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Almost Ran A Traffic Cop Over This Morning

Old 06-09-2003, 04:47 PM
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go on a shooting rampage so you have a real reason to be arrested!

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Old 06-09-2003, 04:49 PM
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Originally Posted by sunshine' date='Jun 9 2003, 03:07 PM
UPDATE: I ended up calling a leaving an appologeting messege with the dispatcher. Got a call back from a detective, he says he wants me to come in for a chit-chat. I told him I would come in this evening after work.

It looks like they are going to slap me with a summons. Workst case scenario...I think they will either try and claim eluding police, or more likely reckless driving.

Either way, I'm about to be barked at by a mean detective. Damn...I wansnt thinking this was just instinct to swerve away from an object directly in my path. ****.
omg, you are sooooooo, well for lack of a better word, dumb.

reckless driving is like 5 points, if you get careless thats 2, eluding police is an arrestable offense, and a detective asking for a chit chat means they'l slap you with anything possible.

id go there with an attorney to be quite honest with you.

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Old 06-09-2003, 06:47 PM
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First off what offense did he commit? He did nthing wrong. It is okay for people to make mistakes. I have been pulled over by a cop like that and it scared the hell out of me. I got pissed and told him off. I got a ticket but who cares? He was gonna give me one anyways.

If you go in the you did more then most others would do. I wouldn't have called. And I think they will take this into consideration. If you go to court then you should take a lawyer. But I don't think you were driving wrecklessly. I wouldn't worry too much.
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Old 06-09-2003, 09:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Joe Flo' date='Jun 9 2003, 06:47 PM
First off what offense did he commit? He did nthing wrong. It is okay for people to make mistakes. I have been pulled over by a cop like that and it scared the hell out of me. I got pissed and told him off. I got a ticket but who cares? He was gonna give me one anyways.

If you go in the you did more then most others would do. I wouldn't have called. And I think they will take this into consideration. If you go to court then you should take a lawyer. But I don't think you were driving wrecklessly. I wouldn't worry too much.
they wont take jack **** into consideration.

they asked me down for a "chit-chat" the day they threw me into passaic county jail for the weekend. Cops are eviiiiiiiiiiiillllllll and will try to **** you over.

Make sure he reads your miranda rights, and im telling you HAVE AN ATTORNEY PRESENT. If he just sits there and says nothing it'll at least show the cops they cant trick you into admitting and getting ticketted for **** you shouldn't. cops are scared of attorneys cause you cant trick their clients while theyre there.

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Old 06-09-2003, 10:28 PM
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the miranda rights do **** for you. My friend got arrested for being drunk at dunkin donuts. They did not read him the miranda rights. He got a lawyer b/c he had to go to court and what not and the lawyer said that that won't help.

The reason cops **** me off is that the officers of the "law" don't need to abide by it in ANY WAY!!!! My friend gets off tickets way worse than any of mine b/c his dad is police chief. WTF?! Does that make him better(he is the most ignorant, dumb piece of ****, sometimes)? My neighbor has smoked up with the police chief from a nearby town. I'm not saying all cops are bad but A LOT of them are ******** with no respect and they will never get any of mine until they show me they deserve it. At least that's what i have experienced.

Sorry for the sudden and somewhat unrelated burst.
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Old 06-09-2003, 10:54 PM
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I think they get class's on how to be total ********....

In fact american police are a big reason why I dont ever want to live in the states again.
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Old 06-09-2003, 11:42 PM
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3 of my best friends are police officers, and i dont like people calling them pigs. your the ******* pig

I doubt that you can be charged with anything, for you made a mistake and swerved. Lucky that policeman wasnt in NY, he would have gotten run over.

When you go into the station, if you start to get scared and fell as if you are being charged with a "crime", demand an attorney
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Old 06-10-2003, 08:43 AM
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UPDATE #2: So I went in for the little chit-chat with the detective last night. Turns out that this detective is also the same person who was acting the "traffic cop" that morning. WTF...a detrective pulling traffic duty? Anyways, He had me in for an hour and a half. It consisted of 45 minutes of lecturing about all the possible things that I can be charged with, 30 of writting out two tickets, and 15 minutes of pulling up my records.

Here's what he said: He said I pissed him off big time by doing what I did. I dont think he got my plates because he said he would have put an unmarked squad car on that road for as long as it took for me to drive by again, which is when he would have pulled me over and arreasted me. By calling in, I saved myself being thrown in jail and getting charged a criminal offence (he said).

The possible offences (His side of the story): Attempted vehicular mansalughter (criminal) - occured as I pointed my car at him to pass on the left. Eluding police (criminal) - as I pulled to the right to swerve from hitting him. Wreckless driving, failure to obey an officers signal, and passing on the right.

My side of the story: Now, I did not defend myself in any way as he was making all the above claims, as I did not want to infuriate him in any manner thus making life for myself more difficult than nessessary.

1) BUT, Attempted Vehuicular manslaughter - this is the biggest crock of ****, as he endangered himself by stepping IN FRONT of a moving vehicle. It is just mind boggling to me that he would even bring that up, shows to me that he was grasping at straws.

2) Eluding Police - I looked in my rear view mirror, and did not see any signal from him to pull over.

3) I did "technically" pass on the right.

4) I did NOT obey his signal to turn right.

So after the long lecture about how I could have killed him, and about how if he had his way that morning he would have...and I quote..."jumped in his squad car, tracked me down, pulled me out of my car, thrown me on the hood, kicked in my ***** and teeth, and thrown me in jail for the night so I can cry my little eyes out" (he said exactly that). BTW, he also said that he would have been justified to "empty his clip into me as soon as I pointed my car at him" Which is bullshit...again...he stepped in front of me. By swerving, I believe that I saved his miserable life.

In short: I am going to pay the two tickets that he wrote out. 1) failure to obey signal, and 2) passing on the right. It will cost about $200 in total.

There is a lesson to be learned here. Most cops are ******. BUT I feel that I do deserve what I got as a punishment. I excersized very poor judgement that morning. I should have just made that right turn. In all, I take his "speech" with a grain of salt, as I know that he was just trying to scare me a little. I fould it challenging to not refute his rediculous claims, but insted bite my tounge and look as pathetic as possible.

I got the only two charges that he could realistically stick me with. The end.

Sorry for the long post. And thanks to all who gave their advice. Guys...don't drive like ******, its not worth it.
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Old 06-10-2003, 08:51 AM
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Passing on the right? Who did you pass?
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Old 06-10-2003, 08:53 AM
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GOD DAMMIT THESE ARE THE ***** THAT GIVE COPS BAD NAMES. okay this is what you do. you take this **** to court. he doesn't have **** on you and if you explain yourself you will get off. i'm telling you he has nothing on you. you didn't do anything wrong in the first place, and if you want to i would press charges with his superiors for terroristic threatening. i don't care who he thinks he is he is not allowed to talk to someone that way. i would call an attorney and tell him the story. don't let yourself get screwed. wtf dude did you listen to anything we told you!?!
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