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Eating Schedule?

Old 04-06-2005, 10:17 PM
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What is your standard schedule every day?


8:30 - Breakfast, 3 eggs, sausage/bacon, grits(search if you don't know), a cup of yougart and a fruit. OR 2 bowls of cherios multi grain, 2 cups of yougart, and a protien shake, chase with oj

9:30 - Snack, Zone bar and a V8(the drink) or 2 granola bars and a water

1:15 - Lunch, 2 sandwiches, turkey or roast beef. real deli sandwiches, yum. and a sprite/water/gatorade

3:15 - Snack - can of chef boyardee somethin.... or another sandwich, either with a sweet tea or fruity drink (v8 splash)

6:00 - Snack, another can of chef brd, or a king size candy bar. nother water or gatorade

7:20 - Dinner. no normal thing, its whatever I or my mom cooks. Last night was grilled steak, night before was spaghetti, tonight was fried catfish.... usually have a couple beers. tonight was sweet tea, sometimes just water.

8:45 - snack/desert - whatever's in the fridge and looks good. water.

10:30 - nother snack, and a glass of Oj...

I also drink bottled water almost nonstop throughout the day. I work in a store, so the food is just oh so availiable. the reason for the 9:30 to 1:15 break is school...
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Old 04-06-2005, 10:32 PM
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11:00- Breakfast, a few beers to get me going..

12:30 - lunch, ham sandwich...... few more beers

1:15 - snack. .... beer

3:15 - Snack - duh, beer

6:00 - Snack, frozen pizza.... beer

7:20 - Dinner. spagetti tonight.... more beer.

8:45 - snack/desert - whatever's in the fridge and looks like beer.

10:30 - nother beer, and a glass of beer...

I also drink bottled beer almost nonstop throughout the day. I occassional drink draft beer also
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Old 04-06-2005, 10:41 PM
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6:30am: bowl of cereal

7:30am: big cup of coffee

8:30am: half of ralphs bagel

10:00am-noon: energy bar that looks like baby poo, an apple, a pear, and a bannana, maybe half of ralphs sandwich.

dinner is whatever i want.

this isnt hard and fast either, like today we had mexican for lunch
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Old 04-06-2005, 11:30 PM
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7:30 Granola Bar (with chocolate chips) Green Tea and a cigarette

8:30 Snack, usually a couple corn dogs or some wings and fries from the gut truck and a ciggy

11:00 Lunch. Usually leftovers from dinner. If not then whatever fast food I can get someone to pick up for me.... and a ciggy

1:30 Snack, Usually snack pack or cookies plus a mountain dew or cherry coke. Oh and a cig

6:30 Dinner, whatever the wife is cooking. She actually cooks so I dont mean TV dinners or the like. Always well rounded. Preffere to enjoy with a beer.

after that it depends on how much beer I drink. Maybe a snack, maybe another meal.

Oh yeah. Im a skinny little f****er also
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Old 04-06-2005, 11:52 PM
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whatever is around at the time to be honest. i rarely eat breakfast, or lunch. i don't starve myself, i just am not hungry.

fast food has become really gross to me since seeing that movie "Super Size Me". now the only fast food I eat is Subway's new toasted subs. yum!!...i had one earlier tonight, the woman treated me to dinner.
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Old 04-06-2005, 11:53 PM
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5:50 8oz Soy Milk

7:22 16oz Coffee

10:45 Whatever I brought for lunch, usually leftovers

3:30 cookie, 8oz soy milk, 1 cup cottage cheese

6:00 Whatever I made for dinner, usually leftovers

8:00 8oz Soy Milk

I also drink water throughout the day, especially since I started bike riding.
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Old 04-07-2005, 12:31 AM
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6:40AM- 1 RedBull

7:30AM- some crapy shop coffee with lots of powederd milk and sugar.

11:20 AM- Turkey sandwitch or whatever I have left in my dog etc.

6:00PM- My girlfriend makes me dinner, she is a vegatarian so somthing healthy but yummy.

9:00PM- 2 beers

9:30PM some cookies or ice cream and some milk.
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Old 04-07-2005, 08:19 AM
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A lot of times I look at eating as a chore, I don't focus on it too much. Unless it's cereal, if it were free and provided all nutrients I needed, I'd eat cereal most of the time.

7:15 cereal, 2 bowls unless I'm running late, then 1 bowl

12:00 lunch, sandwich/chips or leftovers

~6-7 dinner, meat or pasta with sides of canned vegetables or salad, or variations thereof

Maybe once a week I'll eat a snack between dinner and 11, either leftovers or ice cream or cereal, whatever's easy to prepare.
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Old 04-07-2005, 08:23 AM
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6:00 Workout

6:30 Weigh in

7:00 Protein Shake

10:00 Cup of low fat yogurt

11:00 Lunch: Sandwich/leftovers & diet pop

13-16:00: Apple, bananna

18:30: Dinner (meat, starch, vegies)

That's generally it. I mix it up some days.
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Old 04-07-2005, 10:27 AM
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at school:

whatever time i wake up: pop tart

7:00 pm: something with chicken or beef

at home:

whatever time i wake up: waffle or if theres actually ******* milk in my house then cereal. and a granola bar.

and i probably wont eat much else.

i like your other diets.
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