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7mech 03-17-2003 12:58 AM

Well I'm down to having to choose between having a good marriage or owning a powerful RX7. Over the past year of owning my car it has had many problems. All the problems were little, but they added up to a pretty expensive bill. Between the cost of the car and the cost of fixing/upgrading it I estimate that I've spent close to 10k. As you can imagine this has caused many problems between the wife and I. Everytime something comes up she has a fit because it cuts into money and time that we had set aside for other things. The latest and greatest thing that I've had to buy was a Haltech so that I could replace sensors that were going bad(didn't want to go back to stock crappy ones). She is not very pleased that this is costing close to 2k. Also my car was broken into recently and she just has it in her head(IMHO) that the thing is bad luck and that I should sell it. What should I do? I can't just get rid of the woman I love, but I don't want to sell my favorite car. Please help me to have the best of both worlds. I would like to keep the car and not piss off the wife. Can some of you married guys out there help me to explain how precious my car is to me to my wife. Thanks.

image4you2see 03-17-2003 01:18 AM

Ah screw the biatch if she cant understand how important it is to have this kinda pation for a car she probably isnt a very loving person in the first place and is using the car as a scape goat to bitch at you........Dude there are plenty of woman out there that know the feeling of owning your own personalized car,HELL I HAVE ONE MY SELF...........She has her own toy car and loves it...........I say by her a car also so she can understand the emotion involved in changing a car to fit your needs and likings........If she says no well the rx7 isnt very comfortable to sleep in but it is better than fighting with her.....


7mech 03-17-2003 01:51 AM

Image thanks for the advice, but I don't think I'm gonna go that route. I think I will try harder to make her understand more. Also I think I'm done with things that need to be fixed for the time being. Atleast I hope so. Hopefully everything will be fine with the car for the next year or so. I plan on laying off on her and not racing as much so that I don't break as many things. Hopefully this will keep me almost trouble free for a while so that I can pay off the bills and save some money just incase I have a major problem. If I have a major problem now she will deffinitely make me get rid of it. I was even contimplating paying off the car and putting it in storage until I could pay off some bills and save some money. Who knows I guess I will see. I just don't want to get divorced over a car.

-=RX-7 KID=- 03-17-2003 01:54 AM

Hum let's see 7 or women, noting my fav saying No Ass, No Gas, No Grass No free rides. I say drop the girl, get a new one that likes that car as much as you

plus if you get rid of her more time + money for the 7>/biggrin.png

89 Rag 03-17-2003 01:57 AM

maybe you pay more attention to the car than you do her?, "work" on her a little more often and maybe she'll see the light...

sidewinderx7 03-17-2003 04:56 AM

Yeah, women are strange like that and need alot of attention. Anything that you do that gets more attention than she gets from you, she will naturally hate and want you to stop. I say just take it easy on the car for awhile and show her how special she is to you. I myself am not married, nor do i have a steady girlfriend, mainly for the fact that i went the second route. lol... girls and cars DONT mix. I got tired of all the nagging about me spending my own earned money on stupid stuff i enjoy.>/smile.png Besides, like Image was saying, women flock to these cars>/boink.gif

But you are married and i assume you love her, so you dont want to drop her or the car. So again, my suggestion is just pay more attention to her, take her out a little more, plan a day to do stuff, if youre an ******* .. stop being an *******, just make her remember why she married you. Then after a couple weeks, you can go back to working on the car again.

Naturally Aspirated Panda 03-17-2003 07:25 AM

Here's a question... is her money being spent on the RX-7? Ask her who's paying for the car's repairs and upgrades. You are, right? So it's your money being spent. Where does she get off thinking she can make you get rid of something you love, and have invested so much of your blood and sweat into? If you don't have kids, then there is still a way out. Think about it. When/if you have kids, you'll have no way out. I'd rather die than give up my car willingly. I've invested too much of myself in it already to give it up. I can only imagine that with all of the money you've put into (money you'd likely never get back even if you sold the car), you must feel even more attached to your car. Try to explain to her that you need to have a hobby and a life apart from work and home.

If none of that works, then you should really sit down and think about (in the long run) what will bring you the most happiness.

Baldy 03-17-2003 07:54 AM

ok, I'm married, and on a budget, and drive an old car that needs money here and there...with that said, here's my opinion:

Give the car a long timeline. Pay for the stuff that needs to be paid for not related to the car, then set aside your spare money. Too many divorces happen because of stupid money stuff. Talk to her about what you two want to spend money on, like once a month, or weekly, whatever you decide. My wife gets severely pissed when I buy something simple without talking to her first, because she sees it as impulse buying, and thinks it's something I'll do all the time. But if I discuss it with her, (NOT ASKING PERMISSION, BUT DISCUSSING) she seems more ok with it.

Decide what you want to buy next on the car. Discuss it with her. Don't get hasty and buy something that will hurt you financially. If you have to, store the car until you can save up enough EXTRA money to pay for car stuff. People say there are plenty of women out there that flock to the car, but honestly, does that make sense for someone who wants to get married and stay married? Oh, and divorce isn't cheap. You're not going to save money and be happy by divorcing.

("why'd you divorce your last wife?" "oh, she didn't like me spending money on my car instead of her." what woman wants to be with a man like that?)

Baldy 03-17-2003 07:55 AM

If you don't have kids, then there is still a way out. Think about it. When/if you have kids, you'll have no way out.

I feel sorry for your future spouse.

P'cola FD 03-17-2003 08:09 AM

If that is your only transportation, then I would get a cheap, reliable car to drive during times that the car has to lay low for repairs. That way the car can sit for longer, and she won't be as pissed. Also, spend more time and attention on your wife. She may be so angry at the car because she is jealous of it. If it seems to her that you are spending more time, effort, money, attention, etc, on the car than her, then she is going to want the car to go. If however, she knows that she comes first, that you will always attend to her needs before the needs of the car, and that the car is just something else you enjoy, then she will be more likely to let it stay. Like, schedule some time to work on the car that doesn't cut into times you'd plan to spend together. Before you go to work on the car (during the scheduled) make sure there isn't anything you can do for your wife to make her any happier---I'm no talking about going out to the movies or anything, it's just the action of asking her that will make her feel more important. I think she'll let the car stay, as long as you make it abundantly clear that she comes before the car, in any situation.

DJ Rotor 03-17-2003 08:13 AM

Baldy has wise words here.

Communication is key.

People are always more important than cars - especially your wife.


Baldy 03-17-2003 08:27 AM

about scheduling suggest she spend a day with friends or something, go shopping, whatever, and use that time on the car

she may also feel more comfortable spending money on luxury items like you do (yes, extra money on a car is a luxury item), provided it doesn't hurt you financially

sunshine 03-17-2003 08:42 AM

I think a good compromise would be for you to set a budget for the $ you allot to spend on the 7. Sit down with her, explain your budget, and why its what it is. and then its your responsibility to stick to the budget. If that is the case, she wont be able to get mad.

Shane.Trammell 03-17-2003 10:13 AM

stick with her, who cares about youre stupid car thats just gonna break down as soon as you get it fixed anyways, this isnt just a girl you cant just drop her, its your wife.

ROTARYROCKET7 03-17-2003 10:18 AM

stick with your women. if you love her and she is good for you just take it easy with the car for a while and talk to her about how much she and the car means to you. I love my RX7 alot and sometimes i pick my car over my girl but if she tells me to sell my car then i will say **** u. lol My girl told me to sell mycar i was liiek hell no. But i still love her and she has now accepted the fact that i love my car alot but that i love her more .

if i had a piston engine i woulda sold it. lol for some ass lol

ROTARYROCKET7 03-17-2003 10:21 AM

Originally Posted by Baldy' date='Mar 17 2003, 06:27 AM
about scheduling suggest she spend a day with friends or something, go shopping, whatever, and use that time on the car

she may also feel more comfortable spending money on luxury items like you do (yes, extra money on a car is a luxury item), provided it doesn't hurt you financially

yeah thats smart. Let her help you out with the car and explain why you are doing that expensive mod. Be like this car is very unique and not alot of people understand its true potential its very difficult to finds parts for theses cars and i dont want to buy original stuff when i can pay a couple of dollarss more and get some better qualtity and performance part. This is mybudget and i will stick to it. Let her go with her freinds and you go with ure car and if she says no then have her help you out withit to. like pass me the wrench or this is where the antifreeze goes lol

r0t0r-rooter 03-17-2003 10:49 AM

I say do your best to keep the wife happy. I think that there has been some great advice on how to compromise with her, and open more lines of communication. IMHO, there is no such thing as "yours" or "hers"... everything is shared to some degree. You guys are a team.

I'd agree with putting the car into storage and make restoring/modding it a weekend hobby.

btw... women don't like to "do stuff>/wink.png " if there are any problems with the relationship

SpecialT 03-17-2003 12:38 PM

I'm sure you can reach a happy solution here.

I understand your love for the car, but really. It is just a car.

Obviously she is more important than the car, she just doesn't feel this way.

I'm sure she'd feel horrible if you sold it.

After all although expensive. It is a good hobby, given the options.

(besides, your car is statisticly the second most valuble thing you'll own. So why not maintain it?!?!)

Don't try and rationalize why you like the car with her.

Just make her understand, it's only second to her!

Maybe help her with her own hobby, that way she has something she enjoys doing

while your out fixing your car. Instead of being upset that your not spending your time with her.

Rob x-7 03-17-2003 12:42 PM

pretend you dont care about the car as much, she probably thinks you

like the car more then her.

Does she drive it? Teach her to drive it and dont have that "you cannot drive

it" attitude with the car. She probably wont drive it anyhow, like my GF doesnt drive my car, but I tell her she can whenever she wants.

Do you have a house yet? Get a house as soon as you can, a car will only lose money, a house wont.

And if this is your only car, get another car.

j9fd3s 03-17-2003 12:45 PM

my gsl-se is all mad cause i drove another car to work on firday


Baldy 03-17-2003 12:50 PM

Originally Posted by j9fd3s' date='Mar 17 2003, 01:45 PM
my gsl-se is all mad cause i drove another car to work on firday


is firday where you have to wear fir or someone pinches you?

Rob x-7 03-17-2003 12:53 PM

I havent driven mine since November

j9fd3s 03-17-2003 12:55 PM

Originally Posted by Baldy' date='Mar 17 2003, 10:50 AM
[quote name='j9fd3s' date='Mar 17 2003, 01:45 PM'] my gsl-se is all mad cause i drove another car to work on firday


is firday where you have to wear fir or someone pinches you? [/quote]

Turbo II 03-17-2003 12:58 PM


Joe Flo 03-17-2003 01:00 PM

It's easy to day to just get rid of the car just because it is a seven. But lets be reasonable. You made a promise to this girl when you got married. I Don't think it is right for you to choose as she should also make compromises. But be fair to her and your self. If you have to drop the car. It woul dbe for the best!

Srce 03-17-2003 01:28 PM

I'm gonna be serious on this one for a change.

[SERIOUS DAMIR] **** the car, I know we always say that the car never bitches and only needs fuel and the occasinal oil change but we all know that that's complete bullshit. I'd never loose a wife over a car, no matter how ******' amazing the car might be. Women are what make men great, and we are stronger due to that fact. If you choose the Rx7 over the wife you'll never forgive yourself for it, so don't be a "Man" for a change, and stick with the chick. [/SERIOUS DAMIR]

[USUAL DAMIR] I say you divorce her ass!!![/USUAL DAMIR]

christi 03-18-2003 12:10 AM

I dunno, but I guess imo, she doesn't see the fact that you enjoy something that makes you happy besides her, and that is your car. I'm sure she has somethings you dislike that she really loves to death. She shouldn't make you chose your marriage over a friggen car. I find that highly mature. If you sell the car she wins, if you keep it , she wins. It's a kinda lose lose situation, but it sounds like she's trying to get her own way by telling you "How it is".

I hate people like that, man or women. It's called being a control freak.

Anyway, hope you fix things with her.

ILUVMY88CABRIO 03-18-2003 01:48 AM

I'm lucky, my gf understands my passion for my car. Yes she bitches when I spend alot of time working on it, but what girl won't when you spend a week working on it.

I would just have a good sit down with her, and explain how important she is to you, and explain how the car is a different kind of important to you. Every man needs a hobbie, or toy to play with, yours is your car.

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