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ambassador_josh 05-18-2005 05:28 PM

Wow Jay you really are a fervent fanboy lol...I'm just saying any CONSOLE with so much processing power (its in the teraflops, like 250 or so) is gonna be cool. Not voicing my affection for or against your beloved xbox. Hell, I dont own either system.

ThirdGenRX7 05-18-2005 05:49 PM

[quote name='turbovr6' date='May 18 2005, 05:20 PM']oh and the mod chip thing.... xbox does'nt even need one anymore, I can do it with a few files, a thumb drive, and an xbox memory card.



turbovr6 05-18-2005 06:18 PM

HA HA yeah I guess I was a little biased in my reply. I just can't understand how people love ps2 so much when all it does is play games, and the graphics are garbage.

Mod chip..... If you have the original mech assault, or 007 there is a file on them that gets saved to your memory card. That file can be altered with a pc to allow the xbox bios to be unlocked and flashed.

drftk1d 05-18-2005 07:09 PM

[quote name='turbovr6' date='May 18 2005, 05:20 PM']It's ******* funny how PS people get so irate about there love and dedication to the PS2. You people have no clue. Without even getting into the new systems, here is the real deal with xbox vs. PS2.

They both have online play, modchips, and can play dvds.

PS2 has some better games than xbox. Thats the only positive thing there is

Now lets go to xbox(particularly MY xbox)

What xbox can do that ps2 can't......

I have a 120 gig HD INTERNAL

I can play ANY video format on my xbox.

It will play ".bin and .cue" files

Because of my network connection I can....

get real time weather and stock reports

stream video clips from ebaums,comedy central and porn sites(just to name a few)

stream music videos

stream movie trailers

stream video game reviews

stream anything basically.

This is just a small sample of what the xbox can do

PS2 is a ******* pathetic video game console. It's like atari on crack


oh and the mod chip thing.... xbox does'nt even need one anymore, I can do it with a few files, a thumb drive, and an xbox memory card.



none of that matters. the point of a game console is to uh play games. and have a good library of them. I think that both ps2 and xbox have about the same amount of good games (this is no fence sitting here either) its just ps2 has the higher good game-to-**** game ratio.

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