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7mech 03-03-2003 10:02 PM

I've been in the Air Force for a little over 5 years now. Up until about 8 months ago I was a Loadmaster. A Loadmaster is the guy who loads the plane, handles the passengers, and takes care of wieght and balance and emergencies. Due to reasons cocerning my mental health I am no longer able to fly. Well for the past 8 months I've been seeing a mental health doctor(shrink) to be able to cope with my problem and continue my career in the Air Force, but in a different career field. Everything was going fine until my commander went on Deployment(left for the war if there is one). Last Friday my supervisor tells me that I have a meeting with the commander(who at this point I still think is my regular commander not his replacement) and my first Sargeant(guy who represents all enlisted personell in a squadron, company.....). I ask what it's all about and she says they just want to touch base about my situation and see how things are going. I'm like cool. Monday rolls around and I go in to have this meeting. My boss and I get there and I'm still thinking the real commander is here until I see the ******* come out of his office. We start talking with the commander and 1st shirt and well he basically tells me that I'm going to go back to being a loadmaster wether I want to or not. Well you can only imagine my look. I was like what the **** is going on?! First of all your not the real commander and did you even talk to him before he left(not actually said)? Basically he wants me to go back to my old job or get out. He also told me that I have until noon tommorow to make a decision to fly or not fly. Now here I am a guy who has put 5 solid years of his life into becoming a great airman. A guy who wishes to continue his career and who was told he could do so by his real commander. If this ******* has his way then I will be out on my ass and have to find a job with basically no experience except what I've learned while in the Air Force and have to support myself, my car, and my wife. Now tell me is this some **** or what?

Sinful7 03-03-2003 10:16 PM

uh.. that's some ****.

bigtime 03-03-2003 10:18 PM

yreahh fucked up

P'cola FD 03-03-2003 10:21 PM

Just one more reason for me never to go into the military.

7mech 03-03-2003 10:23 PM

Your telling me. Now this Jackass thinks he can just send me back to the shrink and have me cured. I swear this guy thinks I have a cold or something that is easy to cure with some drugs or something. He thinks that just because I can fly as a passenger every once in a blue moon that it's alright for me to fly most every week. This **** is extremely frustrating. I wish I could just tell him exactly what's on mind. ie to shove this hair brained idea up his ass.

Sinful7 03-03-2003 10:33 PM

so what the ****.. you want to be a loadmaster and dude-man tells you to go back to being a loadmaster, but you don't wanna do it?

7mech 03-03-2003 10:43 PM

No, I was a loadmaster and now can't be. I don't want to go back, but would like to stay in the Air Force and go into a different career field besides loadmaster.

drifter 03-03-2003 10:50 PM

So he's saying that you're either a military loadmaster or your out on the civvy streets like the rest of the scum? I thought military leaders were supposed to be compassionate towards their troops?

7mech 03-03-2003 11:33 PM

I don't consider myself any better than the rest of the people in this country. I'm not a scumbag nor am I an elite person who is better than the rest. With that said, don't believe everything you read about the military. Just ask 9base3, I'm sure he knows very well. These guys think that because they have a colllege degree and some insegnia on thier shoulder, that degsignates them as an officer, that they can do anything they want. They will screw over their best friend and do anything else they have to do to get to the top. I know that's life, but these guys aren't supposed to be able to do **** like this.

Sinful7 03-03-2003 11:49 PM

go over his head.

drifter 03-03-2003 11:57 PM

Yeah, i was kinda joking about the scum thing...>/blush.png

7mech 03-03-2003 11:58 PM

I figured but I didn't want everyone to get the wrong idea.

ROTARYROCKET7 03-04-2003 12:02 AM

i feel real bad for you i hope evthing turns out better. Omg the military is reading this post as we speak. what mental problems do u have. I know waht ure mental problem is . you told them to put a rotary engine in the f22 raptor and now they think ure loco lol j/k good luck

jazerx-7 , nyc

7mech 03-04-2003 12:49 AM

I wish that was my problem. I guess we'll see tommorow when I give this guy a copy of my mental medical records and the recomendation that the shrink wrote to the medical review board to have me permenantly grounded. I don't think this morron(sp) ever requested a copy of these when he decided to do this. Shows you how smart this guy is. Doesn't read all the facts then he runs his mouth. If he keeps pushing he's going to be running his mouth infront of the Judge Advocate General at his article 15 hearing. Or he'll be getting investigated by the Inspector General. Hope he likes these people because he might be seeing alot of them in the near future. Got to love free legal assistance.

banzaitoyota 03-04-2003 07:05 AM

Having been medically retired from the Navy; due to medical conditions beyond my control preventing me from working in my career field (Nuclear Machinist Mate, Submarine Qualified); I feel qualified to comment on your situation.

Have you been placed on medical hold?

If not request to be, until your condition staililizes: However when you do this you will lose all specialty pays.

One thing to remember: The military needs everyone that can fly: To fly. ITs simple the CO is looking at his roster and he sees you, filling a flying billet; but you can't fly. He is only allowed so many men. IF you can't fl he needs you off his roster so he can order a replacemnt in your place THAT CAN FLY. Its the cold hard facts, the CO has an OP schedule to maintain

7mech 03-04-2003 02:10 PM

Banziatoyota I understand all of these items you have addressed. I'm currently holding a 999 status DNIF(duties not including flight). Under this status I am not allowed to fly ever again as an aircrew member. Just so you know you can't just get this status by going to see the flight surgeon. You must submit paperwork via your doctors. This paperwork then gets sent to the MAJCOM that you're in and then it takes about 6 months for the head flight surgeon to make a decision as to wether you should or shouldn't be allowed to continue your job. I also know that I'm occuping(sp) an active slot as a loadmaster, but I can't do anything about that. That is up to the person who is handling my paperwork. The faster he goes the sooner they can get someone else to fill my slot. I already lost my Fly pay($225 per month).

Update: I spoke to both of the doctors handling my case and got th proper info needed to inform the Commander and Shirt. I gave this info to them earlier today and from what I can gather they just didn't know what was going on. Basically there was a breakdown in the communication chain. I also asked both of my doctors to call and speak to the Commander to make sure that everything is going in the right direction. Hopefully all of this will change the Commanders mind and better inform him of what is actually going on.

Baldy 03-04-2003 02:24 PM

great...I hope that helps, and that it turns out ok

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