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phinsup 03-30-2005 10:42 PM

If you had say $150k to invest in a business of sorts, you know something to keep you out of trouble, make some money, etc, etc... What would you do?

And I am being serious here so err, yea

Dakmis 03-30-2005 10:46 PM

i myself would think of a detailing business... along with some amateur photography.

phinsup 03-30-2005 10:50 PM

[quote name='Dakmis' date='Mar 30 2005, 11:45 PM']i myself would think of a detailing business... along with some amateur photography.



Seems like i see them everywhere here.

Sinful7 03-30-2005 10:51 PM

Honest to god I'd open a bar.

phinsup 03-30-2005 10:53 PM

[quote name='Sinful7' date='Mar 30 2005, 11:51 PM']Honest to god I'd open a bar.



Yea i thought that, but the initial expense is much greater then 150k, not to mention the initial overhead, ideal business would be something with under 150k invest to begin and minimal staff at first until things take off.

Eric Happy Meal 03-30-2005 10:54 PM

ive never had any sort of answer for these questions... never know what id want to do.

Seppuku 03-30-2005 11:06 PM

Shop, working on ferrari's and other vehicles of that type.

GreyGT-C 03-30-2005 11:08 PM

3 words.... titty bar.

turbovr6 03-30-2005 11:12 PM

I'd vote for the titty bar. Seriously though you know I would be down to help you out with a shop. It can be very stressfull at times, but with the right people, and a good customer base profit potential is unlimited, with a very low overhead. I wanted to do it here, but property is just too much damn money in NJ

twinturborx7pete 03-30-2005 11:12 PM

porn... make shitloads of money legally.

nismo convert 03-30-2005 11:14 PM

^ he doesn't lie

amp 03-30-2005 11:17 PM

id invest it in realty instead of a business...

nismo convert 03-30-2005 11:22 PM

diving school, or, invest in a race track

spaceman Spiff 03-30-2005 11:35 PM

id start a private shop and just start out doing a few cars and eventualy grow.

94touring 03-30-2005 11:49 PM

I remember you asked this not too long ago. Must have 150k burning a hole in your pocket. Well I guess it depends on what you're interested in. You have to find something your passionate about to suceed. I've been growing interested in doing body work and paint. Or maybe open a small cafe or something.

twinturborx7pete 03-30-2005 11:57 PM

just that shops and cafes, restaraunts.. they usually last for about a year or two and go under... u have to really have something going for you to keep going. You can always buy a franchise... then u can make a good return on your money.

Real estate is a good thing too.. buy a couple properties and rent them out... gain equity and spending money.>/cool.png porn was a good idea too...>/tongue.png

Srce 03-31-2005 01:04 AM

[quote name='twinturborx7pete' date='Mar 31 2005, 12:12 AM']porn... make shitloads of money legally.



I was gonna say the same thing, clean lesbian porn. For lesbians!!!

UniqueTII 03-31-2005 01:05 AM

I'd start a restaurant...but then again, I love to cook.

Rob x-7 03-31-2005 06:04 AM

bar owners usually end up divorced, broke, and alcoholic

at least the 4 that I knew did, lol

real estate! My boss bought cars in the 80's, now he has cars worth the same money, if he bought real estate that would have been worth 10 times what he paid for it.

Real estate also gives you good equity and capital to potentially invest in other things, like once your real estate has some equity in it you could always fall back on it if hard times hit, if you open a business and it tanks then your just broke- unless of course you bought the property and it gains value>/wink.png

There are alot of detail shops in Florida, you cant make money doing it there for the crackhead prices they charge- consider a car wash instead, even one of those self serve ones generate tons of cash income.

Maybe a little internet/cigar cafe/lounge

banzaitoyota 03-31-2005 07:19 AM

A good deli/doughnut shop.

Pet Crematorium.

I would avoid detailing/lawn service. Too much cheep labor out there, and the cheep labor leaders have figured out how to run these businesses.

My own future "plan" would be to open an Auto Hobby Shop. You would provide garage space, access to lifts, rent specialty tools and Offer Storage units for rent.

Have a changing/shower area avaialble. A small snack/burger bar. Have an arrangemet with the local parts house to deliver parts. Offer Mail Order Parts. Keep a small stock of oil and commom items on hand.

You could have cruise nights and offer a place to "chill" away from the "man". Of course this would require the sevices of a rental cop to enforce.

phinsup 03-31-2005 07:36 AM

[quote name='94touring' date='Mar 31 2005, 12:49 AM']I remember you asked this not too long ago. Must have 150k burning a hole in your pocket. Well I guess it depends on what you're interested in. You have to find something your passionate about to suceed. I've been growing interested in doing body work and paint. Or maybe open a small cafe or something.



I asked a similar question, but i asked it with some slightly different variables.... and I wouldn't say "burning a hole".

ambassador_josh 03-31-2005 07:37 AM

Real estate's where its at. But if I had 150k, I'd invest it, save enough out of my potential earnings for any capital gains taxes, then reinvest whats left over, with a shitty day job on the side. Go long term, diversified to the hilt so a enron-like scandal doesnt render me broke, and after 10 years, go to mexico with my cool quarter mil, start a bar on the beach, selling beer to underage American spring breakers while selling the videos of the inevitable boobie flashes across the internet in a GGW type manner. Save every dime not needed to sustain my life, and reinvest it. Move to Northern California once my fortune reaches 400k, integrate myself into politics. Work my way up to mayor, then state representative, then announce my bid for the presidential seat. PROMISE to lower gas prices to ensure the working man's vote, then watch as the rich elite squim as a "commoner" rises to their ranks. Always have an honest answer for questions posed about my sordid past regarding my Mexican entrepeneurship, promising the American people that while it may appear shady to an extent, I provided happiness to those people, as I shall with my 1st term in office. Become elected to the presidency of the USA. Avoid BJ scandal from chunky intern. Efficiently run country in a manner that makes America wonder what the **** they were smoking to elect George Bush into office TWICE. Make EMU the new national bird. Hell, bald eagles are almost extinct, and if theres anything the state of the world has taught me these days, ITS TIME TO MOVE ON. Deliver to the cheering masses Osama bin Laden's head. Under the pretense of "Gross misconduct and negligence on the part of rogue terrorists attempting to build an atomic device," nuke the fuckers... get reelected as the country's best president since FDR. Start legislature to legalize gay marriage, and make a polite mockery of the tyrannical rule of the country by the "moral majorty" (****'em anyway) and have howard stern come back to broadcast radio? Got a problem with it? change the station. RE-legalize the Home Recording Act, and stop the MPAA and RIAA from harassing my taxpayers. Get the homeless off the streets EVEN if that means we dont have to buy new F-18s every year. Become Time magazine's Man of the Year, and start a nationwide petition of Mazda to bring back the friggin FD. Take my $200k/yr salary, and invest back in the stock market. Place gas guzzler taxes on SUVs and actively promote awareness that your HUGE ASS UNSAFE EVERYTHINGS A FRIGGIN BLIND SPOT BECAUSE YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE THE HORIZON OVER YOUR HOOD NON OFFROADING SAVING YOUR LIFE AT THE EXPENSE OF WHOEVER IT IS YOU RUN OVER BECAUSE YOU DIDNT EVEN SEE THEM is not the way to go. The GVW of your vehicle doesnt determine your penis size. Revamp Social security to people who've actually paid something into it (children not included) and start a systematic check to make sure people on it actually need it. Gracefully cede from the presidency, leaving a lasting impression on the youth, the young, and the old. Have a highschool named after me. Or two. And yes, make them spell my last name correctly. THEN get into porno, where the real money's at.

phinsup 03-31-2005 07:38 AM

[quote name='amp' date='Mar 31 2005, 12:16 AM']id invest it in realty instead of a business...



That's investing, this is a separate equation, I'm looking to get into something i enjoy doing AND making money while doing it.

ambassador_josh 03-31-2005 07:42 AM

banzai that would be a good idea. I wonder what insurance on a place that allows people such into dangerous situations like that would cost, though. Oh well, I guess you could have a lawyer draw up a good no-fault waver before some dumbass has his hoopty crush him like the wicked witch on Wizard of Oz.

phinsup 03-31-2005 07:43 AM

OK, maybe I should refraise this. Let's just say for arguments sake....

You have 400k in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.... and 150k to invest in a business, you see your 400k is your nest egg, but I wanna do something each day that 1) I enjoy 2) puts money in my pocket 3) is low stress. You see there has to be something, there's tons of small businesses out there thriving, especially here locally, its the fastest growing city in the US.

So back to the question, assuming your retirement was handled and you had $150k to throw at something to keep you busya nd pay your bills what would it be?

ambassador_josh 03-31-2005 07:47 AM

other than become the most powerful man in the world? Start a security business, securing people's wireless networks. Plant the seed of what can happen if someone gets access to their network (**AA lawsuits for pirating, blame for a worldwide virus if launched from your unprotected IP address) thus creating the market, then bill out the ass to ensure this doesnt happen to them. Just think of all the "I'm at a customer's house" threads you could have then!!!

Cheers! 03-31-2005 07:47 AM

It too depends on what skill you have. To open a shop to service cars you have to know the trade. Without a mechanics certificate you are a bit limited to a small audience. Can you weld? What about machine? stuff like that needs to be factored in, unless you are going to hire someone and you sit behind the desk. That probably won't work for a small start business, you are goign to need to get your hands dirty.

For me if I had 150K (i most likely need more) is to provide welding equipment rental in Ottawa or a smaller sized city that does not have this service readily available. I would then expand it to provide the welder service too, services such as underwater welding or aeropsace, wherein I recieve the contract/job and I staff that job from a list of people I know can do it. I take a cut and they take a cut, and I make money as well on renting out the machines.

ambassador_josh 03-31-2005 07:49 AM

[quote name='ambassador_josh' date='Mar 31 2005, 07:47 AM']other than become the most powerful man in the world? Start a security business, securing people's wireless networks. Plant the seed of what can happen if someone gets access to their network (**AA lawsuits for pirating, blame for a worldwide virus if launched from your unprotected IP address) thus creating the market, then bill out the ass to ensure this doesnt happen to them. Just think of all the "I'm at a customer's house" threads you could have then!!!



Hell, you could even call it

"SCOTT'S WIFI SECURITY-We plug your holes"

phinsup 03-31-2005 07:52 AM

[quote name='ambassador_josh' date='Mar 31 2005, 08:47 AM']other than become the most powerful man in the world?



So you wanna be Bill Gates?

ambassador_josh 03-31-2005 07:52 AM

wouldnt mind, hell, i like k-mart>/smile.png

phinsup 03-31-2005 07:53 AM

[quote name='Cheers!' date='Mar 31 2005, 08:47 AM']It too depends on what skill you have. To open a shop to service cars you have to know the trade. Without a mechanics certificate you are a bit limited to a small audience. Can you weld? What about machine? stuff like that needs to be factored in, unless you are going to hire someone and you sit behind the desk. That probably won't work for a small start business, you are goign to need to get your hands dirty.

For me if I had 150K (i most likely need more) is to provide welding equipment rental in Ottawa or a smaller sized city that does not have this service readily available. I would then expand it to provide the welder service too, services such as underwater welding or aeropsace, wherein I recieve the contract/job and I staff that job from a list of people I know can do it. I take a cut and they take a cut, and I make money as well on renting out the machines.



150 is the limit you gotta deal with LOL

I was a mechanic for a little over 4 years, just not sure i want to go back to turning a wrech for a living.

Baldy 03-31-2005 07:54 AM

I've always liked the franchise idea. Everyone knows the name, don't need to advertise, but I don't know the details involved. For years there wasn't even a starbucks here in town, seemed like a no-brainer.

Rotarydragon 03-31-2005 07:55 AM

Hard to say. Banzai's body shop idea is a pretty good one IF YOU CAN DEAL WITH the people you wind up getting in there. I've been on that side of it, it's not always fun. "What do you mean it's going to cost me $500 to fix what my ******* son did to my 1993 car last night?!?!?"

I'd look into powder coating and anodizing alumnium if I were to go that route.

I suppose I could open a computer training center if I could find the marketing for it.

I'm a geek, a hobby shop would be cool. Dunno how they make money though.

banzaitoyota 03-31-2005 07:55 AM

To hell with turning wrenches. PROVIDE a place for people to turn wrenches.

phinsup 03-31-2005 07:57 AM

[quote name='Baldy' date='Mar 31 2005, 08:54 AM']I've always liked the franchise idea. Everyone knows the name, don't need to advertise, but I don't know the details involved. For years there wasn't even a starbucks here in town, seemed like a no-brainer.



You can't franchise starbucks unless you already own a large traffic retail outlet ALL anchor stores are fully owned by starbucks and don't worry they'll be adding 5,000 stores a year for the next 20>/biggrin.png

ambassador_josh 03-31-2005 07:58 AM

go with my idea!! You can buy a Truck with some wiring on it like cable tv trucks, a fleet of them, plus train some people you trust arent idiots, have a centralized office to base out of, and advertise with the rest. can be done, and i dont know of anyone else providing that service

phinsup 03-31-2005 07:59 AM

[quote name='banzaitoyota' date='Mar 31 2005, 08:54 AM']To hell with turning wrenches. PROVIDE a place for people to turn wrenches.



Yea its not a bad idea, wuts the liability in something like that?

inanimate_object 03-31-2005 08:09 AM

Sell 20b subframes that don't produce bumpsteer>/biggrin.png


Sinful7 03-31-2005 08:15 AM

I hear there's good money in HVAC.

TYSON 03-31-2005 08:16 AM

Those fix-it-yourself shops come and go pretty fast around here. Clientele is mostly those that are too cheap / broke to hire someone to fix it for them. You would like to get in the crowd that lives in a condo and drive a nice car, but I don't think you would get that crowd at all around here. Maybe in your area though.

I would suggest if the population is growing rapidly in your area you look into buying one house at a time, spending your time and a bit of money fixing it up and flipping it for a profit. Don't hold anything for longer than a couple months. If the house market is hot you should be able to make a bit of money without getting tied up long term in anything.

Turn what you've learned in your own recent experience with your house into something that makes you money. Make sure you don't own any of these houses during the hurricane season.>/smile.png

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