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View Poll Results: Should I?
Smoke pot?
Not Smoke pot?
Nothing wrong with pot, its medicinal.
You are cananadian you should be stuper stonedadianed.
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Old 04-14-2004, 03:52 PM
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I have an employee that hits it up just about everyday. He is the excpetion to Jims rule. He is one of the hardest working guys I know. Is up and out the door everymorning at 6:00 am. This guy is married, has a new baby, owns his own house, two cars a truck and a boat. I give him **** about it all the time. I will smoke a joint with friends socialy after drinks on the weekend. Its nothing more than taking shots to me. I would never be able to function while i was stoned. That is why i don't smoke regularly. I do know people who are completly functioning pot heads. They are responsible hardworking people who are habitually smoking the herbs. Most people have some sort of vice.

I think that people who are so wrapped up in anything that keeps them from living an average life and contributing to society in some way have serious issues. If people have thier **** together I could care less how they get their kicks so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Heavy unproductive pot heads usually only end up hurting themselves anyway. Whens the last tim eyou heard of two stoners getting beligerent and fighting one another.
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Old 04-14-2004, 03:53 PM
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Never done it, don't plan on doing it. If I ever got caught doing it my flight career would be over anyhow. And the amount of **** test I have to do yearly, I would get caught. I use to party with some pretty hardcore druggies and was one of the few who wasn't smoking pot, doing X, or snorting coke. Beer works fine for me thank you.

Jim- I've worked with several pot head surveyors too. They were all slack ***'s, except one older guy who was in his 40's and did it occassionally at home to relax. He was the most laid back guy I ever knew anyways, and very productive...guess he was the one exception.
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Old 04-14-2004, 03:58 PM
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lol weed is no worse than alchohol
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Old 04-14-2004, 03:59 PM
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You know what? I own a business and employ 10 people.

Do any of them smoke pot? I dont know. I dont care as long as they come to work on time and do a good job. I dont care what they do on their own time.

Do they come in stoned? Hell No! they all know better than that. If any of them ever came in stoned they would be gone in a heartbeat.

I have an employee right now that has been showing the tell tale signs of a "I dont give a **** about anything but my weed" attitude. He has one foot out the door. He just needs to give me an excuse now right now he is borderline useless. We are super busy and I dont have time for bullshit.
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Old 04-14-2004, 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by sidewinderx7' date='Apr 14 2004, 12:17 PM
Well I can honestly say, regardless of your performance, if I owned a business and you regularly did drugs, you wouldn’t work for me. Since right now I don’t own a business, that’s only theoretical. However what I can tell you, is that anyone that does that stuff every day or more than once or so a week has an addiction problem obviously, and that in turn shows a weak character. Chances are they also lack moral boundaries, and the ones that really get me are the ones that walk around with it on their sleeve, just oh so proud of it. Like 4rr as example in this case. It just goes to show you, the movies in middle school about doing it to be cool are very true. I just look down on those people, as I know chances are they are stupid and are basically a waste of skin. We need more people in this world that are driven and motivated to better themselves and better the world. Not sit around and burn your brain away and become the decay of society.

once a week is not an addiction... most people drink every friday and saturday night.... is that an addiction?
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Old 04-14-2004, 05:04 PM
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ok stupid people shouldn't do drugs PERIOD. If you cant control yourself you shouldn't do anything. That’s why people od and die on hard drugs cause they're plain idiots.

Look at John Belushi, Lane Staley, and Brad Nowell. They all died of drugs. To be exact of heroin. But what do you think they started out with??? Yep, you are right. Pot.

Pot is a gateway drug to people who have no self control OK, but if it isn't the drugs that kill them, well then im sorry but something else prob will. I don't know who any of those people are tho? Still i'm guessen they're singers or actors or something, and all those hollywood ***** do is drugs anywayz.

Most of you guys have never smoked weed and thats cool, but i wouldn't go judging it based on the retards you encounter that do smoke it. Also most of you are bring up people who smoke and do indeed succeed at life. This is because those people are not losers. A loser is going be a loser no matter what drugs he/she does. All im say'n is don't blame pot for maken people into losers, a loser is a loser with or without drugs.

I can tell you, is that anyone that does that stuff every day or more than once or so a week has an addiction problem obviously, and that in turn shows a weak character. Chances are they also lack moral boundaries,

What about people who drink every weekend or even more? I see people on this forum posting stupid things every weekend about how they're drinking or how they're drunk or something like that all the time. Are these people addicted to alcohol? do they show weak character, lack moral boundaries? Maybe, prob not, most likely they are just relaxin on a friday saturday night.

and the ones that really get me are the ones that walk around with it on their sleeve, just oh so proud of it. Like 4rr as example in this case. It just goes to show you, the movies in middle school about doing it to be cool are very true. I just look down on those people, as I know chances are they are stupid and are basically a waste of skin.

Ive never seen anybody walk around with pot on their sleeve, thats just gay. it's true a lot of people only smoke to be cool. These people are stupid i wouldn't say they are a waste of skin thats a little harsh, maybe just have some issues. lol

my little story:

I work for a guy who has been smoking pot since he was my age, hes about 50esh now and one of the nicest guys i know. Started his own business, has a great family, great house(s), nice cars, and has money to burn, **** i smoke with him every friday at work to relax when the day is coming to an end. You would be surprised at how many people smoke. Most are good hard working smart people. There are stupid ones as well.

The money thing, I spend on average 50 bucks a week on pot. Some times more some times i don't spend any money at all. I have friends that go to bars and clubs every weekend and **** away hundreds of dollars, and then give me **** for spending 50 bucks on pot. I just laugh at them cause these people to me lack lots of self confidence.

My 2 cents, i havent smoked in about 2 weeks cause im trying to get a new job and i dont want to get dick'd over with any drug tests. Maybe its jsut me but i don't find it hard to stop. I will say im addicted but its not liek im going to go insane if i can't smoke.
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Old 04-14-2004, 05:11 PM
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A guy I'm pretty good friends with is the funniest guy I know...he smokes. I see him light up every single day with a few other guys, it's like all they're concerned with.

I will say I have self-control, I'm just so afraid to end up like this guy.

My dad told me when I was a few years younger that he was a pothead in high school, along with his entire baseball team. He said it was like practice. He truly believes they would have gone on to the Little League world series had they not been stoned most of the time.

I don't know if I have ever proved my parents wrong, so it's a slim chance I will ever smoke.
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Old 04-14-2004, 07:14 PM
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ive tried it, i dont really like it. it makes me super super paranoid. its just not my thing.
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Old 04-14-2004, 07:36 PM
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It all depends on the people that you hang around with. If I start doing it, it would be completely social and maybe once a month. These are the friends I hang out with, its not something they DO on a regular basis.

Now if you hang around with people who do it all the time, just for the fact that it gives them all something to relate to with one another because, really, dont dont have anything in common, except pot. So they talk about how much they can smoke, try to outsmoke eachother, and from there it grows into a dependency where they cannot hang out with their friends without macking the ganja queen.

I used to hang out with burnouts. It was boring. I was the only one not smoking, and big surprise most of the time I was the only one not have any fun.

Even after spending almost a year with this gang of absolute drug addicts, i said **** it and didnt hang out with them anymore.

It's been a while since then, and the people I hang out with, not all smoke or have smoked but if they do its once and a while. And most dont have a negative view on smoking pot, except a few.

I just dont think its such a big deal to stay away from it right now, but im not in a hurry to try the stuff either. I might just stick with beer
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Old 04-14-2004, 07:54 PM
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My theory on this is pretty simple, people say pot is a gateway drug, I say it is just a symptom of the real problem, if you have an addictive personality, then you will be addicted to anything you can get your hands on, be it pot, heroin, cocaine, beer, cars, anything, the only way pot MIGHT lead to harder drugs, is that the guy you get your weed from may also sell some other stuff, and like I said, if you lack the willpower to stay mellow on the ganja, then you lack the willpower not to do the harder things that will **** you up, if you are responsible, then pot is a perfectly safe drug, even more so than beer. Now, that being said, I don't smoke, and I only rarely drink, but only because I have little desire to do either, since I have seen what abuse of it can do to a person, I have no desire to end up that way. It is all about control.
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