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CrashFactory 01-06-2004 06:27 PM

One of my best friends died today, she was 7 months pregnant, she had the baby stillborn and went into cardiac arrest and died shortly thereafter, I REALLY cannot believe that if there was a god that he'd let a baby die, let alone it's mother...She never got to see my son, We hadn't talked in awhile, and I feel so lost right now, I can't/won'

t do anything stupid, cuz i have my son and fiancee to live for, but when life keeps trying to kill you, how do you bounce back? I've been to 5 funerals in the last 3 years and I can't help but think that what if the next one's my son? or me?........THis is prolly the last place i should look for anwers (the internet), but all of you are real ppl, so maybe someone can help, I know some of you have been thru rough times, any advice has to help, I've been low before, but i've NEVER felt so damn lost and hopeless, everything is frozen so i went out and beat the piss out of my truck, probably will need a new clutch soon, but i felt a little better, my g-friend can't quit crying, and i feel even too bad to do that, anyways, I'm done. It's out, that's the most important thing, i feel a little better, now i have to make some calls and find out when the funeral is.


PhoenixDownVII 01-06-2004 06:31 PM

My condolences bro.


Life isn't always fair, situations like these just require more time with loved ones and Time to heal.

Conversely, I've come to know situations like these are quite outside of God's hands. Think of it, since the fall of man, sin has existed. Since then a LOT of things are "allowed" by God, and in that...unfair things happen...cancer kills...innocent die...the best thing to do is to find faith/hope and confide in each other and God. Perhaps, sometimes He go's out of His way to prevent some unfair occurances, but he surely didn't craft 9/11 or this...he simply lets us make our mistakes/corrections.

So on that note, you're all in my prayers. Take care...(AIM me: TigerDBR if you want...)

defprun 01-06-2004 06:31 PM

Dude, man...I dont know what to say...I've never had such misfortune...i hope for the best from here on in if that's any consolation...>/sad.png

phinsup 01-06-2004 06:32 PM

Sorry to hear that.

CrashFactory 01-06-2004 06:34 PM

Well i made my g-friend/fiancee call, gonna try to keep myself occupied for awhile, perhaps CS and some headshots will help, but who knows..

mazdaspeed101 01-06-2004 06:37 PM

sorry to hear that, this a fucked up world we live in

rx-7addiction 01-06-2004 06:40 PM

You are in my prayers. I cannot imagine the pain that you are going through. Life isn't fair, and I often question God as to why things happen. Don't give up hope though man. This is truly horrible what has happened to you, but know that you have people here who care for you.

Fluid Dynamics 01-06-2004 06:42 PM

That's horrible. I can't imagine how that feels, to have so many friends die. I've lost people who were special and important before, but not so many at one time.

There is one good thing that can come from this, however. You can realize that there is no God, and realize that life is terminal in nature; everything alive must suffer at one point or another, and everything good comes to an end. So how is that a good thing, you ask? It will open your eyes to the weakening nature of attachments, and you will be stronger when you recover from the depression that will set in. You will be more at peace with yourself when you realize this.

Turbo II 01-06-2004 06:42 PM

sorry to hear about your friend. but it is no reason at all to be upset about. things happen for a reason, we may not like it but it happens. i had my father taken away from me at the age 11, i barely knew the man. did she have any health problems of some sort. my prayers go out to her family

westcoasttuner 01-06-2004 06:47 PM

Your family along with hers will be in my prayers...God gave us one the greatest gifts he will. He does not control every thing that happens on this planet (unfortantley). But dont let things like this break your faith. We are simple creatures and can not see the whole big picture. They are I asure you in a better place now free of suffering...take comfort in that and pray...

CrashFactory 01-06-2004 07:09 PM

thanks for all the support people, CS didn't help in fact just pissed me off more, she had no prior health problems besides being slightly overweight...the guy that got her pregnant was an idiot and hasn't worked since she got pregnant and mostly i think I'll blame him, since God really can't take a beating (or not that I am aware of), he was a dick and did nothing to ease or help her situation, i think i'll go find her brother after work tomorrow, and then we'll go find him....


ColinRX7 01-06-2004 07:31 PM

Sorry to hear that man. The best be with you during your hardships.>/sad.png

YukiRX7Aisha 01-06-2004 07:39 PM

I wish I had something to say right now...I just lost somebody myself too....we're all here for you man. Hang in there.

Srce 01-06-2004 07:44 PM

Dammit, sorry to hear that Sean. We're here for you, and you, your fiancee, son and your friends family will be in my prayers tonight.>/sad.png

CrashFactory 01-06-2004 07:45 PM

found a song i hadn't heard in forever, figured I'd post the lyrics:

Accoustic #3 by Goo Goo Dolls

They painted up your secrets

With the lies they told to you

And the least they ever gave you

Was the most you ever knew

And I wonder where these dreams go

When the world gets in your way

What's the point in all this screaming

No one's listening anyway

Your voice is small and fading

And you hide in here unknown

And your mother loves your father

'Cause she's got nowhere to go

And she wonders where these dreams go

'Cause the world got in her way

What's the point in ever trying

Nothing's changing anyway

They press their lips against you

And you love the lies they say

And I tried so hard to reach you

But you're falling anyway

And you know I see right through you

When the world gets in your way

What's the point in all this screamin'

You're not listening anyway

and that's about as close to the truth as it can get,


rfreeman27 01-06-2004 07:53 PM

Sorry to hear that. Hang in there bud.

banzaitoyota 01-06-2004 07:56 PM

Sorry to hear that, mere words can not possible express what her family and friends are going thru right now.

Eric Happy Meal 01-06-2004 07:59 PM

damn....that very sorry to hear that.

FiKsE l2X SeVeN Jr 01-06-2004 08:19 PM

sorry to hear that......hope everything will be okay

FD3S DRIFT 01-06-2004 08:24 PM

sorry to hear that man, keep your head up.

rotary_revolution_0 01-06-2004 08:34 PM

I know how you feel man......... I've had so many of my friends dying, I kinda shut off my emotions. The last friend that died (R.I.P. Michael) I laughed.... I just couldn't believe it. I just recently allowed myself to feel again. It sucks right now, but if you let these emotions take control of you, you might never come back. My prayers go with all...........God bless man.........God bless.........>/sad.png

75 Repu 01-06-2004 08:36 PM

Sorry to Hear that.. it is never easy to deal with a loss of a loved one.. Be strong.. if you need anything.. let us know..

PhoenixDownVII 01-06-2004 09:15 PM

Originally Posted by CrashFactory' date='Jan 6 2004, 09:45 PM
Accoustic #3 by Goo Goo Dolls

Hey, I did that song with my brother as part of our set at my old High School Talent show. Good song. I did "I miss you" by Incubus as well....

I would seranade you...but I think it'd be kind of weird :P (Laugh with me, I'm a dork...)

Again, condolences to you my friend....I'll be talkin with God tonight about it...

Dramon_Killer 01-06-2004 09:20 PM

Keep your head up man. You'll pull through this.

boost_creep 01-06-2004 09:38 PM

Sorry to hear that. That is really sad.......keep heart and have faith, things will get better.

Eyxom 01-06-2004 09:42 PM

I'm so sorry to hear, but what Peonix Down originally said is as accurate and as good as it comes. God really has a plan for everything, even when it's as hard to see as this. If nothing else, these events will show you to enjoy life for what it is... Don't take ANYTHING for granted. Always remember, there is a light at the end of every tunnel.

My prayers will be with you and your family.


Rotarydragon 01-06-2004 10:12 PM

What phoenix said is pretty correct, allthough God is soverign and nothing can or does happen without Him allowing it. As to why He allows things, that I can't say. I do know that it is free will that allows for a lot of it.

Remember that God didn't take them, a medical condition took them.

There is one good thing that can come from this, however. You can realize that there is no God, and realize that life is terminal in nature; everything alive must suffer at one point or another, and everything good comes to an end. So how is that a good thing, you ask? It will open your eyes to the weakening nature of attachments, and you will be stronger when you recover from the depression that will set in. You will be more at peace with yourself when you realize this.

Hrmmm what to say?

Other then you're a fool and your advice is meaningless and you wouldn't actually give it if you thought this way, truly (and I'm sure you're so sure that there is no God and that you know so very much and are so very well educated that I shouldn't have to point out why this is true.)

Dramon_Killer 01-06-2004 10:21 PM

Yup, very true.

Everything has a positive. You can dwell on the negatives or make yourself a better person. You can't see this right now though but if you pull through then things will be better. Have faith in God or have faith in yourself, just keep going and dont let it get you down or let it mess with your mind.

teknics 01-06-2004 10:36 PM

I'm sorry to hear about your loss but yuo need to remember something.

Never live life in fear of death, live life in spite of it.

don't go around being sheltered because something might cause you or someone close to die, go out and enjoy every second and every moment you can being around the people you care for and love.


TheCamel 01-06-2004 10:58 PM

Although the loss of a close friend is sad, and you do not understand why they were taken from your life, look at it this way, her unborn child will not be alone, and although you lost them, they may be in a better place/situation than if they had remained here. All things have a purpose, her purpose was to be with her unborn child, wherever that may be, although it saddens you glad that her pain is over.

I am sorry for your loss

FiKsE l2X SeVeN Jr 01-07-2004 01:42 AM

yeah, and just think, your friend will probably want you to live a happy vicarious life and not dwell too much. she will want you smiling with your family. Hope everything will be okay with you again.

g_dripht-alex 01-07-2004 03:24 AM

Originally Posted by teknics' date='Jan 6 2004, 08:36 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your loss but yuo need to remember something.

Never live life in fear of death, live life in spite of it.

don't go around being sheltered because something might cause you or someone close to die, go out and enjoy every second and every moment you can being around the people you care for and love.


those are some inspirational words from kevin, he's a wise man. its gonna be tough at first but youll get through it.

Girlpowerrx8 01-07-2004 07:25 AM

Our condolences from myself and luis to you and your family. Hang in there, you'll be fine.

CrashFactory 01-07-2004 04:26 PM

Well the funeral is saturday, i am a pallbearer along with 3 of her and my closest friends..i feel better than yesterday, but i just can't shake the lost feeling, tried to change my routine around, my bosses at work were BITCHES about it, they've been riding me pretty damn hard, the baby was boen alive and died in iher daddy's arms, he went out to tell everyone and she died while he was out of the room, i can't blame him,. he's going through hell i can only until then, i keep my head up, my eyes closed and pray, thanks to everyone..


TheAntiChrice 01-07-2004 04:47 PM

I feel ya man... its been a year since life turned upside down on me and I'm finally getting things back to normal... Believe me I know how you feel man... I hate seeing people go thru similar things like I did because you know how painful it is and all I can do is be sorry for those going thru those ordeals and keep them in my thoughts..... your in my thoughts man... Stay up

SpecialT 01-07-2004 06:23 PM

I am so sorry for your loss.

Pain is a horrible thing, and death is one that never really stops hurting those left behind. But you have to realize the gift that it leaves you, the hurt you feel now makes you see how much you truly love life!

Tell your family you love them, remind everyone you know how valuble life is.

LIVE your life , anything less is an injustice to her memory.

rx7girltk 01-07-2004 06:37 PM

i am sorry about your loss. my cousin went through something like this a year ago. his friend was killed. so i know how people feel. i agree with whoever said she is with her baby now and probably a better place than here. as for a bright side you still have your son and fiance. so hang in there things will get better.

ColinRX7 01-07-2004 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by SpecialT' date='Jan 7 2004, 04:23 PM
LIVE your life , anything less is an injustice to her memory.

Well put. I like that.

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