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UniqueTII 08-28-2003 04:48 AM

I always do a lot better at the gym when I'm on the Atkins diet. I don't run out of energy as quickly. It also makes it easier to wake up in the morning and stay awake all day.

But oh no, there's red meat involved! Get your head out of your ass and stop believing everything you hear. Red meat is good for you...end of story. It's high in iron, potassium, and protein. It's not high in fat unless you want it to be, and if you buy good meat, it doesn't have all kinds of chemicals in it.

I just get pissed off when I hear people knock the Atkins diet without trying it, because there really is a lot more to it than weight loss and deprivation.

banzaitoyota 08-28-2003 06:49 AM

Who said anyhitng about depravation?

I eat what I want, within reason. PLus all the crap you can't eat on the Atkins diet, I am ALLERGIC to. So Atkins is a HEalthy choice for me. My Family Physician and Cardiologist , and Allergist agree.

1988RedT2 08-28-2003 07:56 AM

Originally Posted by banzaitoyota' date='Aug 28 2003, 11:49 AM
Who said anyhitng about depravation?

I eat what I want, within reason. PLus all the crap you can't eat on the Atkins diet, I am ALLERGIC to. So Atkins is a HEalthy choice for me. My Family Physician and Cardiologist , and Allergist agree.

Let's see, Banzai is deprived or depraved. Okay, so which one is it????

Main Entry: de·prive

Pronunciation: di-'prIv

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form(s): de·prived; de·priv·ing

Etymology: Middle English depriven, from Medieval Latin deprivare, from Latin de- + privare to deprive

Date: 14th century

1 obsolete : REMOVE

2 : to take something away from <deprived him of his professorship -- J. M. Phalen>

3 : to remove from office

4 : to withhold something from <deprived a citizen of her rights>


Main Entry: de·prave

Pronunciation: di-'prAv

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form(s): de·praved; de·prav·ing

Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French depraver, from Latin depravare to pervert, from de- + pravus crooked, bad

Date: 14th century

1 archaic : to speak ill of : MALIGN

2 : to make bad : CORRUPT; especially : to corrupt morally

synonym see DEBASE

- de·pra·va·tion /"de-pr&-'vA-sh&n, "dE-"prA-/ noun

- de·prave·ment /di-'prAv-m&nt/ noun

- de·prav·er /di-'prA-v&r/ noun

This is an easy one.>/biggrin.png

***According to Merriam-Webster***

banzaitoyota 08-28-2003 08:20 AM>/biggrin.png

p0sta1 08-28-2003 11:02 AM

banzaitoyota - i'm not too worried about you since you've talked to your doctors. but in my opinion, atkins is the worst diet people just jump into before learning extensively about the good and the bad.

Just like every other diet out there, the atkins diet makes you eat less calories. But why put your body into a force state of ketosis? Up your cholesterol level? Why not just eat less calories and exercise a little?

The quick low down:

You eat a high-carb diet, the carbs turn into glucose and your body squirts out some insulin to tell the glucose to take care of your body and brain(your brain runs on glucose btw). When your body has enough glucose to go around, it takes the excess and stores it as fat for a rainy day. Now, the more carbs you eat, the more insulin you're going to make. The more insulin your body puts out the less likely it is to respond after a while. That's when diabetes/hypoglycemia comes into play. Your body stops reacting(diabetes) or over reacts(hypoglycemia) to the insulin making your sugar levels shoot up and/or down drastically.

When you start eating less carbs, the body goes into a state of ketosis, and it burns its fat for fuel. This makes you feel less hungry, and you're likely to eat less than you might otherwise. But it can cause bad breath, constipation/diarrhea and high cholesterol(heart disease & stroke). Plus you can lose bone density if you're not supplementing your atkins diet with vitamins. And it is hard on your liver and kidneys since your body can only process so much protein per day, about 7ounces, sorry i can't find a website verifying it, but i'll keep looking. (that's where the diarrhea comes in).


People ask me why i'm so skinny. I'm active, all the f'ing time. If i slow down then i gain weight, its as simple as that. And its harder to loose weight than it is to keep it off, so I stay active. I suppose I could stop eating as much when I slow down, but its as easy as walking around the block after a meal, or jogging up the stairs a few times.

I'm sorry for such a long post, but my boyfriends mother is constantly fighting with obesity and she keeps trying the atkins diet to no avail. I've read up on the Atkins diet to try and tell her how hard it is on her body to constantly start and stop dieting, let alone use the atkins diet.

Please talk to your doctor before you jump into a diet. Know what other things you need to be doing while on that diet so your body is not lacking any of the proper nutrients to keep it going.

I'm hypoglycemic/diabetic (right not the line) and had to read up on all this stuff so I could understand why I developed diabetes. I also wanted to be a doctor for the first year of college so that helped>/smile.png Like i said above, READ up on the diets you're thinking about before jumping into them and talk to your doctor damnit!>/smile.png

j9fd3s 08-28-2003 11:13 AM

i didnt even read the definition of deprived


9BASE3 08-28-2003 11:29 AM

Hrm... I bet if I actually gave a **** about my diet I could compete. I've actually been invited to several competitions looking the way I do now.

Can't do it though... I like to drink too much, and eat nearly anything that gets near my mouth. I've almost bitten off my own fingers before LOL

People underestimate dieting though. It's extremely important. So is exercize. I think the ONLY reason my parents are healthy is because they both exercize and mom has a badass ******* grill and an ACRE garden.>/smile.png

wraith 08-28-2003 11:32 AM

yeah the atkins diet is great, but if you lift it really puts a strain on you.

Eric Happy Meal 08-28-2003 02:01 PM

my bro in law is on it.

UniqueTII 08-28-2003 06:51 PM

Originally Posted by banzaitoyota' date='Aug 28 2003, 06:49 AM
Who said anyhitng about depravation?

Everybody I tell I'm on it...that's

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