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Old 03-21-2003, 10:12 AM
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Well the main reason most people don't like the navy is because of the whole stuck on a ship thing. I personally don't like the name tag on the *** thing. Also I don't like the navy cause my Step-mom the drunk was in the navy and I don't like her. Maybe bad reasons but they're mine.

If you like ship tours for like 6 months at a time and don't mind the whole Gay sailor stereotype with the *** name tag. Check out the schooling and go for it. The guys I know who are going in to the navy aren't gonna goto college.
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Old 03-21-2003, 11:07 AM
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I am going to put my little two cents in here. My brother is in the military, specifically the Navy. He is now on reserve after 12 years active duty. He loved every moment of it. You do not have to be a SEAL to love it either.

He is now a Lt. Commander. He is a naval aviator. He flew F-18 Hornets. He was based in some great places and was on many different aircraft carriers. Had a blast. He served over Bosnia and had some close calls too so it was not all fun and games.

He now works for Northropp Grumman on the Joint Strike Fighter Program and will probably be a test pilot for it. His last and current duty as reserve is as a Top Gun instructor at Navy Fallon in Fallon Nevada. He goes one week out of every month to train the Navy pilots to do what they do. He flies F-5's now in the Aggressor squadron at Fallon. Most of the pilots overseas now went through training with his squadron at Fallon.

It is a rewarding career for those who want to do it. I am very proud of my brother, maybe that is why I put my little 2 cents in.
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Old 03-21-2003, 11:27 AM
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He is now a Lt. Commander. He is a naval aviator. He flew F-18 Hornets. He was based in some great places and was on many different aircraft carriers. Had a blast. He served over Bosnia and had some close calls too so it was not all fun and games.

My Uncle had the same rank but retired. I have gone to the bases with him and they are great. He also flew and loved it alot. He also has alot of stories from the different places that he has been. I am not really into flying but instead just want to be on the boat. Did your brother go to school while on board or just full time navy man.
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Old 03-21-2003, 11:52 AM
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a little off topic, but I have a question. If there is an aircraft carrier, it's for the navy, right? what about the planes on the carrier? are they part of the navy or air force?

can't you tell my thorough military education?
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Old 03-21-2003, 12:22 PM
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i think planes on the aircraft carrier are considered navy since they have naval pilots.

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Old 03-21-2003, 12:39 PM
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i think planes on the aircraft carrier are considered navy since they have naval pilots.

Correct. Navy gets the cool planes. Which is way every plane in TOP GUN said Navy on the wings
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Old 03-21-2003, 02:40 PM
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Never Go Navy??? What an idiotic thing to say. As a Ex-Navy Nuke working as a Designer I make MORE than the Degreed Engineers above me. BTW: We let the Army have a reactor back in 1961;Guess what happened?: They blew the ****** up!!!! Stupid Ground-Pounders..

Stupid ARMY!!!!
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Old 03-21-2003, 06:28 PM
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Air Force - you want to do college

Navy - you want to see the world

Army - you are patriotic

Marine Corps - you don't fit in anywhere else and/or want to be the first kid on your block with a confirmed kill

(if you couldn't tell by now, I served in the Corps)

Air Force is good. They have the best quality of life of all the branches. I had some guys in a couple of my college classes on base that attended school in uniform. I asked one of them once why. He told me he had to get a degee as a part of his schooling. I'm not sure what his job was going to be, but that's not a bad deal if you want to go to college.

When I say to not expect anyting, I mean don't have any pre-conceived notions of what you should get. I knew plenty of guys that bitched and moaned about being screwed over by their recruiters and how being in the Marine Corps wasn't what they expected. I went in with no expectations and got a lot out of it that way. Lots of good experiences and good training.

If you want a particular job field then get it in writing. Don't sign up when the recruiter tells you things such as "we'll see about it later" or stuff to that extent.

As far as your time in the service, those will be (or at least should be) the best years of your life. Make them good ones even if you only plan on staying in for one enlistment.

Uniforms? There are none better than the Marine Corps Dress Blues.
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Old 03-21-2003, 06:44 PM
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im in the air force and it is the easiest, it is friday and i have been at work for 2 hours and i am going to be going home in an 1 hour. The air force is easy but there alot of political bullshit that goes with it, if you join sign for 4 years i signed for 6 and i could have already been out. Plus the air force has the most girls out of all the branches.
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Old 03-21-2003, 10:19 PM
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every service has its good points and bad points. Its all what YOU make of it...I've been navy and now I'm Army Nat. guard....some things are better in the navy like food..base locations and travle...the army is the easyiest place to get lots of training..easy to switch jobs and learn a new skill...Navy the one you pick is it..until you finish your first 4 years then TRY to strike for another...Also the army guard has civi. jobs you can get that pay pretty good.. now if you want to be a (JAR HEAD hahah had to use it..) Marine thats good but you have the least freedom of all services but you do get the best physical training and it is the fastest service to make rank in.. now the air force is a more thinking mans service..with the least amount of physical training..but they have the best bases...or I should say the highest living standard.. and short deployments. you can also stay at one base for much longer that any other service.. I got lucky when I was in the navy got based in san dog then japan loved it...while in jpn I visited so many places I'd have never been able to see. but over all I'd not change a thing I've done....service did me good.. if you do go take a good look at your friends now...then take a good look at them in 2 or 3 will be a wake up call.
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