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j9fd3s 11-02-2005 03:21 PM

i want my 1%!

Tessai 11-02-2005 03:56 PM

Thats a lot of pork....

boxrs4sale 11-02-2005 04:18 PM

i'll take my 1/2 % !

l8t apex 11-02-2005 09:24 PM

The US Congress has so far provided 62 billion US dollars for recovery efforts in Gulf Coast, with 40 billion dollars still in the coffer. "

562? Woe first one gotten ****. FEMA has 100 million that no one can get access to except for overtime pay on emergency service.

So you have 7 cities totally wiped off the planet and this was done in two folds by the corps of engineer’s lack of fore thought which captured the entire river, so it couldn’t keep building the large islands that protected the coastline. That started in the late 30’s, oil tycoons went and pilfered the land here in a strip mining fashion

Which ate water arteries through everything.

**** the Florida Everglades cause it was all the taxes on oil production the revitalized it from farm damage. (Drill off your own coast and bring down the price of oil) The same tax fund was used to on the Chesapeake Bay clean up.

Imagine your family building a nice home in a very nice neighbor hood. Your dad did it 30 years ago or your grandparents 60. Now the all the years of telling the corps of engineers you guys fix the **** up. They say "more studies" Guess what now we have the gulf in a back yard literally.

The islands used to have Hotels on them! It’s all gone due to environmental whacko saving sandbars, oil drilling and Mississippi diversion.25 miles north now!

Most people had insurance...but the insurance cant pay the bill! It lawsuit galore now. The brothers in Fed homes are getting new Housing projects by HUD now and except for the 5 blocks of the French Quarter everything is gone. So insurance companies aren't paying, FEMA isn’t, you have Hospitals empty, restaurants empty, small shops, empty and no one is going to do anything until the levees that the Corps of Engineers was supposed to fix (from what I gather) are done and in the meantime you don’t have a job to go to, your and your kids are in a hotel in another state, you cant go to work to pay for anything and you all have hand me down clothes. Don’t forget the banks main office in NEW Orleans or Mississippi had your account and records...gone. You can’t receive mail cause the mail don’t work and your not at home. City can’t get to your house to inspect it for 7 months. Police and city operations have no tax base of people and jobs so no police to keep the criminals out and no firemen. ZERO income for anybody in these areas in three states and the east and west coast of Louisiana.

So don’t spew about people not having insurance. The ones you’ve seen don’t but I can assure your most did.

Here are some poor folks who lived above flood level had insurance but the Mississippi levee broke.

Yo **** the fags & holly wierd in quake land move dummies! etc,etc...

I get to hear what s going on from the state officials who are in washington, and those families who lost lives and are diplaced and cant get help because of government BS. But yet same fucks on 4th gen welfare and food stamps dont skip a beat?

Sorry guys you got to see and smell it then you would know.

l8t apex 11-02-2005 09:29 PM

Oh and its for three states........

go **** yourself and you family for saying people who are innocent should suffer.

I lost some.

phinsup 11-02-2005 09:33 PM

WOW dude, I was asking if the money got approved or not, hadn't heard anything, I actually did clearly say 62 billion was already given and another 500 requested.

My concern and anyone should have the same concern is what fraction of the money will get where it's needed?

Bush has already appointed a guy to manage the money and as far as I can tell there ain't any yet... My concern is that we're going to cash out 500 billion in debt and it's only going to line the pockets of the politicians and their friends.

My question or rather my meaning for creating the topic was 1) has the money been approved and 2) where the hell is it going? Cruise ships for FEMA? Haliburton? Who's getting it?

phinsup 11-02-2005 09:36 PM

Oh well it appears your post was not aimed at me, sorry, hadn't really read the other posts.

l8t apex 11-02-2005 10:03 PM

I know Scott...

but its played the wrong way in national press. I know what you meant but people ayt large see it as a large tornado hit type of thing. Right now on discovery they' re showing the damage from Wilma to Florida....

We are tired of the assured.I scream bloody hell about that ****. Our problem was caused a years ago but if you didnt live in Louisiana , mississippi or east Texas you didnt know of the 30 years of destruction.

I must say that there are people much like the guys here , like Ted our "Seven on the Shore" president. Ted is a pharmacutical rep. Lost a lot and is in texas and has had familiy members who I think passed away.

Sorry but i know were will get fucked on this. Some of the stuff is deserved no doubt but blanket government abuse is wrong.

These are not ignorant people....well not all of us>/biggrin.png

phinsup 11-02-2005 10:20 PM

I'll give you a good example as to how this whole thing is going, my dad is a retired building inspector, the national license place shoots him an email after katrina, he VOLUNTEERS to do structural inspections FOR FREE. Bring his car, etc, etc.... After two weeks of jumping through hoops he says **** it, they must not need my help that bad.

By the time the 500 billion trickles down to anyone in the under 6 digit income bracket there will prolly be about 2 billion left.

Here we are stuck with the largest national debt in history, cutting medicare to the old folks that built this country and who knows where else and the people affected by Katrina are still sitting in temporary trailers that the govt will kick them out of in 18 months.

Someone has to be put in charge of this kind of money instead of this guy

I mean don't take this as me not being sympathetic, I've set through 3 hurricanes myself in the past year, I've seen how unbelievably incompetent FEMA and the rest of the politicians can be when called upon, I think everyone involved should be concerned about where this money is going, how much will be spent on the people who need it and how much will be spent on getting to god knows where they think it should go. At one point I was under the impression that none of this figure included what insurance co's are having to pay out, which leads us to the next question, will insurance providers even offer policy's once the city has been rebuilt? At what cost? If we build someone a new home will they be able to afford insurance for it? How will they be taxed, say they had a shanty and we rebuild them a nicer home, which raises the prop value, which raises the taxes are these homes going to end up back in the states hands and the people back on the street?

No one is asking any questions that count, they are trying to figure out how to get the money pushed through and where it's coming from before they even decide where it's going or how to get it there.

I had read at one point that total estimated UNINSURED damage was under 100 billion, now that may have changed, but are we really spending 500 billion to give out 100? Yea that seems crazy doesn't it and yet at the same time it seems possible. 260 million to cruise ships for FEMA fuckheads to sleep in, bush raised the spending on the govt debit cards to something like 250k, which meant that any PO under that didn't need to go out for bids and in less then a month he had to boot it down to 15k cause they were burning up the funds like a cokehead on payday.

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