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Another Girfriend Thread!

Old 02-12-2004, 01:34 PM
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"just in case we brake up".

Hey Defprun, always thinking about cars aren't you!!
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Old 02-12-2004, 01:42 PM
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Man, ask yourself one question, the way you feel now. . . Is that the way you want it for the rest of your life?

Sometimes, people make choices they regret.

But this is all part of learning, understanding what is best for you.

If she is "unsure", why do you feel so bad?

Should you let her go figure it out. . .

Go with your first instinct! You'll never steer yourself wrong.
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Old 02-12-2004, 01:53 PM
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This sounds really similiar to something that happened to me. It was only at like 1 year and 5 months but my GF got alittle freaked out cause it was a serious relationship and she wasnt sure if she wanted one and it jsut got worse till eventually she was gonna break up with me. she started acting differntly and started being a bitch and i started to get less (she is also a nympho) and she would always get mad whenever i looked at something personal of hers. eventually she realized she was really confused and apolagized for the whole thing and we have been toghter since.

I dont think you should talk to her and let her work it out herself it sounds like something is bothering her. dont go asking her about she will get really mad but let her come to you.

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Old 02-12-2004, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by SpecialT' date='Feb 12 2004, 11:42 AM
Man, ask yourself one question.......
just think about it.... what would brian boitano do?
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Old 02-12-2004, 02:06 PM
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Originally Posted by MazdaMike' date='Feb 12 2004, 08:20 AM
i gotta agree with sidewinder on this one. ive been on the evil side of a couple of breakups and it always starts innocent flirty but can grow into phone conversations hanging out in public then private which is what u wanna stop

depending on how fast this guy works he might just be makinf friends with her subconsciously.. err... showing her how good of a guy he is and what shes missing out on. her shying away from u seems to me more like shes questioning if ur the right one or she should be with somone else (ie wonder guy)

girls are dumb like that the guy could be like "hold on ill be right back in gonna read my baby sister a bedtime story" and hell go take a dump reading a playboy while the chick thinks hes mr wonderful and is soaking up the seat waiting for him.

find out who she talks to if she has any new guy friends "were just friends" NO theyre never just friends a guy is a friend if hes working his way to ***. check her call log on the cell ask questions jsut dont be psycho stalker.

good luck
hahahahah... oh man.. thats good mike. Because its sooooo true.

Fact is, if you know how to manipulate a girls mind, she WILL cheat on her boyfriend. All you have to do is understand what a girl needs to hear. If she has a boyfriend, it makes it 10 times easier. Especially at that young of an age.

"youre such a great girl, i mean.. you are young, you shouldny be tied down. Sure hes a good guy, but think of all the fun youre missing out on. These are your young years, sometimes you have to be a little selfish. Maybe breaking up woult be better for both of you?" etc.. etc.. this puts doubt into her aboput your relationship. Give it about 2 weeks of talking to her like that, and BAM, your *** is getting cheated on.

Girls are lame.
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Old 02-12-2004, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by gazellis' date='Feb 12 2004, 11:34 AM
Hey Defprun, always thinking about cars aren't you!!
Yeah pretty much. Went from dreaming of the gf to dreaming of the 7 again!

Ahhh, the good old days.

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Old 02-12-2004, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Baldy' date='Feb 12 2004, 08:26 AM
females aren't stupid, guys just can't "steal" them away. They choose to go with someone else, it's a choice. You can't just get rid of the other guy and assume everything will be fine.
believe me baldy, you can manipulate a girls mind to extremes. Especially if there is already doubt or self esteem issues in the first place. I actually did 3 different unrelated field studies on this, all witht eh same conclusion. Took 3 totally different girls, in long term (3-4 year) relationships, made sure they fit the profile of your typical young girl in a long term relationship, that have never cheated .. or in their words, never even thought about it.

moving onto the actual experiment. By knowing the basics in human social interaction you can hold a conversation. By knowing more advanced techniques you can begin to build a "bond". Of course will will most likely be lying out your mouth the whole time. Once you have a bond, you pretend like youre just a friend. Youre not interested in having sex with her or trying to be with her. "late night talking" continues for about a week. Then you gradually throw in some sexual tension by bringing up a past girlfriend (this is a safe zone, because youre talking about another girl and sex, not her and sex) that you make up. Make up a story about some wild sexual experience you guys had, blah blah... this will get her imagination flowing and her hormones turned on. The next week you spend on getting her to be attracted to you, and out of the temporary friends zone.

now, the past 2 weeks you've been talking to this girl. She has opened up to you alot... you BETTER know by now how her thought process works and what her insecurities are. Now you play off them. Inject doubt into her relationship by telling stories of all the fun times you have being single. Of all the opprotunities shes missing out on, etc. Now she is thinking you are a great friend, a great lover, and fun to be around. 3 KEY ingredients to building attraction. Now she is more infatuated with you than her current boyfriend. Maybe now invite her out with you for some innocent shopping, or going for a drive. Something small ... get her to talk about her relationship, and everytime you can, shoot it down. The 3rdish week, invite her over for movies late at night. Everyone knows humans dont think clearly at night, so this is the best time to make a move. If you want, break out the wine (even better) and make some dinner. Pop in the movie and lay on the couch. Eventually flirty touching will increase and turn into more sexual exploring. Now, by shooting her down all the time last week everytime she talked about her boyfriend, she has learned to not think about him or talk about him when around you. You set this up a week ago if you did it right. Then, oohhh look... she just had sex with you.

In the morning she will feel special, she will feel wanted, etc.. she will probably continue blindly for another week. After that reality sets in and she will begin to feel guilty. 3 out of the 3 that i documented the experiment on told their boyfriends 3 months after it had happend. They are all broken up now.

There is more too it, but im writing a book on it, so you can read it then

but basically what im saying, is that young girls minds are very easy to manipulate if you know how their minds work. And i know the girls on here are going to jump on me and say "NOT ALL GIRLS ARE LIKE THAT" .. or "IM DIFFERENT!" .. etc.. fact is you are different, but attraction is on an instict level, where WE ARE ALL THE SAME. Same goes for guys too, if a girl knows how to use a guys instincs well, she can have whatever she wants.

And i know you cant "steal them away", it is their choice, but its you making that choice for them. Think of it like this.. youre moving the ball without touching it.
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Old 02-12-2004, 06:37 PM
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thats all so true..

so from what you know how can a boyfriend prevent this? or is it just like gambling on the fact that it wont happen to her?
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Old 02-12-2004, 06:40 PM
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Originally Posted by sidewinderx7' date='Feb 12 2004, 05:15 AM
Its like this... i was a pro at stealing girlfriends, i know how it works I was a bad guy ...

anyways, if i was a guy and i saw your girl and wanted her, i was begin to talk to her. Once i found out she had a boyfriend of 3 years thats almost like a free pass...

it goes ALOT deeper than this, but girls like projects. Once a girl is done with you or is no longer attracted to you, she will stay with you until she finds another guy. Girls are like monkeys, they wont let go of one branch until they grab another.

If she has little or no interest in having sex, talking, being around, and is acting 'strange', etc... something big is obviously up. I've watched MANY girls lie to their boyfriends about this type of deal. And believe me, they arent creative and they all do the exact same things. Chances are she has found another guy that has caught her attention. You are no longer desireable to her, and chances of getting her to like you again will most likely fail unless you know how a girl thinks.

My advice to you, is like cym said, sit her down and ask her about it. I personally would ask her straight out if she was messing around with other guys. That way she has no little sneaky loop hole to claim she never 'lied' .. etc. Girls are good at that. But after that, the only way to really find out is to tap her phones, watch her computer, follow her around, etc.. basically be a creepy stalker for a day or 2. Then you will know for sure ... girls are sneaky, and believe me, even the ones that say they will NEVER cheat and have been with their boyfriends for years and years .... THEY ALL CHEAT. its sad.

i'll tell her to go kick rocks.
me and sidewinder actually have something in common, gasp.

i have a bad rep in my town for stealing g/f's.

and yes its very easy when guys have been with girls for a year or more.

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Old 02-12-2004, 06:43 PM
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thats so gay though

are they just highly suggestive or is there anything sincere in it all?
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