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1revnrex 07-03-2005 11:03 PM

Go sign the petition!>/happy.png

nopistons94 07-04-2005 12:25 AM


inanimate_object 07-04-2005 06:16 AM


1revnrex 07-04-2005 09:09 AM

Thats nice and all, just sign the damned petition.

inanimate_object 07-04-2005 02:09 PM



1revnrex 07-04-2005 02:25 PM

[quote name='inanimate_object' date='Jul 4 2005, 03:09 PM']NO.




Your choice. Thanks a million.

inanimate_object 07-04-2005 04:02 PM

[quote name='1revnrex' date='Jul 4 2005, 08:25 PM']Your choice. Thanks a million.



I already explained myself in the other thread.


phinsup 07-04-2005 04:03 PM

eat ****

l8t apex 07-04-2005 04:27 PM

Last night on CNN the top US financial adviser to the UN explained a few things."Which I all ready new but”. here goes some points.

Bono and super stars have know clue about finances and the structure that it takes for a country much their own personal stuff. The European community came up with the state taxing formula of 7 %GDP of a country. However dollar for dollar the US smokes every country in total dollars in (including personal donations) aid that no country can touch. I mean billions. Bush then raised the ante from 10 billion to now 19 billion! Bush is the first President to do so since Hoover. Bono said yea cool but I want more. Then the guy said the problem is the Europeans giving money to a government "dictator or warlord" and there is no infrastructure to manage. As a sovereign country once they get the money they keep it. Those who need help don’t get it. Another "WE can’t win" was the Tsunami. He said US flew in tons of aid, workers and monies so much so the UN came to him and complained that it was too much and it was Imperial financing and that we had to back off cause the UN other countries get upset.... again.

He then said at 7 % GDP of the largest economy in the world would be 91 BILLION dollars and that no third world country has institutions capable of such capacity and the infrastructure to delegate and would be predisposed to loss in corruption. So what the US does is send people, groups organization with financial management to carry out the aid and make sure those in need get it and it is not hijacked by the leaders.

Bono needs to shut the **** up and go live there. Fantasy is not reality ...

You guys need to get away from actors who believe they are psychiatrists and educated lifers in world economics.

phinsup 07-04-2005 04:37 PM

And yet there's still people here in Florida with no roof over their head because their insurance told them to eat **** and FEMA gave them the same answer.

We're quicker to dump billions into a foreign economy for a "good cause' but there apparently is no such thing here in our homeland. No cause good enough. I sympathize for many nations and their problems, however I am skeptical that US intervention of any kind is actually "help".

Someover privilaged actor that has no concept of how the world works or what an honest days wage actually is can suck it.

l8t apex 07-04-2005 04:44 PM

I agree with phinsup on that thought.

venomrx7 07-04-2005 11:57 PM

The reason that I don't get into things like this is because of my political beliefs. Our government is too big. It should not have the control that it does, nor should it be responsible for "helping" everyone else. If I want to send my money to africa or wherever the **** that should be MY choice. I'm sick of being forced into donating. If I want to be an ass and be greedy, I should have the choice to do so, my tax money should not be going to "aid" it should be going to keep up the operations of our country.

AND, if they do feel it necessary to "help" people, we have TONS that need help right here at home. I think if they are going to "help" people, we need to fix our own breaking down country before we spread our money elsewhere.

I put "help" and "aid" in quotation marks because I am only using them as terms. I don't think that these programs and organizations acctually do anything at all.

toplessFC3Sman 07-05-2005 04:18 AM

Well... to completely avoid the political discussion... the Live 8 concert was good... I saw it from Berlin. Anyone else catch it?

Rob x-7 07-05-2005 06:08 AM

the stars should go there themselves and hand out birth control

toplessFC3Sman 07-05-2005 07:34 AM

yea, get Bono to cover your Boner

1revnrex 07-05-2005 10:10 AM

They arent asking for ******* donations, they are asking to relieve debt and offer foreign aid to 3rd world countries. I swear some of the people on this forum are the most anti-social sons of bitches in the world>/bubbrubb.gif

inanimate_object 07-05-2005 10:27 AM

1. I'm not an American so why should I get a say in what you pay your tax towards?

2. Like I said in the other thread, they don't say once what their plan is to do with the money.

I actually think Bono is ok - he's a little eccentric but he's done a lot even for a celebrity.


boxrs4sale 07-05-2005 10:33 AM

it doesn't matter what we donate to africa..

they could raise every cent of the money to forgive the debt BUT.. what they raise will get mismanaged, and they will stay in debt..

like to tsunami ****.. everyone is ******* greedy and keeps what we give.

i believe that most of the highest paid CEO's in the country work for charity organizations. i forget what the avg. salary was.. someone look it up.. it will sadly make you think twice about giving again.

phinsup 07-05-2005 10:45 AM

We can't pay our own debts, we have the largest natnal debt in the history of this country, how is relieving foreign country's debt ie forgiving it going to help us pay our own debt? It won't it's only going to increase.

people in this country seem to be quick to forgive debt, pile on more debt to the current. Do you realize that this money has to come from somewhere? Something has to give, we are going bankrupt our dollar is becoming less and less valuable in respect to others.

All of this money has to be paid back, maybe all these famous rich fucks should use their powers of creative accounting and figure out where we are going to get the money to pay off our foreign debt. No wants to raise taxes, but everyone wants to SPEND SPEND SPEND. You can't fight wars abroad, give money to starving nations, forgive foreign debts, etc without eventually having to come up with the money to do so. Our current approach has been to increase our debt (borrow more money) anyone on this forum should be able to understand that this will not work. Let's say you have 5 credit cards and 3 of them have a balance, charging the other 2 to the max doesn't pay off the other 3.... it's pretty simple. At some point we are going to have to pay the debt.

1revnrex 07-05-2005 11:21 AM

Lets see... blow all our cash on a pointless war fighting, "Freedom Haters">/rolleyes.gif or let debts go to small 3rd world countries with new leadership that are having to fight to bring the country they stand for out of poverty because the people who ran the country 30 years ago made bad decisions.

I know America is a far from perfect place to live in for alot of people right now, I happen to live in a city that took 2 hurricanes up the ass last year. I also know that I dont have to find a way to feed myself on a dollar a day. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and I respect all of yours I just hope you give me the same respect.

PhoenixDownVII 07-05-2005 11:22 AM


1revnrex 07-05-2005 05:29 PM



89 Rag 07-05-2005 07:14 PM

I'm gonna go ahead and be a selfish prick and tell the rest of the world to get fucked, America needs to wash it's OWN ass and burp it's OWN babies before we venture out and try to "save the world".

If the grossly overpaid, and overrated celebs of the planet join together in a mutual wild hair up the ass idea, great, stupendious, let them petition the governments in thier repective countries for funding to support thier ideas, like others have said, I am not willing to add my name to a petition that will further a national financial burden and emplore the mismanagement of funding.

Shriners hospital is a perfect example, for the childrn right? Wrong! In a 7 story facility, 1 floor, not even the entire floor, is alotted for patients. 6 floors of administration, not 1 car in the admin lot under 50 grand..."but sir, your donation is for the children" bitch please, who's children, the kids in need of your services or is it that the admin lounge needs another wing added to it to fit another 3 espresso machines on the Corian countertop!

It's enough to make you sick, and it is only a sliver of the things that are wrong in THIS country, and it still happens everyday.

1revnrex 07-05-2005 08:15 PM

Im not even going to argue this anymore, its so obvious NONE OF YOU have even read the petition. Those of you that have (or claim to have) need to re-read it a bit. They are addressing a few more things than just handouts to poor countries(i.e. AIDS). Oh but the global AIDS epidemic doesnt affect the US though does it?

1revnrex 07-05-2005 08:23 PM

1revnrex 07-05-2005 08:24 PM

ROTARYROCKET7 07-05-2005 08:29 PM

preach on brotha

phinsup 07-05-2005 08:33 PM

"Just One Percent Of the US Budget" HOLY ****.

Just one percent of the US budget is more then some countries GNP. We've only got 100 1%'s to delegate. Just one percent would do a lot for bettering the education of our students, providing health care for ALL of our citizens, providing healthcare for our senior citizens, providing retirement for our senior citizens, ******* a they built this country and we can't even provide them with healthcare in their old age, that's a ******* crime right there and it's happening right here, why don't some of these over paid fucks champion our elderly?

Just one percent..... un-*******-believable.

Where does it end? How many times can we dish out just one percent before our own economy crumbles, that statement in itself shows how short sided the whole campaign is.

phinsup 07-05-2005 08:34 PM

just one day for the national debt to increase another 1.64 BILLION

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of

$1.64 billion per day since September 30, 2004!

I could pretty it up with a banner if I could get brad pitt on my side!>/biggrin.png

phinsup 07-05-2005 08:37 PM

Don't get me wrong, I feel compassion for every country in despair and I thank god I live here in the US, however I think we have some serious issues here at home to attend to before we start saving the world.

ROTARYROCKET7 07-05-2005 08:53 PM

Time to throw back a few pints!>/beerchug.gif>/40oz.gif

Lets celebrate this great nation. With all this **** we go thru, were still on top of the food chain>/bigok.gif

1revnrex 07-05-2005 08:53 PM

I agree with you on that 100% but I also feel compassion for people in general. I dont care who you are and how you feel about other people/countries, not one person on here can justify any country having a annual death toll of 900,000 people and if it continues in the same fashion it will rise to 1.8 million a year by 2008. THAT is unbelievable.

defprun 07-05-2005 08:58 PM

stop blowing up foreign countries, youll have more money to save the ones you like!

1revnrex 07-05-2005 09:06 PM

[quote name='defprun' date='Jul 5 2005, 09:58 PM']stop blowing up foreign countries, youll have more money to save the ones you like!



I am so against the war right now its not even funny. This country is run by a draft dodgin wannabe Texas gunslinger and the only reason he attacked Iraq was to cover up his dirty little secrets. Another story all together though.

defprun 07-05-2005 09:10 PM

draft phins so he can shoot allah ackbar in his fishing cap.

1revnrex 07-05-2005 09:14 PM

Whatever, opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and most of them stink.

Rob x-7 07-05-2005 09:16 PM

maybe if they stopped ******* each other like animals things would change as far as the AIDS crisis goes

they arent getting it through blood transfusions, they are getting it from being careless, if that many people die everyday from it you would think they would get the hint and stop *******, then giving birth to babies with AIDS too

[quote name='1revnrex' date='Jul 5 2005, 10:14 PM']Whatever, opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and most of them stink.




defprun 07-05-2005 09:17 PM

itd be like telling all the christians to stop going to church. ******* is 3rd world africas church.

defprun 07-05-2005 09:18 PM

1revnrex 07-05-2005 09:31 PM

[quote name='Rob x-7' date='Jul 5 2005, 10:16 PM']maybe if they stopped ******* each other like animals things would change as far as the AIDS crisis goes

they arent getting it through blood transfusions, they are getting it from being careless, if that many people die everyday from it you would think they would get the hint and stop *******, then giving birth to babies with AIDS too



So lemme get this straight, cool to help cancer victims but not AIDS victims? What if the cancer victim got lung cancer from smoking cigs, no help for him?

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