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banzaitoyota 07-03-2005 10:35 AM

Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills uncounted

thousands of people every year. Most of these deaths are caused by

accidental inhalation of DHMO, but the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide do

not end there. Prolonged exposure to its solid form causes severe tissue damage.

Symptoms of DHMO ingestion can include excessive sweating and urination, and

possibly a bloated feeling, nausea, vomiting and body electrolyte imbalance.

For those who have become dependent, DHMO withdrawal means certain death.

Dihydrogen monoxide:

* is also known as hydroxl acid, and is the major component of acid


* contributes to the "greenhouse effect."

* may cause severe burns.

* contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape.

* accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.

* may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of

automobile brakes.

* has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients.

Contamination Is Reaching Epidemic Proportions!

Quantities of dihydrogen monoxide have been found in almost every stream,

lake, and reservoir in America today. But the pollution is global, and the

contaminant has even been found in Antarctic ice. DHMO has caused millions

of dollars of property damage in the midwest, and recently California.

Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used:

* as an industrial solvent and coolant.

* in nuclear power plants.

* in the production of Styrofoam.

* as a fire retardant.

* in many forms of cruel animal research.

* in the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains

contaminated by this chemical.

* as an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products.

Companies dump waste DHMO into rivers and the ocean, and nothing can be

done to stop them because this practice is still legal. The impact on wildlife is

extreme, and we cannot afford to ignore it any longer!

The Horror Must Be Stopped!

The American government has refused to ban the production, distribution, or

use of this damaging chemical due to its "importance to the economic health

of this nation." In fact, the navy and other military organizations are

conducting experiments with DHMO, and designing multi-billion dollar devices

to control and utilize it during warfare situations. Hundreds of military research

facilities receive tons of it through a highly sophisticated underground distribution

network. Many store large quantities for later use.

It's Not Too Late!

Act NOW to prevent further contamination. Find out more about this dangerous

chemical. What you don't know can hurt you and others throughout the world.

l8t apex 07-03-2005 12:27 PM

Any real statistical independent data and release reports that prove that RCRA, CWA or DEQ rules have allowed PPM requirements that are in effect the single cause of the conditions mentioned? And of the afore claim what of the other 6,000 constituents of chemicals that coincide with its use that are carcinogenic?

Obviously dumping is illegal and if such a claim is a fact then it negligent of those whom know of such acts as fact to not report specific entities.

Some of largest carcinogens that are destroying the planet and our health is Benzine , Polychlorinated biphenyls and Polyvinylchloride and the best PFC's.

I say politcal buzzkill on DHMO.

ACT NOW save the planet dont get gas(benzine) in the ecomomic RX7,

dont use the electricity untill all your transformers have been replaced (PCB) dont use anything made of plastic because your hypicritcal since PVC is used in most and make sure all home appliances are updated not to use PFC... STOP ACT NOW the world is in danger, have a cause .

Sorry. Even the lime used to ph balanced crop is N.O.R.M which then raises background levels....check your scintilater!

Rotarydragon 07-03-2005 12:27 PM

Yeah I can't say enough about how careful you have to be with this stuff. It's literally ruined my day several times!

1revnrex 07-03-2005 12:38 PM


Rotarydragon 07-03-2005 12:40 PM

Yeah don't drink the water!


Jeff20B 07-03-2005 01:17 PM

Oh man, I'm in serious trouble. My room is filling with it as I type this. I've got to get out of here or open a window or something. This is nuts!

phinsup 07-03-2005 01:51 PM

uncounted thousands?

1revnrex 07-03-2005 01:56 PM

[quote name='phinsup' date='Jul 3 2005, 02:51 PM']uncounted thousands?



Good eyes Captain Morgan.

inanimate_object 07-03-2005 03:29 PM

That's pretty good.


nopistons94 07-04-2005 12:30 AM


phinsup 07-04-2005 12:40 AM

[quote name='1revnrex' date='Jul 3 2005, 02:56 PM']Good eyes Captain Morgan.



nuts... and you don't have to call me captain until after august 16th>/biggrin.png

twinturborx7pete 07-04-2005 08:56 PM

just in case i missed something,

you guys do know what Dihydrogen Monoxide is right?

Lothema 07-04-2005 09:08 PM

i did a science fair project on this once to see how many people actually think about what they are signing before they do. did surveys to see how many people i could convince to sign a petition to ban this dangerous chemical. it was kinda funny how many people took what i said without question.

1revnrex 07-04-2005 10:43 PM

[quote name='Lothema' date='Jul 4 2005, 10:08 PM']i did a science fair project on this once to see how many people actually think about what they are signing before they do. did surveys to see how many people i could convince to sign a petition to ban this dangerous chemical. it was kinda funny how many people took what i said without question.



ColinRX7 07-04-2005 11:25 PM = 100% accuracy

Leetheslacker 07-05-2005 01:13 AM

snopes is my hero

1revnrex 07-05-2005 10:12 AM

Thats what I replaced Google with.

Lothema 07-05-2005 11:55 AM

no, thats where i got the idea from. aparently my teachers hadnt read that article before. the thing was also in a book of science fair ideas that i read

i didnt say that i won, just that it was an easy idea and it got me a decent grade

it was required that we do one at my school every year// only seniors were exempt

1revnrex 07-05-2005 12:34 PM

[quote name='Lothema' date='Jul 5 2005, 12:55 PM']no, thats where i got the idea from. aparently my teachers hadnt read that article before. the thing was also in a book of science fair ideas that i read

i didnt say that i won, just that it was an easy idea and it got me a decent grade

it was required that we do one at my school every year// only seniors were exempt



Hey Im just bustin balls....

against your chin.>/biggrin.png

l8t apex 07-05-2005 02:09 PM

Oh **** I injested some more H2O..

And then this my momma said

Cow flatulence

It has been estimated that 9 to 12% of the energy that a cow consumes is turned to methane that is released either through flatulence or burping (Radford, 2001). A huge number of factors affect methane emission, including diet, barn conditions and whether the cow is lactating, but an average cow in a barn produce 542 liters of methane a day, and 600 liters when out in a field (Adam, 2000).

These estimates were made using a trace gas (sulphur hexofluoride) that was released at known points within a barn containing 90 cattle. Levels of this trace gas and CO2 are then measured 30 metres downwind of the shed and thus they can estimate how much CO2 is released per cow per day. All this methane can add up to a significant amount. Australia's 140 million sheep and cattle are estimated to produce one seventh of the nation's total greenhouse gas emissions, whilst America's 100 million cattle also are major contributors (Major, 2000).

I bet just the members here could smoke them with some beer and castle burgers!

ColinRX7 07-05-2005 11:31 PM

[quote name='1revnrex' date='Jul 5 2005, 01:34 PM']Hey Im just bustin balls....

against your chin.>/biggrin.png



so you like blowjobs from men, eh?

wheres srce when you need him

1revnrex 07-05-2005 11:38 PM

[quote name='ColinRX7' date='Jul 6 2005, 12:31 AM']so you like blowjobs from men, eh?

wheres srce when you need him



Do you even try anymore?>/happy.png

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