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Il RX8 lI 05-17-2005 12:27 PM

Funny, I'm going to court today about my recent ticket. Good luck.

ColinRX7 05-17-2005 02:07 PM


Cop showed up I pleaded not guilty

it was a lady cop

All I can say is get your **** together if you fight one, I took pictures of where it happened and that it couldn't be a legitimate radar reading, etc etc

All it takes is the cop to say "These circumstances would not effect the reading", and the court will side with the officer

That's how I lost

But anyways I played the system right, she had to appear, she had to have the radar tested before and after the time of my offence

She got grilled hard about everything, BUT everything checked out on her part, she had training and certification in testing the device and using it, it was tested before and after

I had a good case but I couldn't prove I wasn't speeding, and she could prove it was tested and working fine and she was certified in using the device, what it all boiled down to was, according to her training, the terrain (which was what I tried to fight with) wouldn't have affected the radar reading

So I had no way to contest that, so I was fucked, got 90 days to pay the fine now

But if one of her cards wasn't right such as IF she showed up, HAVING it tested, WHEN it was tested, IF she had certification, IF it was tested before and after the offence, etc etc etc THENNNNN I would have won.

SHOW UP WITH LOTS OF **** TO SAY if you go!!! Or hire a traffic lawyer I'll bet he could have gotten me out of it somehow, I represented myself

I did good but not good enough

ColinRX7 05-17-2005 02:11 PM

I'm not happy about not winning either

But it was an experience

Don't listen to people who say "all you have to do is show up and you win"

SOO many people were there fighting stuff they all plead guilty and got the full fine PLUS a victim surcharge

It's like, buddy, why show up at all, **** sakes, just plead guilty on the piece of paper and you get the same effect only NO VICTIM SURCHARGE

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