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sidewinderx7 12-23-2002 03:10 PM

Phins hooked me up with a good lawyer. He seems really good.. got me out of a couple things .. he charges quite a bit though.

93 R1 12-23-2002 08:18 PM


Get a good lawyer. Tell the judge it wasn't your car and you were not familiar with it. They shouldn't take your license since it is a major part of your job to drive around all day. Probably they will give you one of those work pass type things, where you are only supposed to drive to and from work.

Wait till your insurance bill comes. Get a car insurance policy with Leslie ASAP. Tell them you are married and put her down as the driver for the RX7. And make sure to tell them that it is a pleasure vehicle only driven on weekends. It will help bring the insurance way down.

Fe3Boost 12-24-2002 03:45 AM

Dave man I am real sorry but I did not make you drive at all. Dude I will help any way shape or form I can dude. You can have the car anytime with or without a PERMIT. You da man

SORRY Boost Iam getting back to the real world just now>/boink.gif


loudazzrx7 12-24-2002 09:13 AM

Oh ****--this just focking sucks dude---I have been in the same situation before myself----Its a pain in the ass to have to go through all the ringers they send you through,but trust me its not as bad as it seems---

Fd3BOOST 12-24-2002 09:21 AM

I know this is my fault, My driving record reflects my inability to follow state laws. But I want to take this opportunity to thank Ryan for taking me to Kims when I asked him not to in the first place.

That is all I said man..

Fd3BOOST 12-24-2002 09:28 AM

Yes My liscence is gone for 90 days no buts about it, No allowences for work or anything else.

90 days of no driving ..period.>/blackeye.gif

I think I can straighten the rest out with the courts.

I didn't know that it was suspended. The DMV never alerted me. They told me over the the phone yesterday that the suspension was in effect since last April 16th, But they don't start counting your time until you turn your liscence in. Well I went in there on my birthday May 1st to renew my liscence and they didn't say **** to me about any suspension.

Now why in the world would you renew somebodies suspended liscence.

The DMV is full of dipshits.>/wtf.gif

I don't think I'll have a problem convincing the judge that I was unaware of the suspension.

Rikki I aint blaming you for my mess. I am just saying that It is getting really hard to hang around you,

It seems like I get in trouble almost everytime.

You keep it up and I won't have much say in it.

Eventually Leslie will ban me from playing with you.

That would be lame so curb your enthusiasm a bit could ya.

Please don't turn into a Mark Raymond ok? :eek:

Wargasm 12-25-2002 12:34 AM


One thing that might help is to get some sort of letter from the MVA saying that your license was suspended on April 16th. Then also get something (like maybe your current license if you still have it) that says that you got a NEW license on your birthday. This shows that your timeline of events is true and casts doubts on the cluefullness of the MVA.

Another thing I would do is scour the Maryland laws online at:

for anything that helps you.


One thing I found there that might help you is this:

Under "§ 16-404. Effect of accumulated points", it says in part,

"(b) Administration to issue notice.-

(2) Each notice shall:

(i) Be personally served or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, bearing a postmark from the United States Postal Service; "


Sounds to me like you can march in to the MVA and demand to see the return receipt or find out who personally served you with the papers. (You better pray they don't say something like "yeah you were at the hearing on xxx or yyy date and we told you there that you had to give up your license...")

This is under subtitle 4 which deals with suspensions related to points. If you got a suspension because of a DUI or something else, it might not be as applicable...

Anyhow, hope this helps you prepare a defense.


pengaru 12-25-2002 02:34 AM

er ****

i hope this isnt the same here in IL

when I got my notice they gave a small envelope to put my license in, but I didnt have one, I havent had one for years. I lost it buying beers, left it on the bar one day. so I didnt send the envelope in with my license since I didnt have one. I figured it didnt matter since the paperwork had a start of suspension date, and if I were to get pulled over the records would show I had a suspended license regardless. So whats the point of asking for your physical license card? I always figured they did that to be a nuisance wrt buying cigarettes and alcohol.

if thats the case i'm fucked and won't have a license for a really long time, **** this place, I think I'm just going to move to a different country.

Fd3BOOST 12-25-2002 01:11 PM

Originally Posted by Wargasm' date='Dec 24 2002, 10:34 PM

One thing that might help is to get some sort of letter from the MVA saying that your license was suspended on April 16th. Then also get something (like maybe your current license if you still have it) that says that you got a NEW license on your birthday. This shows that your timeline of events is true and casts doubts on the cluefullness of the MVA.

Another thing I would do is scour the Maryland laws online at:

for anything that helps you.


One thing I found there that might help you is this:

Under "§ 16-404. Effect of accumulated points", it says in part,

"(b) Administration to issue notice.-

(2) Each notice shall:

(i) Be personally served or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, bearing a postmark from the United States Postal Service; "


Sounds to me like you can march in to the MVA and demand to see the return receipt or find out who personally served you with the papers. (You better pray they don't say something like "yeah you were at the hearing on xxx or yyy date and we told you there that you had to give up your license...")

This is under subtitle 4 which deals with suspensions related to points. If you got a suspension because of a DUI or something else, it might not be as applicable...

Anyhow, hope this helps you prepare a defense.


Brian thanks for the help.

I am on the same page.

I was told that they sent two notices. One sent certified mail and the other regular mail

The certified letter was supposedly returned tothem because It never made it to me.

Honestly I never got the other one either.

So I will get documentaion of the Liscence being suspended on April 16th. \

I had it renewed on May 1st, which it clearly shows on the Liscence itself as the Date of issue.

Those two things together with the fact that I was so cooperative with the officer should be enough to clear me of the charge of driving and possesing a suspended liscence.

I hope.

I went into the MVA yesterday and got the statement signed stating that the officer took my liscence.

So I am into day 2 of my 90 day suspension.

only 88 days left woooo hooo!! :bigok:

SENNALIVES 12-26-2002 11:00 AM

88 days left that blows .>/11.gif

Look on the bright side atleast this is during the winter. Just imagine if this happened after you got your fd back on the road . Not driving your RX7 during the summer would kill you. I guess you can take your time with your porting project and have that rocket ready when your legal again . :evildeal:

Does Ryan still have all those stickers on his car ? If it does it has to be a cop magnet .:rice: :

It looks as if you have some good advice on the MD laws , good luck . :monkydance:

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