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phinsup 05-12-2003 01:33 AM

This is going to be a somewhat long story and let me tell you today was a very, very bad day. The wife went to bed looking fine, a slight rash and her temp had gone down some, when she woke up this morning she had a puss filled rash over her entire body, we hop in the car head to the emergency room, they look at it, immediately rush us both into an "isolation room" and everyone we see for the next hour or two is hazmat suits on, independantly respirated the works, they even bring a portable pisser in for us to piss in, they draw some blood, things are not looking good, after about 2 hours, they all come in, no hazmat suits, huge relief... an infection has run out of control in her body that more then likely started from one of her skin allergies, they admit her and start pumping her full of fluids and anti biotics, it's looks and is incredibly painful, they figure a minimum of 2 days, prolly 3. This could not have had worse timing let me tell you, my insurance ran out 11 days ago, we were set to start on new insurance Monday, 11 days without insurance and we are looking at a bankrupting hospital bill :( I am going through my coin collection now online, see what it is worth. I have my severence which I was hoping to live on for the next few months, but I gotta do what I gotta do. I'm sure the hospital will let us make payments and my Dad has already offered to help out, but he can only help so much and I hate to strap him for cash. At this point it is important she gets better, they have her in Critical Care now and I am hoping to see some signs of improvement tomorrow, she's in a ton of pain and can bairly eat solid foods cause her mouth has so many soars around it and on her face. I'll keep you posted, gonna have to call her office in the morning and let them know, i am just tapped from all of the **** that happened, it was very scary.

drifter 05-12-2003 01:46 AM

Thats fucked. I hope you guys can get through it ok.

We had a scare the other day with my disabled brother, he almost choked to death cos he inhaled his drink. My dad had to tip him upside down and ****, he wasn't breathing. Took like 5 minutes before he could breathe normally again. Very scary.

ThirdGenRX7 05-12-2003 01:49 AM

I don't think there's much to say except I hope that everything turns out alright....

jungle 05-12-2003 01:54 AM

holy **** man, while I may not be a religious man, I believe in the golden rule, and you've treated everyone here (that I can see) pretty well, I hope your day, wife, week, bills, and parents all get through this ok, I'm sure none of the more veteran members (and less veteran members as well) won't let you go down in flames (Though I myself cannot even spare cash to buy gas, let alone help a hospital bill, though I would if I were capable).

Good luck man, let the universal law hit you square in the head, all the good you've thrown up has to come down soon.

turbovr6 05-12-2003 06:01 AM

Wow, That's crazy. I hope she make a speedy recovery.

jspecracer7 05-12-2003 06:10 AM

I'm praying for you guys. Hope your wife gets better soon Phins...In the end, it will all work out fine though.

teknics 05-12-2003 06:15 AM

im sure if need be we here at the forums can round up some bucks for you!


1Revvin7 05-12-2003 07:26 AM

Originally Posted by ThirdGenRX7' date='May 12 2003, 01:49 AM
I don't think there's much to say except I hope that everything turns out alright....

I 2nd that.

wraith 05-12-2003 07:50 AM

i'm new here man but just to let you know i'll pray for you and your wife

treceb 05-12-2003 08:00 AM

Man, Scott that’s awful. I suck at writing things like this, so all im gonna say is that I hope everything goes well and she recovers as quickly as possible.

How about giving her a a big hug and a kiss and our best wishes from all of us here at

If theres anything you might need, im sure a few of us will do as much as we could to help you out.

banzaitoyota 05-12-2003 08:15 AM

That sucks Scott, hope your wife feels better

Rob x-7 05-12-2003 08:17 AM

Im at a loss for words, things will work out, in times like this its

hard to accept, but you have to have hope.

vosko 05-12-2003 10:16 AM

hope she gets better soon

75 Repu 05-12-2003 10:28 AM

Damn Phins.. Just be strong and do what you can.. I hope she gets better soon..

SpecialT 05-12-2003 10:33 AM

OMG, I don't know what to say!

I hope she gets better fast.

I hope both of you are ok!!

If you need anything, let us know!!!

Best wishes in the meantime.

j9fd3s 05-12-2003 11:05 AM

whoa, that does suck. i hope everything works out


isamu 05-12-2003 11:18 AM

Whoa, that ******* sucks. I hope she gets better quick. My thoughts are with you guys.

Joe Flo 05-12-2003 11:51 AM

Things will work out. I promise. My mom deals with things like this all the time since she works with Employee benefits. What did they think you had when they came inwith Hazmat suits?

***If you signed your new policy already you should be fine. However if you haven't made sure they know about this, because insurance will sometimes not insure reoccuring illnesses. Which means if this comes back then you are in the same boat now.

You and your wife will be in my prayers. Try not to worry too much because it does no good. Be strong for your wife and keep her mind on other things. You will be fine!!

MazdaMike 05-12-2003 12:09 PM

thats crazy, treating u like eliot in ET with all the biohazard gear, i had a similar scare with my father in feb of 2000, we were locked in an isolated ICU, my dad wound up staying for a little over a week. anyway everything went from rock bottom then to amazing now, believe it or not the hospital visit actually sparked a chain reaction which led to my dad starting his own business and making really good money in the medical field.

some times **** happens but no matter how bad it looks, things always have a way of coming together for the better

i wish u and ur wife the best of luck on overcoming the situation ur in

Srce 05-12-2003 12:11 PM

It'll be OK Phins, keep ya head up! We got your back, yo.>/boink.gif

racerxtreme7 05-12-2003 12:13 PM

all that sucks man, sorry to hear all the bad news is happening to a good person, but everything will work out and all the problems will work themselfs out soon enough just stay strong man things could be worse,, look at the good times to come

phinsup 05-12-2003 12:46 PM

Thanks everyone, I am getting ready to head to the hospital for a bit now, man I hate hospitals, there really isn't much to do since she can't really talk and they have on some serious relaxers and pain meds, but I go and sit.

I'm sure it will work out, I am pretty much positive the hospital will take payments, I was talking to my buddy in Phoenix last night and he said they would (his sister works for a hospital), so it's prolly just a matter of working out the details. No hpoe on the insurance, we were supposed to go in and sign the paperwork today :(

banzaitoyota 05-12-2003 01:06 PM

You don't have COBRA from the old job?

phinsup 05-12-2003 01:10 PM

Originally Posted by banzaitoyota' date='May 12 2003, 11:06 AM
You don't have COBRA from the old job?

They wanted almost 800 per month for the COBRA ****, so I figured with the business license I'll just sign up for better insurance, unfortunately it didn't happen soon enough.

Turbo II 05-12-2003 01:15 PM

im here for ya man, just let me know

banzaitoyota 05-12-2003 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by phinsup' date='May 12 2003, 01:10 PM
They wanted almost 800 per month for the COBRA ****, so I figured with the business license I'll just sign up for better insurance, unfortunately it didn't happen soon enough.

I amy be incorrect, but you have like 90 days to sign up for COBRA, so tecnically you may be eligible and that 800 is betterr than 20G

phinsup 05-12-2003 01:46 PM

Originally Posted by banzaitoyota' date='May 12 2003, 11:36 AM
I amy be incorrect, but you have like 90 days to sign up for COBRA, so tecnically you may be eligible and that 800 is betterr than 20G

Yea you are eligible, but since I wasn't paying I don't think I can get jack. Yea well definetely would have been better, but it would have been as equally nice to signed up for this new policy LOL

Oh well we'll see how it goes, I shot the dude an email and let him know we wouldn't be coming to sign the papers, maybe he'll just mail them to me I dunno.

j9fd3s 05-12-2003 01:46 PM

yeah actually banzai might be right


Rob x-7 05-12-2003 05:40 PM

talk to the insurance guy, maybe there is something he can

do like backdate the policy or something.

75 Repu 05-12-2003 05:45 PM

Yeah, I used to work in that field so I know sometimes they can make arrangements, or you can try the cobra thing, becuase you gatta try all you can..

Anyways, don't know if you are even on a PC but is there any update on her situation?

Rob x-7 05-12-2003 05:50 PM

I would try lining the guys pockets to do something for you.

75 Repu 05-12-2003 05:54 PM

Yeah I bet he will go the extra mile to hook you up.. Damn everytime I look a Rob's Avatar I laugh..

Rob x-7 05-12-2003 05:56 PM

Originally Posted by 75 Repu' date='May 12 2003, 06:54 PM
Yeah I bet he will go the extra mile to hook you up.. Damn everytime I look a Rob's Avatar I laugh..

Everyone has to make a living, maybe if he can backdate the policy, or

call the Cobra people, its worth some phone calls.

75 REPU- do you remember that episode of Taxi ?

9BASE3 05-12-2003 07:04 PM

Best of luck Scott.

drew 05-12-2003 07:23 PM

hope it all works out phins... if you end up having to fork over a big wad of cash, throw a paypal link up here... I'd be more than happy to contribute, as I'm sure a bunch other people would be too

Apex13B 05-12-2003 08:33 PM

scott, I am also willing to paypal you what I can, which won't be much.

With the threat of SARS and bio-terrorism, i cannot blame the hospital for taking all the extra measures they did, i know it was scary, but that is what they had to do

May your wife have a speedy, safe recovery

Smog Fighter 05-12-2003 08:49 PM

Phins, best of luck to your wife and to you.

Check with your old policy as well, sometimes the coverage

you pay for is for the following month.

My wife suggested finding out if these problems could be

work related (does your wife do home health care maybe?).

Just some ideas to possibly ease the burden.

If it's your ass on the line, don't hesitate to throw a PayPal

up. It might only be $20, but 20x6000 is pretty high.


rfreeman27 05-12-2003 08:49 PM

best of luck to you and your wife. I hope she recovers very quickly.

Joe Flo 05-12-2003 09:15 PM

Yeah I have a few dollars in my account. Throw out a link bro!>/bigok.gif

phinsup 05-13-2003 01:56 AM

Well I will give what little update I can. They really don't know what it is from what I can tell, I have heard from one dr that it could be a staff infection and from another some odd skin infection that I have never heard of the, the dermotologist came today, pretty much said she had never seen anything like it and left. Amy wants to go home REALLY bad, she's incredibly uncomfortable, most of the sores have started to burst, then they scab over and fill again behind the scabs, hard to explain, but incredibly painful. At this point she is still listed as critical, but I don't really know what the means, seams there are people in that section with a flu in critical and some on their last leg. She was ini resonably good spirits today, she is still a little dehydrated, but she finally did go to the bathrrom today which is a good sign. My guess is she's there till the end of the week, Thursday I have to take my dad to another hospital, they are going to put a stint in one of his arteries, so the week just keeps getting better (he has great insurance, so just a little worrysome).

I called and emailed the insurance guy today, he still hasn't called me back, the COBRA thing says in bold that insurance does not start until they have processed the from, so that one is screwed, I am keeping my fingers crossed on the insruance guy being able to do something. Hell I'd be happy at this point if they would cover the outpatient bills as I assume there will be plenty. I applied to medicade for some help, they seemed to think there was a chance since I am unemployed. I am trying hard not to think about the money situation, it seems that it should be the least of my worries and yet it does add to the burden, I keep thinking of all the stupid **** I spend my money on and how I wish I hadn't, but I guess what's done is done.

I am going to head in late afternoon tomorrow, need to do some laundry and try to get some sleep. I crashed out on some sleeping pills last night and they still didn't help much, I just keep thinking about how quickly this all came on, in like 7 hours it got incredibly bad.

This turned out to be a long post, thanks everyone for you support and well wishes, it means a TON.

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