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Old 01-09-2004, 03:37 PM
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it should still go, if you can turn the motor (it's not stuck) I would look at the other stuff, fuel, air, spark, timing. The front rotor should at least fire if your rear is fucked, try putting some MMO in the combustion chambers, maybe you have been flooding it?

don't use ATF... it's not the greatest thing in the world, and you have a fresh rebuild, carbon is not a concern, MMO all the way.

good luck, I wouldnt go tearing it apart just yet.
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Old 01-09-2004, 06:27 PM
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It should still go, if you can turn the motor (it's not stuck) I would look at the other stuff, fuel, air, spark, timing. The front rotor should at least fire if your rear is fucked, try putting some MMO in the combustion chambers, maybe you have been flooding it?

You know, that's my impression too!

It's like its not getting a spark to give it that kick to fire. When I take the plugs out (BOSCH W06CS) they are still dry, which is unusual. When I was playing with the timing I had to clean the plugs each time as they got very wet and oily. Now they are dry. Maybe I should order some new plugs and see what happens?

I considered the 'flooding' angle so I took the plugs out and turned the engine over. Is it normal for the Trailing plug hole to blow air and the the LEading plug hole to blow fuel?

Good luck, I wouldnt go tearing it apart just yet.

That's not something I really want to do at this stage. I am still getting the three 'puffs' that indicates apex seals are in place.

And there was no metal in the oil filter, which I just cut in half!

Thanks guys (and maybe gal/s)

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Old 01-09-2004, 06:33 PM
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Have you worked on the engine sence?

Maby have the carb off or something and inadvertenly left something in the runners while you were working on it to keep anything from wandering into the engine? happend to a friend of mine. Took him almost a day to figure out what the hell he did. the papertowel worked its way all to the bottom of the LIM iirc

thats the only thing i can think of
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Old 01-09-2004, 07:37 PM
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Have you worked on the engine sence?


I started the engine late one night but had to shut it off after only a minute due to noise restrictions here.

Then I came back to it after I'd spent a day working on other things - braking system, wheel clean, etc.

It started OK, but then just died before it could really get going. Maybe I gave the throttle a squeeze too hard and killed it. But it sounded like it dropped a rotor (which as I said earlier) is not unusual. Normally a quick clean of the plugs and its right again.

But since then it hasn't even looked like firing.

I dropped the oil out, changed the filter, refilled with new oil, cleaned the plugs and recharged the battery. Nothing has worked to this point.

Maybe the starter motor died - it cops a beating when trying to start it and I did notice a small amount of smoke coming from it.

Or possibly the battery is not giving it enough kick (even though my battery condition meter is telling me its OK and fully charged!). I tried a friend's booster but it just clicked - not enough power in a standard battery to start this sucker!

That's the story so far


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Old 01-11-2004, 04:50 PM
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I don't know whether anyone can shed any more light on this problem but just to update on the situation as it now stands:

I checked for spark and there is definite spark at the plugs

I removed the fuel pump, regulator and fuel filter to check for fuel flow. The filter could be blocked as there was some debris in the line from the foam in the fuel tank. I will replace the fuel filter. Even with more pressure and better flow the engine still refuses to fire.

So we have spark, fuel and I can crank the engine by hand OK.

I think I will take the starter motor out and check it as after two or three attempts to crank her over, the starter motor gets very hot, too hot to touch. there was also a wisp of smoke from the s.m. so maybe its burnt out.

Very frustrating


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Old 01-11-2004, 05:01 PM
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do a compression test prior to pulling the motor, also check your fuses, and all connections. Until you see what compression is I would not pull the motor. Also try swapping in a new set of plugs, Frestyles side port brand new required a new set of plugs to get it running after we installed everything, including the Haltech. Just because you have spark does not mean there is enough juice through the plugs to light off the mixture.
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Old 01-11-2004, 05:12 PM
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Pull start it!!! Sounds like all the new seals need to break in, most likely really flooded. Start little and work to big ****.
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Old 01-12-2004, 11:24 PM
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I don't know man. To many variables. You have to get back to basics. Good strong battery, a starter that definitly works, and good clean working plugs. Then norrow it down from there by first checking compression, then fuel system, then ignition, etc.. Process of elimination. If you don't like the compression numbers your getting out of the that rear rotor then you may want to go ahead and take that header unit out so you can get a look at your seals. Good luck and Let us know what you get.

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Old 01-12-2004, 11:27 PM
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Oh yeah and don't stress it. Even the most organized guy's can miss something on their first rebuild. I did. You live through this, trust me.

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Old 01-14-2004, 04:05 AM
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We have lift-off, Houston!

Thanks to all the guys on this board for the advice. I have fired up the beast!

I checked the spark plugs and re-gapped them to the FM at 1.4mm. Don't know where I got the previous gap but it was far too close.

I replaced the fuel filter with a larger item and got much better pressure and flow.

Then we removed the starter motor and disassembled it. It looked a bit worse for wear so we cleaned it and checked all the connections. One of the four magnets had its connection broken so we fixed that. I reassembled it this afternoon and installed it.

Engine fired first go and ran strongly.

I reset the timing and now she's running beautifully, albeit a bit high in the revs ~ between 1.5 and 2K but I'll sort that tomorrow.

Once again ~ Many Thanks

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