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1988RedT2 10-12-2009 02:46 PM

Originally Posted by Maxt (Post 834703)
In some categories, a dog could win it for fetching a stick by the looks of it.

Perhaps, but it would have to be a very famous dog!

phinsup 10-12-2009 03:07 PM

Originally Posted by 1988RedT2 (Post 834712)
Perhaps, but it would have to be a very famous dog!

The perfect dog would be one that carried out some sort of valuable deed for western civilization. If he wanted to win in the peace category, then he would ultimately need to cause chaos somewhere in the world to one of the wests enemies, then he would only need to renounce that deed as being bad (note he does not admit he played a roll, only that it was wrong), the peace prize would then be used to "prove" that the dog had no role in the crime, also further proving our enemies are crazy and will stop at nothing to destroy our way of life, they'll even accuse a heroic dog of bringing them to ruin.

GreyGT-C 10-12-2009 04:21 PM

Some dog **** in my neighbor's yard.... Willy swears he had nothing to do with and thinks it's horrible and shouldn't be done again.

Maxt 10-12-2009 06:42 PM

Originally Posted by phinsup (Post 834710)
Yea it's pretty bad.

Let me rephrase that, as long as its a leftwing dog.

phinsup 10-12-2009 07:16 PM

Originally Posted by Maxt (Post 834724)
Let me rephrase that, as long as its a leftwing dog.

I dunno about that did you read the list? There's some pretty prominent right wingers, lol Kissinger a left winger? You guys need to stop breaking things into a left vs right, that is the conversation THEY want you to have. Think about it, the only difference between the US and Communist USSR was ONE PARTY. The conversation of left vs right is insane IMO, neither side has done ANYTHING that they supposedly stand for. Did the right ban abortion? Gay marriage? How about reduce gov't spending? All things the current right uses to get elected. Has the left done anything they promised? They to have full control, have they given any tax breaks to the poor? Has the wealth or tax burden been spread out? have they legalized gay marriage? healthcare? NO is the answer to all of those questions. You should demand your gov't regardless of their party to what's right by you. The sooner that everyone realizes these two "opposing" parties are one and the same, as soon you realize they ALL serve the same master (hint it's not you and I) the sooner we can all do something to fix this broken system, Milton Friedman (yes another nobel winner) always believed that chaos was necessary to implement change and new ideas, he believed that you must have these ideas in the wings for when chaos strikes (you think they wrote the patriot act just hours after 9/11 or do you think the patriot act was waiting in the wings?). Uncle Milt took it one step further however, he believed that it may be necessary to "help chaos along" in order to implement these new ideas.

There are key things that both dems and reps can agree on and it's those things that are most important. Obama has carried on the same policies Bush did, the same crimes, the only difference is the people complaining. When Bush was in office the reps were the bad guys and all the dems cried foul, then Obama got elected and they without ceremony did the old switcharoo and the best part is.... no one seemed to notice. Suddenly the exact policies were making the Reps cry foul and the dems were applauding them, ironic isn't it? Looks at the campaign contributions, large corporations donate to both parties and big time do they do this because they believe in the party? That can't be, they donate to both parties, any other reasons they might donate to both dems and reps? Oh yea, that's because BOTH parties will happily represent their best interests, so they butter both pieces of bread.

I believe this is the case not because americans are stupid (that's a different topic) but because they vote with their hearts and not their minds. Don't believe me? Ask someone why they voted for their candidate 9 out 10 (thats 90%) will give you reasons like "he said he's going to do this" and "he is going to take care of this". The things they mention are simply impossible, their candidate cannot do them, even if he try's. In the back of my mind I can't help but wonder how any intelligent person would believe any candidate could accomplish these amazing tasks, and after a while I realized that it wasn't logic, but emotion that lead to their decision. Obama is the proof of this, he was elected via the same methods corporations use to get you to buy **** you don't need, he was elected using emotion, it's the only explanation how else could Obama get elected or dipshit like bush get RE-elected? Bush went a different route, he used your fear against you, he created an enemy and protected you from it..... aka EMOTION.

The day we get our country back is the day we demand our politicians regardless of their party do what we elected them to do, the day we get it back is the day we hold them accountable for their crimes.

Maxt 10-12-2009 07:48 PM

I was looking more at the choice when it came to economics... Both of those choices were advocating more government control of the free markets.

Maxt 10-12-2009 07:55 PM

BTW, from an outside perspective, it is broken down to right and left, I will say that I have seen US politicians sometimes completely drop the partisan aspect of their decision making. And also party lines are blurred when it comes to a reps personal guidance in a vote and the whips pull is lost.

Here in Canada we always see things as left/right because our country is pretty much divided not only politically but geographically by it. We may see the leftwing/rightwing bogeyman and plots a little more clearly than most americans because of it.

Maxt 10-12-2009 09:18 PM

I also think Obama will win the Heisman trophy, and maybe even the Calder trophy as well.

phinsup 10-12-2009 09:35 PM

Well I don't claim to know anything about canadian politics, that said....

The whole things a joke, giving a prize for economics is a joke.

Anyhow, being a good Norwegian I know that you never put a swede in charge of anything important, a swede is nothing but a norwegian with his brains knocked out>/biggrin.gif>/biggrin.gif

One could of course also argue the notion of a "peace" prize is somewhat leftist, Nobel invented dynamite and regretted it his whole life, thus establishing the award in hopes to serve his fellow man kind. Furthermore the award winners are picked by nearly socialist nations (oh and just for fun on a side note Norway has the highest standard of living on earth, i can't help but wonder if my grandfather would regret immigrating here if he were still alive today he was a demolishings man in ww2, I think that was the only time he returned to europe after leaving, one of the first guys on the beach in Normandy )

phinsup 10-12-2009 09:38 PM

Originally Posted by Maxt (Post 834728)
I also think Obama will win the Heisman trophy, and maybe even the Calder trophy as well.

Another forum I frequent has been voting for obama on espn to win the heisman LOL i can't tell you about the forum or I would have to kill you though.

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