know of any nominations that were accepted before the cutoff (that changed) .

christi 01-06-2005 02:12 PM

Not to beat a dead horse on the stick, but here's the email BEFORE I got booted off the officers list, and it was never sent to the officers... He booted me from the list, took off my mod status and made it to where i cant see posts / make posts on the main list.

I emailed him day in and day out, and it took him a week to answer me why i was moderated.

Now, that i'm partically moderated on the main list, I just choose not to post. It will take 2-3 days for him to look at my post, before it can be sent off. Even if I have rx-7 related topics. There is one othehr mod there, but I',m guessing he told Stef not to send any of my posts through.

Here's the first email to the officers list, but I had to resend it to Ian since i was banned.


You're a compelete Tool.

Take me off the list Ian.

If you DO NOT realize, as let me put it in caps to you, since you want to be GOD DAMN STUBBORN:


happy? Do you only CARE about this CLUB AND WHO IS IN IT? I find it FUNNY that Eddie is STILL apart of the postions, but because someone isnt that hasn't been on in a while, CANT BE? Give me a FKING break!!!

You make me sick by the way these emails have been going IAN. *I* had NO choice but to GET RID OF IT, because of THE MOLD. If you want to DROP my postion then GO AHEAD.

I told you I dont need the stress. Come to Pensacola, and realize what EVERYONE is going through. I bet if I lived out on Bay ST where everyone lost their homes, you'd say "oh you can't join because u don't have a rx-7" blah blah. Get yer head out of yer butt, and realize the REAL issues of it all, and realize that SOME people dont have a place to live, than to WORRY ABOUT a car right now.

That is the most HYPOCRITE and IDIOTIC thing to say ABOUT anyone, who is having MORE problems than you would EVER foresee, OR KNOW.

Good day Ian. Hope you have a "good" holiday, as you just screwed with mine.

- Christi

Officers at MRCCFL <> wrote:

Christi wrote:

> I may or may not be getting a rx-7 for a long while,

> and if I do, it may just be a race - only veichle. If

> I "happen" to get a piston engine, am I not allowed to

> be VP of the Panhandle? Is that wrong?

That is correct. No rotary engine means associate membership which means no

board position. Its in the bylaws. Umm - This just made me think, did you

get rid of your RX7, or is it still in your possession? If you no longer

have it then we might have a conflict with your position :(

which would suck


----- Original Message -----

From: "Officers at MRCCFL"

To: "Officers at MRCCFL"

Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 6:17 AM

Subject: Officers Re:Re:Question regarding Brian Smith


> --- Officers at MRCCFL wrote:

> Don't you think

> > its time to resign your

> > position?

> >

> > Ian Savage

> >



> And you say this is honor? Or being respectful?


> Come on Ian. Give it a rest, please.


> Let me ask you this..


> I may or may not be getting a rx-7 for a long while,

> and if I do, it may just be a race - only veichle. If

> I "happen" to get a piston engine, am I not allowed to

> be VP of the Panhandle? Is that wrong?


> I'm just wondering.


> Christi


> =====

> Christi

> 1988 GXL NA - RIP waiting for a new engine...

> 1991 'vertible - Totalled :( Sept 25, 2004.

> Will soon be getting another one....






> __________________________________

> Do you Yahoo!?

> Send holiday email and support a worthy cause. Do good.



> QUOTE: If a team is to reach its potential, each player must be willing to

subordinate his personal goals to the good of the team ~ Bud Wilkinson

> [Sponsored by:]

An email after that was sent to him again:

OL what language?

Giv eme a break. You took me off because I do not own a rx-7.

Guess what ian. Boot me. I don't care anymore. I was going to vote for you, but screw it.

I never knew "screw" was a cuss word.

Guess what? You're messing up your chance with everything you "had".. I can not believe how IGNORNANT and power tripping you are becoming. I hope yer happy.

Maybe I shouldn't have called you a tool? But you and karen can do whatever you want to everyone on the list. you and Karen can say crap abotu Ken and Ron, but if we , *gasp* for heaven bid do something "not" against your "statue" or whatever, We're banned????

Nice job yet again Ian.

Guess what. If you're going to be that stubborn than boot me. I told you once, I'll say it again. I do not HAVE the life i had before. I do not have the POWER to get a RX7 right away. Did you know, it's hard to get a rx-7 now adays? Did you know it's not my choice to PICK UP ANY TYPE OF RX-7 now? Did you also know that my parents want to get me a CLEAN rx-7 that RUNS and will LAST me a LONG WHILE. Did you also know that my life is at stake of currently where we currently live? I can't even go to COLLEGE at this moment because of ONLY one CAR that doesn't HARDLY run.

I can't get a job for that same reason. And you expect me to have a car RIGHT NOW, THEN and HERE..?????? Please:!!!!! Come to Pcola. See what mess we're all at. Actually, get yer butt in Gulf Breeze, go around the city, tell me what yer saying here, in my face. See if you CAN DO IT. I doubt you can.

I doubt you'd tell someone who is having more problems than you'd EVER FORESEE anything behind the point of a CAR , to their face. Listen what yer saynig before you send yer emails. What you did hurt me, but It shouldn't matter anymore, Ian. Obiviously you got yer wish. So do whatever the heck you want. I don't give a flat rat's butt anymore.

Officers at MRCCFL <> wrote:

wow, that was quick. Already added me to the block list? I have sent about 4 other replies including a test mail, and none which have worked, or sent through. I have done nothing wrong,

Profanity and abusive language. We talked about that the other day.

Ian Savage

----- Original Message -----

From: Officers at MRCCFL

To: Officers at MRCCFL

Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 11:03 PM

Subject: Officers Well then...


wow, that was quick. Already added me to the block list? I have sent about 4 other replies including a test mail, and none which have worked, or sent through. I have done nothing wrong, but you fail to see that *I* i have more problems to rely on than a car at this moment. I rather get my life back together, than worry about not having a car - though that'd be great if i did.

oh well, enjoy what powers you got left. I've done nothing wrong, obiviously I did. I give up.

- Christi


1988 GXL NA - RIP waiting for a new engine...

1991 'vertible - Totalled :( Sept 25, 2004.

Will soon be getting another one....


Let me sum it up for you:

I was taken off the officers list, because I have no current rx-7s. I think that's a bit childish, as seening Karen, on the other hand, I think she just got her 7 lasnt year, and has been on the officers list for how many years that Ian has been the owner of MRCCFL?

He has scared alot of our members off, it took me a while to figure out what was going on, but the **** he did to me, because of the incident that has been going on since the hurricane, uh no.

People who are on the outside who don't know the full story and are still on Ian's side, maybe you should read what really is going on. Ian is telling you one thing and telling you to believe him and everything everyone else says is bullshit.

Jim, Ken and Ron gave EVERY single bank statement you can find throughout the time Ian was "MIA". They didn't steal, they didn't hide any of the money. ITS ALL THERE. On the link Jerry posted above.

Ian, on the other hand, hasn't even given a statement but a "letter" to show people he has $800 in the account. It took him 2 months after Ken and Ron gave the bank statemnts, to put Jerry on the account.

Since Damian gave the check to Ian, we haven't heard word of what's been going on with the finical sutitation besides ian demanding more statemnts from Ron and Ken. THERE ARE NO MORE!!

Lastly, in the last email on the "other list" of MRCCFL, Ian has threaten Brian with a lawyer. A LAWYER??? For what? He wants to take Brian to court, I'll go with Brian. We have done nothing to Ian, to make him get a lawyer. He is just bullshitting everyone, and trying to cause something that shouldn't even be set loose WITH THE LAW. That is something YOU DONT MESS WITH.

I'm done....

74rx4 01-06-2005 09:35 PM

Originally Posted by Jims5543' date='Dec 24 2004, 05:57 AM
You see, outsider looking in syndrome. Again I understand all your frustrations now.

And thank you for doing that. It was awesome. I wish we could have done it again last year. At least we got a good turn out displaying cars.

I got to thinking about this whole deal.

I think the days of strong car clubs are passing. They were important years ago when there was no internet to communicate with. But now with forums and mailing lists etc... its very easy to organize and announce a meet for a certain kind of interest wether it be Z-cars or Porsches or RX-7's.

Damian is already planning a dyno day and it deosnt seem to be a MRCCFL event.

Also how many paid members are there? How many showed up at the Speedsource BBQ? A lot and a majority were RX7Club memebers and not MRCCFL members.

Dropping out of the elections for the MRCCFL isnt going to fix this. Jerry or Damian would be good logical next choices. I hope Brian does not get elected I do not like his agenda.

In March of 2002 Ian and the officer's agreed to use Ken's business account to collect money, on the web, with payment available by credit card. The officer's had repeatedly asked Ian to provide a Paypal link so the Club could take in money over the website. He never did this. Ian knew Ken was taking in the money and, in fact was provided with a transaction record in March 2003 when he and Karen came to my house in Naples. In June of 2004 the transaction list was posted to the officer's list. Two important facts to consider. During the time Ken was collecting the money he and I paid for every issue of the newsletter, membership cards, decals, and food for several BBQs. If you look at the transaction list...

you will find very few debits. These were credit card reversals when the Rollex event was cancelled last year. We did not use the club money that we had. When Ian started asking for an audit and accusing us of whatever he could think of, the money was immediately relinquished by Ken. In less than a week the money was out of Ken's hands. We did this on our own. No one (even Ian) demanded the money. The big stink started when Ian wanted to put all the money in a bank account that no one but he had ever seen statements from or could sign checks for. Take note that no records have ever been seen by any members or officers before March 2003. During that time $5000-$8000 was collected to pay for the 2002 Rollex event.

I have been sad to see some of your comments, Jim. I value your opinion and respect your contributions to the rotary community. You met Ken and I when we brought food to the autocross event you put on in Orlando. You saw what we did. What we did there is the same thing we did in Pensacola, in October, Ft. Lauderdale, in January (where I arranged for us to visit Speed Source), and Tampa in September. The Orlando event was the first time we did not pay for the food from our own pockets. You were kind enough to make sure the cost was covered. I felt bad when you said how much you lost on the event.

What are we getting out of this? We volunteer, donate our own money, keep the club's money intact and deliver it immediately. The only reason we had any control is because no one else wanted to do the things we were willing to do and pay for them. I think it is sad that I need to defend my actions when I have donated much of my time and money to the club. I have not resigned as an officer and I will not. Ian may remove me at any time, but I will not quit. I will not fight over this, but I felt I must answer some of the comments on this thread. Keep in mind this is a club with less than 43 paying members, it has never had more than 50.

Sadly, I have decided not to attend Winterfest due to this situation. I have to agree with Banzaitoyota, we should keep MRCCFL's problems away.

Ron Slabach

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