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Joe Flo 08-09-2003 01:49 PM

Cell Phones Piss me off. I drive a small car so they never ever see me coming.

Old People!!! They really piss me off cause I know they kill more people the teenagers do.

Honda Owners....For some reason I stay away from riced out hondas. I am seriously afraid of the way they drive. I have been rear ended by one waiting at a red light. MOst of them are complete idiots

BUt I am pretty passive so I keep my cool.

wraith 08-09-2003 02:18 PM

focking tourists...the worste ones are the old ones.... tourists

Dramon_Killer 08-09-2003 02:40 PM

One thing and one thing only pisses me off when i drive. People who drive crazy around me, i usually don't care. Cellphone people...don't care. Old people, sometimes care. People who ride my ass, dont care. But one thing pisses me off so bad.

There's a tiny and i mean TINY gap in front of me and the car in front of me and some idiot bolts in between that gap turning onto the road and then won't get up to speed and goes 3 under the speed limit...and theres not a single car behind me. I hate that more than anything and when people do that to me i ride their ass like no other.

Eric Happy Meal 08-09-2003 04:17 PM

the ones that piss me off are people who switch lanes to be first at a light, and then go slower than the other person. or the people who switch lanes and do go any faster at all. and the people who call and tell me all their problems about their car and dont let me transfer them...yeah those suck the most.

sorry, work sucks now.

JT-Imports 08-09-2003 07:35 PM

We have a REAL problem here with people going the same speed in the fast and slow lanes. You would have one person in the slow lane going 80kph and in the fast lane going 80kph which is the EXACT speed for the freeway, I dont know if this is road rage but I have been known to split them a little and drive between them. In Japan lanes are small and there is usually no SHOULDER on the freeways, so its not like I can pass, so I just go threw, and the FRUCK of it, is then they figured it out. I guess they only see in front of them since people including me were beeping our horns and weaving...


MazdaMike 08-09-2003 11:18 PM

i just hate people who cut u off then slow down for the leaf that just blew into the road or some ****. but thats when i use my car and blast past them, making sure im WOT@high RPM when i pass just so they know im passing.

one thing ive always though of doing to the cell phoners was downshifting and going WOT right next to them 4 or 5 times in a row. just enough to **** up their conversation for a sec. heh i dont know i think u gotta catch em with the window down or something but its an idea

Dysfnctnl85 08-09-2003 11:53 PM

Why am I the only one that voted "All the time?" LOL.

I just hate stupid people, and there are way to many stupid people driving.

For instance, I was headed to the movies the last night to see SWAT. I was kinda in a hurry because I wanted to get a seat and because I was buying for my group that was meeting there.

But this guy pulling a trailer w/ a lawnmower pulls out in front of me in a NOTORIOUS place for accidents. People are not patient at this intersection at all, and he's an example.

I'm doing 65 in a 55 and he pulls out and does 35. What's even worse is that even if he wanted to do the speedlimit, he wouldn't have gotten to it by the time I hit his trailer, if you know what I mean.


After closer analysis, he was talking on his cell phone.


TYSON 08-10-2003 12:26 AM

I once got out of my car to yell at someone. He tailgated me for 45 minutes on a 4 lane highway in a really bad blizzard. I was driving 40 kph (Camaro, summer tires, 6" snow, 30' visibility, night) Followed 30' behind me instead of passing. Even followed me up the same onramp. I got out at the stop sign, and he locked his door as soon as he saw I wasn't getting something from the trunk. Fucker obviously knew what he'd done was really stupid, but he did it anyway! Since he'd been staring at my license plate for the last 3/4 hour I figured it would take a lot of beating to make him forget it, so I didn't break his windows!

What pissed me off the most was he was driving some little 4x4 that could have easily went around me, while I'm driving a car that was a bitch in the snow.

Things that bug me in general are the centre lane bandits that drive in the middle lane whether they're passing or not, and trucks that see you coming up behind but swerve into you're lane to pass the truck in front who's going 1 kph slower.

Drivers that pass you 3 times in 15 minutes. I KNOW that ******* Cadillac has cruise control, use it!!!

Unexplained brakelights on the highway with no cars in front for half a mile. WTF are you doing?!?!?

Anyone got votes for which groups of cars have the worst drivers?

I vote for Volkswagen and Saturn drivers because they are so timid it's dangerous. Volvo and Saab drivers are not far behind on that chart>/angry.png

isamu 08-10-2003 01:01 AM

I was thinking about something else that pisses me off today. Its people who don't merge onto the freeway at the freeway speed limit. For example if the speed is 70 on the freeway they merge at like 50 and then slowly speed up to 70. This causes all the traffic to bind on the freeway as the people try and merge. What pisses me off is its usually a newer car thats more than capable of reaching the speed by the end of the on ramp, but the fuckers just don't put the pedal down far enough. When I drive my Jeep I have it floored just to reach like 65 when merging since it is pretty guttless, but it seems like I am always stuck behind some newer car thats just tooling along with a driver in their own little world.

I also agree that some people use the brake WAY to much. I hate it when people ride their brakes going down a hill, theres just no reason for it.

Srce 08-10-2003 01:54 AM

I get it sometimes. I usually try and remain calm and just think of the consequenses if I would to start something. But I keep a baseball bat in my car at all times, this is Chicago after all!!!

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