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Dysfnctnl85 03-17-2003 05:17 PM

I don't know if we've talked about this, but I'd kinda like to see what everyone thinks.

I think by invading Iraq we are creating a devestating precedent: a country(a) can destroy another country(b) if country(b) poses a threat. Basically, the United States feels Iraq is a threat, so they're taking the country out. So many other countries can now attack their enemies simply because "the U.S. did it."

You know?

Or maybe I'm wrong, I just want to start some discussion.>/bigok.gif

MazdaMike 03-17-2003 05:23 PM

haha i dont even wanna vote cause im so lost in this war. 2 friends of mine packed up and are in afganastan and bangdad and i dont even know what it is we're fighting against. why do i have a feeling this is gonna be another korean war. in 10 years i wont be suprised to see afgan-mcdonalds and coca-cola billboards on the streets of quait. sorry for my spelling im just another uninformed college student.

i must say i support our country with whatever we do though. it annoys me seeing people protest war and tell the president what not todo but not offer any suggestions for what to do instead. bush has a lot on his plate and im sure hes doing the best he can

94touring 03-17-2003 05:38 PM

I agree with the war. We are in a war against terrorism, sadam husein is the biggest terrorist of them all plane and simple. Just look at all of his chemical, biological, and the several attempts he's made to obtain nuclear weapons. Look at all the people he has killed with his weapons and the reasons why. Look at his own people that he tortures and kills, who only agree with him due to fear. His attempts to take over other countries for the "wrong" reasons is just another example why it is just for us to get rid of saddam and free the people there. Yes people will die, but people are going to die either way, wether its for freedom now or under a brutal dictator for years to come. Sadam has had 12 years to comply with the UN, and even with huge amounts of pressure over the past 4 months still will not disarm all of the un-acounted for weapons. Its time to get rid of this terrorist killer along with all the others we keep catching.

rotary speedster 03-17-2003 05:44 PM

I think im tired of hearing about it!! What ever decision The President makes I'll defend. (Not as if I have any choice) I just hope he makes it soon. Im tired of all the procrastinating, it is only given people time to question His judgement.

Lets just get it over with!>/flamed.gif>/ar.gif>/ar.gif


Srce 03-17-2003 06:47 PM

I don't think, I'm just a YES man.

Rob x-7 03-17-2003 06:54 PM

Saddam will be told he has 48 hours to get out, so expect a war to start this week

UN people are out of Baghdad, and so are most of the press.

The US wants to do this sooner then later because of how

hot its going to get temperature wise in Iraq in the next month or 2.

It will be swift and still cost the US about 80 billion dollars.

needa86NAat 03-17-2003 07:04 PM

Anyone seen the Big Ass Bomb they drop out of the back of a cargo plane?! wieghts 21000 pounds!!!!!!!

JT-Imports 03-17-2003 10:04 PM


I also dont have much to say.

I like Air Traffic control man second classes answer hehe.

I just want it done and over before JUNE11th, or for it to start

after JUNE 11th

Joe Flo 03-17-2003 10:12 PM

haha i dont even wanna vote cause im so lost in this war

If I sound stupid then stop reading but from someone who was brought up in a military family. (grandpa from west point, uncle navy commandar, 8 uncles in WWII) I don't think the war is all that neccessary. We were tricked into going to Vietnam and since then people have lost trust in the government. Personally I think alot of this has to do with bush doing what his father did in Desert Strom. I hope not to affend any troops who might read this but today my coworkers(adults) said that this is only a widespread drill to beef up our military. They think it is essential that we do this to test new weapons and expose our selves to something that we have not seen in a while. The people who said this were all engineers so don't think they are uneducated.

Personally I dont agree with what they said. This is going to be a turning point in everyones life. Its very serious and I don't think it should be taken lightly. I sit here typing in one of the major target zones. I walk outside and can see hundreds of oil fields and a major shipping port. Right now I am not afraid and If I think times are getting tough then I will go join and help fight. Not a way I wanted to meet some of yall but I will do what needs to be done!

JT-Imports 03-17-2003 10:28 PM

JOE- No offfense taken. I think the majority of us dont care either way. Everyday is like a war with us. The only diff is your doing the same thing USUALLY away from home.

Now I havent been in any wars, I have been involved with other things(dont want to say) maybe calssified. I just know I got to only look at my wife threw a barbed wire fence for a month. Which actually sucks more then being on the boat 6 month in the gulf with 100-130F temps and sand blowing on you at 30 miles from the shore. DAMN what a shite hole. Anyway, I would have to say we are aways ready to do what we have to do, and we gave up our rights for the rights of others. We cant just stand up and say I wont fight, i want peace (bullet in your head).

I watched the brief this morning and I can say, the USA doesnt want to fight. They want to make the other guys BUG OUT! They want them to be apart of the REAL world, drop their arms, hand over the big weapons and get a long. IRAQ, N.Korea, CHINA, come on people PARTY over here, join in there is PLENTY of room! Shite americans aways say "the more the marrier" We just want the want to be tuff guys to join it to, come on over HAVE A BEER!

NAVY- Is telling people STEP UP or GET THE FRUCK OUT! I wouldnt say we are trying to beef up. I cant speak for the other services

Joe Flo 03-17-2003 11:22 PM

Anyway, I would have to say we are aways ready to do what we have to do, and we gave up our rights for the rights of others. We cant just stand up and say I wont fight, i want peace (bullet in your head).

Thanks alot Jason. I have alot of respect for people like you. IT really does take alot of courage. It is easy for me to say that I can just go out and help fight. I can honestly say that I would be terrified but if I was called I wouldn't even think of saying no. Its an attitude like yours that we need right now. Hope to keep hearing from you and take care of yourself.

9BASE3 03-17-2003 11:34 PM

Well, 9BASE3 (AKA: SGT Huegel) will do what his commander in chief says. Whether agree or disagree. I'm bound by contract. I think everyone should follow the president. Think about it... Would you really want to be president? You have to have love for your country to do that... They don't get paid THAT much.. Yes at times they make an arguable desision... But it's the president that gets our paychecks signed... Every American's paycheck.

I got that **********ers back whenever he needs it.

The Dixie Chicks can eat my nuts.


Seppuku 03-17-2003 11:42 PM

what the hell is this dixie chicks ****?>/wacko.png

isamu 03-18-2003 01:42 AM

I believe one of the dixie chicks made a remark disagreeing with the president earlier this week so a bunch of people were burning their CD's. I'm not 100% on this, its just what I heard.

Seppuku 03-18-2003 01:48 AM

oh i see now

ILUVMY88CABRIO 03-18-2003 02:02 AM

I think we have bigger fish to fry than Iraq... N. Korea. I feel alot of what we are doing is finishing what Bush Sr. started, now it is his sons turn. Plus by doing this I think it will make alot more people over there in the middle east hate us even more. Just remember who got Saddam in power, and who gave him the technology to make chemical wepons, why yes it was the USA.

9BASE3 03-18-2003 10:09 AM

Originally Posted by ILUVMY88CABRIO' date='Mar 18 2003, 02:02 AM
Just remember who got Saddam in power, and who gave him the technology to make chemical wepons, why yes it was the USA.

Ah!! An educated member! Yeah... We tend to give **** away, then want it back... I'm suprised France hasn't come for the Statue of Liberty yet...

And the Dixie chick thing was when they were in England. Someone asked for thier opinion on Bush, and they stated they are ashamed they are even from the same state *Texas*

rxtacy 03-18-2003 10:33 AM

I feel alot of what we are doing is finishing what Bush Sr. started, now it is his sons turn
very true. when the gulf war ended, sudaam's 12 years of lying and deceiving began. that's what those dumbass protesters just don't get. they want a peaceful resolution, but they don't understand that the U.S. has been trying to do that ever since the gulf war ended. they must think we are just now trying to solve the problem if they say we are moving into war too fast (they're just ignorant). but sudaam just keeps on breaking promises and misleading the UN just to buy time. personally, i think he (sudaam) has made a mockery of the UN by somehow getting them to fall for his lies. and its all because of those like france and germany - Fu**ing pussies. they don't know the meaning of united nations. we've always had france's back and they're too sissy to step up to the plate now.

best qoute i've heard lately (from the late show):

France says that they need more proof (that there's reason to go to war). The last time they asked for more proof, they saw the 3rd Reich march through Paris

Dysfnctnl85 03-18-2003 11:55 AM

It seems to me that the United Nations is an outdated body. Does anyone else feel this way?

9BASE3 03-18-2003 12:08 PM

Originally Posted by Dysfnctnl85' date='Mar 18 2003, 11:55 AM
It seems to me that the United Nations is an outdated body. Does anyone else feel this way?


Srce 03-18-2003 12:13 PM

Originally Posted by rxtacy' date='Mar 18 2003, 10:33 AM
very true. when the gulf war ended, sudaam's 12 years of lying and deceiving began. that's what those dumbass protesters just don't get. they want a peaceful resolution, but they don't understand that the U.S. has been trying to do that ever since the gulf war ended. they must think we are just now trying to solve the problem if they say we are moving into war too fast (they're just ignorant). but sudaam just keeps on breaking promises and misleading the UN just to buy time. personally, i think he (sudaam) has made a mockery of the UN by somehow getting them to fall for his lies. and its all because of those like france and germany - Fu**ing pussies. they don't know the meaning of united nations. we've always had france's back and they're too sissy to step up to the plate now.

best qoute i've heard lately (from the late show):

That’s the dumbest **** I’ve heard in a long while. I’ve stayed out of this WAR crap for a long time waiting and reading lots of bullshit from people who don‘t understand anything about this situation. Why do you give a **** if France helps or not. We’re the most powerful fuckin’ country on this shitty planet and we don’t need any half assed support from the damn French. They have EVERY right to NOT support us, it’s called “Having ones best interest in mind”. They don’t think they’ll gain anything from this conflict so they won’t help. I personally hate this entire war on Iraq thing, but since my president believes it is the best thing for our people, I WILL FULLY SUPPORT HIM. I don’t like it, but neither do most people. I pray for our armed forces and hope they return home safely. I don’t think we need this war, there are better things to focus on, but it’s here, so **** Saddam, he’s about to eat his own ****.

BTW, I'm NOT a citizen of the US, and I'm Muslim. So that should tell you something about me and my love for this nation. The US saved Bosnias ass from the serbs so my country is sort of in the same boat as France, except that we don't have any military for **** right now.

I'm getting my Citizen ship soon, woo wooo.

Srce 03-18-2003 12:15 PM

The UN needs to get its head out of its ass.>/ohmy.png>/unsure.png

9BASE3 03-18-2003 12:18 PM

Originally Posted by Srce94FD' date='Mar 18 2003, 12:13 PM
BTW, I'm NOT a citizen of the US, and I'm Muslim. So that should tell you something about me and my love for this nation. The US saved Bosnias ass from the serbs so my country is sort of in the same boat as France, except that we don't have any military for **** right now.

I'm getting my Citizen ship soon, woo wooo.

You still cool with me!

Haha... Do you remember when France tried to help Bosnia and the Serbs kicked that ass? LMAO

Srce 03-18-2003 01:05 PM

I don't know, I've never seen French Uniforms in the Balkans. LOL, I've never seen French uniforms anywhere.

JT-Imports 03-18-2003 02:06 PM

I have they say McDonalds

Srce 03-18-2003 02:07 PM


9BASE3 03-18-2003 02:12 PM

Originally Posted by JT-Imports' date='Mar 18 2003, 02:06 PM
I have they say McDonalds

Are you lost buddy?

JT-Imports 03-18-2003 02:14 PM

yep---I just woke up, its 440am......

MY joke didnt deliver right I guess... hehe

9BASE3 03-18-2003 02:18 PM

Originally Posted by JT-Imports' date='Mar 18 2003, 02:14 PM
yep---I just woke up, its 440am......

MY joke didnt deliver right I guess... hehe

LMAO!!! More like didn't deliver AT ALL!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!

75 Repu 03-18-2003 02:23 PM

SO seriously, who is down to go to Lake Iraq Next year and get some Tan..

Srce 03-18-2003 02:38 PM

You mean CRATER Iraq once we're done with 'em.

9BASE3 03-18-2003 02:40 PM

Either or...>/biggrin.png

75 Repu 03-18-2003 02:52 PM

Grand Canyon part 2

Srce 03-18-2003 03:29 PM

New Fox Special: "When Cruise Missles miss their intended targets"

JT-Imports 03-18-2003 04:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok I thought might you guys would like these..

JT-Imports 03-18-2003 04:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Another, these maybe old but hey.....

9BASE3 03-18-2003 04:21 PM

75 Repu 03-18-2003 04:22 PM

89 Rag 03-18-2003 05:54 PM

In the wake of 9/11, our generations equivilant of Pearl Harbor IMO, Iraq represents a potential threat, with the stockpiled chemical/biological weapons, and a nuclear program which has been ripped apart and rebuilt more times than a rotary. Saddam is a ******* wacko and the world should have had closure with it/him in the desert back in 91.

Is baby Bush following in poppa Bush's footsteps?, maybe, could Saddam and/or his ppl sell weapons of mass distruction to terrorists, possibly

He paid a grip for a French reactor that was damaged before it was finished and he received it as-is. clearly he wants a nuclear program, an operational one, an unnerving proposition at times.

I support the decision for a war in Iraq, the procrastination needs to cease, The Clinton approach, launching 75 million worth of missiles into the region seemed, well, whatever, point being Saddam needs to be removed from power.

The backlash from this action, however may move American boys and girls to other countries around the world fighting EVERY country which poses a threat. To this Iam thankful I dont carry the title of President; damn hard job, damn hard decisions, I do not support ALL of them but this one I do.

racerxtreme7 03-18-2003 06:33 PM

we need to take iraq over fast man look at gas prices,,,i cant live this way

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