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PhoenixDownVII 06-08-2005 09:22 AM

Perhaps you've seen the commercial or have heard of this movement through U2, but is motivated to ENDING extreme hunger and poverty in less-fortunate places especially in Africa.

I know I consider myself very rich, just for the mere fact of being born here in America. At lunch today I'll have a choice between 15+ different types of deli's and foods accross a 3 mile stretch of road, and I can hop in one of 2 cars to get there, and come home to an air conditioned environment.

State lines, waters, and cultures separate us, heck even religion, but it doesn't change the one big area we all share: Earth. It's that idea that fuels my compassion towards anyone out there, be it in Iraq or Africa.

There are kids over there being born with Aides from the getgo, and I can't imagine how hard that must be. My sister recently had her first kid (first of our family's next generation! I'm an uncle now!) but she (the baby) is in the intensive care unit for an odd condition she is having. It's somewhat belittled everything else in life (LIKE CARS) and probably fueld my "Just shut up" attitude yesterday (Apologies)....

...yadda yadda, if you can, find a way to support this with some spare change you may have. I really think, considering the math, that if enough people from enough "rich" countries donated just a small fraction of their income, it can totally change their situation...>/bigok.gif

Sinful7 06-08-2005 09:28 AM

Meh, it's called survival of the fittest. If there wasn't such copulation problems in Africa...

Shane.Trammell 06-08-2005 09:34 AM

a sterilization bomb would be a good thing. it would be really great if we could drop it without anyone knowing

banzaitoyota 06-08-2005 09:43 AM


Sinful7 06-08-2005 09:47 AM

[quote name='banzaitoyota' date='Jun 8 2005, 07:43 AM']AIDS WILL CURE THE HUNGER PROBLEM IN AFRICA



Either that or Africans will cure the hunger problem in Africa. I wanna go ahead and buy a dead country in the desert and have 'Race Wars' there.

Shane.Trammell 06-08-2005 09:49 AM

[quote name='banzaitoyota' date='Jun 8 2005, 08:43 AM']AIDS WILL CURE THE HUNGER PROBLEM IN AFRICA



[quote name='Sinful7' date='Jun 8 2005, 08:47 AM']

Either that or Africans will cure the hunger problem in Africa.



they go hand in hand

i dont know why there is so much sex going on over there anyway, i mean, have you seen those women? i would never be able to think about sex if i was hanging out with those women naked all the time.

Sinful7 06-08-2005 09:50 AM

[quote name='Shane.Trammell' date='Jun 8 2005, 07:49 AM']they go hand in hand



OR, penis in vagina, as it were.

banzaitoyota 06-08-2005 09:53 AM


How many years have good hearted caring people been sending millions of dollars in aid (food, housing, medical) What has that accomplished? NOTHING! Zip zilch nada. The only ones who have benefitted are the Aid Orginazations and the warlords and tribal leaders themselves. We arent holding a gun to their head making them brred. Hell, we are the bad guys when we go there (Somalia) and try to get rid of the corrupt regime. We tried to help. they dont want it. TOO ******* BAD.

Now take your bleeding heart, liberal, socialist agenda and clean up the poverty just down the road from you. Charity begins at home

Amy 06-08-2005 10:16 AM

[quote name='PhoenixDownVII' date='Jun 8 2005, 06:22 AM']

...yadda yadda, if you can, find a way to support this with some spare change you may have. I really think, considering the math, that if enough people from enough "rich" countries donated just a small fraction of their income, it can totally change their situation...>/bigok.gif



Whatever dude - I don't know about you but I 'donate' as you will 20+% of my paycheck everypayday to the government. To do what... Well further our own country in poverty and benefit big business. I feel for others but there are many fronts and few ways to truly give to them in a way that they will benefit and appreciate. We have been helping and edjucating for years and still there seems to be little effect on third world countries... Do you ever wonder if our interferences have made their lives harder and not better? We give hope of what we cannot do in lots of places.

Amy 06-08-2005 10:19 AM

we try to put bandaids on everything (other countries) rather than really try to fix it, and at that whose to say our solution is theirs? Our government and ideals that we try to force on the rest of the world isn't the answer. Sometimes we need to realize there are many different ways to life and the American way may not be the best or fullest lived - and thus should not try to force it on everyone else.

Sinful7 06-08-2005 10:21 AM

[quote name='Amy' date='Jun 8 2005, 08:19 AM']we try to put bandaids on everything (other countries) rather than really try to fix it, and at that whose to say our solution is theirs? Our government and ideals that we try to force on the rest of the world isn't the answer. Sometimes we need to realize there are many different ways to life and the American way may not be the best or fullest lived - and thus should not try to force it on everyone else.



*runs and hides from the Man*

treceb 06-08-2005 10:39 AM

im with you....

PhoenixDownVII 06-08-2005 11:19 AM

[quote name='Amy' date='Jun 8 2005, 11:16 AM']Do you ever wonder if our interferences have made their lives harder and not better?



No. Not at all.

The only "interference" are scammers and people that are taking advantage of money that is helping these countries, which has lessened our strength in helping them, but certainly the money and help that does go through doesn't make their life "harder"....

It's like anything else in life, there will be people that try to take advantage of you. When trying to sell my Mr2-Turbo, I got those "I will give you the money and you ship it to Kenya!" offers, but did it deter me from selling my car to someone eventually? No.

We have to get past these generalizations that fuel distaste and a lack of compassion and rather find the drive and passion to do these things RIGHT, in TRUTH, and really make a difference. That's part of what this organization is all about.

These Africans are people too, I couldn't fathom seeing you Sinful or you Banzai, sit next to a little baby and just watch it die. I know I can't. And just because I am removed from them by latitude and longitude doesn't mean I can just ignore it myself. I just can't.

I give money, like you do Amy, to the gov't through my paycheck (taxes). But less than 1% of our nations spending go's towards these efforts. Yes, we have problems at home, and not only do I pay taxes but I also tithe through Church that does tons of things locally, but these are human lives on the line, it's just too important to pass up for me.

But make it what you will, I just wanted to post that the opportunity is there, and to perhaps think outside of your assumptions, as I've contested with others about God in the past in that somehow the Bible is "Contradictary", among other things.>/happy.png

PhoenixDownVII 06-08-2005 11:22 AM

[quote name='Amy' date='Jun 8 2005, 11:19 AM']we try to put bandaids on everything (other countries) rather than really try to fix it, and at that whose to say our solution is theirs? Our government and ideals that we try to force on the rest of the world isn't the answer. Sometimes we need to realize there are many different ways to life and the American way may not be the best or fullest lived - and thus should not try to force it on everyone else.



While democracy is a small part of it, the money and aide is in the form of medicine and money itself so that they can LIVE. Again, the aide is in the form of proven solutions such as vaccine's and clean water that we know work here at home, that they simply don't LIVE.

Democracy, religion is a whole 'nother subject as to which they may need but is based on intrepretation, but the idea that they lack food and water and an income isn't desputable...wouldn't you agree?

Sinful7 06-08-2005 11:39 AM

I actually resent the fact that we provide such extreme health care for people in this country. I'm a big fan of 'live and let die.' But that's just me. I don't think it's my job or God's will for me to help these people get out of the mess they put themselves into. It's NOT my fault their governments suck. It's NOT my fault they can't think far enough in advance (be it ignorance or indifference) to know that masturbation is probably best. And it's definetly NOT my problem that the 1% given to third world countries by our government is squandered. I do my part to be a productive part of this world. That's my contribution to the cause.

In fact, I attribute most of those area's problems to charitable organizations spreading themselves too thin, trying to save too many people. Their presence is just enough to bring the indiginous' minds hope and the illusion that care will continue to be provided.. When in reality, - and think about this very thorughly - there is no amount of money that can save these peoples.

At best, taken as a whole, the suffering of very FEW will be reduced.

That if any person in the world deserves to suffer less, it is the woman who was raped last night in an alley downtown. Or the child that got beaten for not getting the beer fast enough. Or the homeless guy on the corner, right outside my building, sleeping on a steam vent.

It's terrible that there are places in the world that cannot ever recover from their hardships. My prayer is that those people take charge of their own lives, or die quickly and not suffer.

Funding third-world charitable organizations is only prolonging the inevitable and provoking the unethical.

But you should go ahead and sign up for One.. Bono needs your help.

banzaitoyota 06-08-2005 11:44 AM

But if you help Bono help the world, who will help Sally save the childen?

Sinful7 06-08-2005 11:49 AM

[quote name='banzaitoyota' date='Jun 8 2005, 09:44 AM']But if you help Bono help the world, who will help Sally save the childen?



I find it hard to help organizations to 'save the children' that hire spokespeople that have children themselves, and thus are contributing to the problem.

Sinful7 06-08-2005 11:51 AM

If they had a 'save the smart poor people' fund, where smart folks (especially children) needed financial aide and were able to rank in the genius level on an IQ test, I would donate there. At least there would be a potential payoff and the contribution would be an investment in the world, not a blatant disposal of money.

PhoenixDownVII 06-08-2005 12:20 PM

Okay, sinful7, part of the problem is they CAN'T get smart or do anything for themselves because they need the money and medicine to do so. It is simply out of there reach, their control. They can't plant a flower that will cure them, and they can't pull money out of trees. They are isolated and just in need of help to survive.

Again, your posing propaganda as an excuse to try and do something different. I am sure Bono and the like are aware of organizations and funding that doesn't even reach these people, and are furious about it so they are trying to take matters into their own hands (as you said, do it yourself), but it's still something we need more participants in, that's all.

The fact is, there is an amount of money that can save these people. Have you looked at the facts, on what is required monetarily? Or the success rate of medicine that gets delivered? I believe there are some links and research off that site.

I'm not really trying to convince you, as is you've made up your mind. But you can't blame me for tryin eh...

Baldy 06-08-2005 12:22 PM

I see MTV's Cribs, then a commercial with that celebrity asking me to give money. Why don't you sell one of your several multi-million dollar homes, and donate that. Rather than asking us struggling middle and lower class people to give up our hard-earned cash. Your luxury is you very own starbucks in your kitchen, your in-home recording studio, your sweet exotic cars, my luxury is a take-out meal from a decent Italian restaurant.

If someone's going to ask me to give money, it better not be a damned million-dollar celebrity.

Sinful7 06-08-2005 12:27 PM

^^^ Amen!

banzaitoyota 06-08-2005 12:28 PM


Realtors get 6% commision (READ EXTORTION) for selling your house. Since they are now under an ANTI-TRUST investigation, lets sanction them mmm 3% as a penalty for the industries past transcritions. Then they can send that $$$$ to feed the poor starving aids ridden masses

yeah my spelling sucks, so sue me!

PhoenixDownVII 06-08-2005 12:30 PM

[quote name='Baldy' date='Jun 8 2005, 01:22 PM']I see MTV's Cribs, then a commercial with that celebrity asking me to give money. Why don't you sell one of your several multi-million dollar homes, and donate that. Rather than asking us struggling middle and lower class people to give up our hard-earned cash. Your luxury is you very own starbucks in your kitchen, your in-home recording studio, your sweet exotic cars, my luxury is a take-out meal from a decent Italian restaurant.

If someone's going to ask me to give money, it better not be a damned million-dollar celebrity.



You have a point. However, at what margin should they give? They could still give $10k to the organization they are on there promoting, yet still afford their nice place.

How much do you need them to give? I know many in the commercial have at LEAST given money if not have visited Africa themselves.

Some of the things they buy make sense, others are just obnoxious. Having a recording studio is convenient, but Mariah Carey having a 10 foot long closet of $300+ shoes she wore once seems like a waste to me. Auction it off and give it away. Once you've supressed so much of your needs, stop wasting it, give it to those in need.

I know my ideals and faith puts a spin on what I see "My" money as...

banzaitoyota 06-08-2005 12:33 PM

lets take it a step further:

YOU DONT NEED a FD, lets see you put your $$$$ where your mouth is and sell it AND donate 100% of the $$$ to BONO's pocket lining, errr I mean cause.

Sinful7 06-08-2005 12:41 PM

[quote name='PhoenixDownVII' date='Jun 8 2005, 10:20 AM']The fact is, there is an amount of money that can save these people.


That's just a lie. The more money you spend, the more people there are to save. Where is the line drawn? I say it should be drawn at our shores!

You think the Ethiopian family can use your $20 more than the family living in a car in Detroit? Yer dead wrong.. And providing funds to third world countries, simultaneously neglecting our own impoverished people is asinine. Anyone who belives their "dollar a day" is going to help better the situation for the populous in those countries is ignorant. You want to contribute a dollar a day, contribute it to your local inner-city elementary school. Lack of education and resources is not limited to poor countries. It's right in your own backyard. The point of charity should be to better the individual so the individual can better society. I wonder how many Armani suits Bono has donated to the local homeless shelter?

And that commercial they show proves that it's just another form of awards ceremony for the rich - Like the Emmy's, where the wealthy sit around and pat eachother on the back for making millions for themselves. OOhhh.. look at me, I believe in an inane 'cause'! Someone recognize me for my philanthropy! Do I get a gold star?

PhoenixDownVII 06-08-2005 12:50 PM

[quote name='Sinful7' date='Jun 8 2005, 01:41 PM']That's just a lie. The more money you spend, the more people there are to save. Where is the line drawn? I say it should be drawn at our shores!

You think the Ethiopian family can use your $20 more than the family living in a car in Detroit? Yer dead wrong.. And providing funds to third world countries, simultaneously neglecting our own impoverished people is asinine. Anyone who belives their "dollar a day" is going to help better the situation for the populous in those countries is ignorant. You want to contribute a dollar a day, contribute it to your local inner-city elementary school. Lack of education and resources is not limited to poor countries. It's right in your own backyard. The point of charity should be to better the individual so the individual can better society. I wonder how many Armani suits Bono has donated to the local homeless shelter?



Again, you are addressing an issue that is nothing new.

Do I give money and service to things locally? You bet. I am doing my part both locally, and now abroad.

No matter what you say, it seems that no celebrity could ever give enough money to an organization to be accepted. I guess that's a catch 22 you and banzai put them in, which sucks more for you and not them, since you've made such generalizations (while mostly true) run your decisions.

And in reference to what you said Banzai: The point is, I give what I can and do to all things I am addressed with. Sure, my wallet could stretch for more giving (sell the FD for more $ for it), but at what point will my giving satisfy you? Probably never. It's good thing I don't live by your approval then huh?

And you don't have to live by mine either, which is why you can sit here and deny giving money to any charity and drive an FC>/bigok.gif

PhoenixDownVII 06-08-2005 12:53 PM

[quote name='Sinful7' date='Jun 8 2005, 01:41 PM'] I wonder how many Armani suits Bono has donated to the local homeless shelter?



Don't be hypocritical, you said it yourself: Survival of the fittest. He managed to be rich, and his luxury is a result of that. See my response to baldy; I just feel there is a medium between rewarding yourself with what you've very well earned, but also giving to those in need.

Just because I am promoting giving to those in need hardly suggests I feel you shouldn't reward yourself and family with earnings you rightfully deserved. There's just an extremity in all things I think we could stay away from.


PhoenixDownVII 06-08-2005 12:57 PM


The work and effort I give to a $500k home at 4% (where'd you get 6% from, lol, not anymore!) will be the same I give to a $2.5m estate.

6% came from this article, for one

dammit, I honestly thought I hit quote on this instead of edit, my apologies

Sinful7 06-08-2005 01:45 PM

[quote name='PhoenixDownVII' date='Jun 8 2005, 10:50 AM']Again, you are addressing an issue that is nothing new.

Do I give money and service to things locally? You bet. I am doing my part both locally, and now abroad.


Why split your funds? They're much better appropriated at home. My point is giving money away to any other country, regardless of intent, is wasteful and disrespectful.

I don't have the availble resources to donate cash. I have expensive fun. i can admit that. But everything I do donate (clothes, time) stays in my neighborhood where it helps my friends and my neighbors the most.

Sinful7 06-08-2005 01:48 PM

[quote name='PhoenixDownVII' date='Jun 8 2005, 10:53 AM']Don't be hypocritical, you said it yourself: Survival of the fittest. He managed to be rich, and his luxury is a result of that. See my response to baldy; I just feel there is a medium between rewarding yourself with what you've very well earned, but also giving to those in need.

Just because I am promoting giving to those in need hardly suggests I feel you shouldn't reward yourself and family with earnings you rightfully deserved. There's just an extremity in all things I think we could stay away from.




I'm not being hypocritical - I'm saying that you should keep what you earn and donate LOCALLY when you feel like it. This guy obviously thinks a lot of his money should go to places where the impact is less great, and the effort is increasingly futile.

Dramon_Killer 06-08-2005 01:53 PM

I agree with steve.

PhoenixDownVII 06-08-2005 01:54 PM

[quote name='Sinful7' date='Jun 8 2005, 02:45 PM']Why split your funds? They're much better appropriated at home. My point is giving money away to any other country, regardless of intent, is wasteful and disrespectful.

I don't have the availble resources to donate cash. I have expensive fun. i can admit that. But everything I do donate (clothes, time) stays in my neighborhood where it helps my friends and my neighbors the most.



Why split your funds? Because it's the smart thing to do. Since when should you put all your investments (in that regard) in one thing? Diversify!

Again, I'm not saying either extreme is right (give it all away, keep it all to yourself), so my money is and will always be "Appreciated" at home, but I also am fortunate enough to have money to give....

Why is giving money to any other country disrespectful? You can do both. And country's are a man made divide, which brings up what I said in my first post: If you see us all as one human race on one central planet, the idea of giving abroad is easier to comprehend. You view it as something outside yourself, whereas I just see it as human beings simply existing at a different area on this earth, and if a *human* needs help, whether down the road or accross the ocean, I'm game for some sort of service...

PhoenixDownVII 06-08-2005 01:56 PM

[quote name='Sinful7' date='Jun 8 2005, 02:48 PM']I'm not being hypocritical - I'm saying that you should keep what you earn and donate LOCALLY when you feel like it. This guy obviously thinks a lot of his money should go to places where the impact is less great, and the effort is increasingly futile.



Again, again, again. Nowhere did I say money should be taken FROM donations locally and given to "less effective" organizations. In fact, if you read what I've said since page one, it's quite opposite.

Yes. Organizations and donations aren't always efficient. Yes. You should help those around you, locally. But this doesn't mean that EVERY LAST method of giving to africa should be considered defunct.

Yadda yadda yadda...

sidewinderx7 06-08-2005 01:57 PM

Whats funny is that I bet atleast 95% of you guys arguing this have never been been to africa, and all you know about it is whats been told to you.

I'm not going to take sides on the issue, because obviously their are flaws in both arguments and both sides have valid points. However I will say that before you set your opinion in stone, go explore what you feel so passionate about.

I've personally seen some of these places, and I can tell you, sending a ton of money will not help them. It wont, thats a fact, done deal, its over. There is no magic "fix it" button, if their was, it would have been done a long time ago.

So if you feel like sending your money to what you believe is going to help save some people, feel free, its your money. Just remember that you dont see where your money goes, past the donation box.>/wink.png

Dramon_Killer 06-08-2005 01:59 PM

What he said too.

banzaitoyota 06-08-2005 02:04 PM

you mean little melia wont be sending me a card thanking me as her benovelant savior?

PhoenixDownVII 06-08-2005 02:04 PM

[quote name='sidewinderx7' date='Jun 8 2005, 02:57 PM']Whats funny is that I bet atleast 95% of you guys arguing this have never been been to africa, and all you know about it is whats been told to you.

I'm not going to take sides on the issue, because obviously their are flaws in both arguments and both sides have valid points. However I will say that before you set your opinion in stone, go explore what you feel so passionate about.

I've personally seen some of these places, and I can tell you, sending a ton of money will not help them. It wont, thats a fact, done deal, its over. There is no magic "fix it" button, if their was, it would have been done a long time ago.

So if you feel like sending your money to what you believe is going to help save some people, feel free, its your money. Just remember that you dont see where your money goes, past the donation box.>/wink.png



No. I haven't gone to Africa, YET. Matter-of-Factly, I have the opportunity to next year.

I understand and agree, however, there are flaws in any arguement be it politics, hunger, religion, etc. I simply have not witnessed every detail and fact I could gather on any topic on my own. Therefore, I must read and research the most I can, from various sources, and conclude from there...

I'm not blind to the fact that there is no "magic fix", but when the figures are given, FACTS are given, rather, that X amount of money is how much school costs over there, or food, or medicine, and if X amount from XX% of better nation's pockets could help in a big way, you sort of want to support that.

It's hard to monitor your money once it leaves your hand, donation or not.

Yea, the purpose was just to let people know its a cool organization and to spread the word that this opportunity is there. The debate's fine too though.

Live and let live, I hardly am demanding that anyone give any certain amount.

banzaitoyota 06-08-2005 02:08 PM

Why dilute the donated money further by supporting yet another Stars efforts to villanize his name by tacking it to a charity?

sidewinderx7 06-08-2005 02:12 PM

I feel what youre saying. And I'm not disagreeing with you. However giving money wont really do anything. You dont just hand a few people in a village some money and say "build a school". There is no one that will come into the village and help them create some great educational system ... except... peace corps. And honestly, since you feel so passionate about helping these people, I would suggest you seriously consider it. I've met MANY peace corps people in my travelling around the world. Honestly, they are the nicest and most caring people I've met. They physically get out there for 2+ years and THEY build the schools, THEY build the water wells, THEY build the food pathways, THEY help. Its not about sending money and calling it good ... that doesnt work. If you want to make a difference, you cant trust someone else to do it for you.

treceb 06-08-2005 02:15 PM

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