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7mech 06-22-2003 02:27 PM

Well I've finally decided that the car is costing my wife and I too much money. It's time for it to go. I was wondering what would be a good selling price for it? When I put it up for sale it will have a new engine w/ port by Steve Kan from Gotham Racing. It will also have new paint all around, a new hood, front fenders, sunroof, and front and rear glass. All the body work is needed because of a hail storm that happend recently. It will also have a stage 3 rebuilt turbo by BNR Supercars and all of the stuff in my sig. I was thinking $8,000.00 would be a good price. What do you guys think? Thanks.

BTW it's a black 90 TII with a black interior. Let me know if you have any other questions about the car.

TyresmokinRx7 06-22-2003 02:36 PM

That's about $15,000 AUD. I personally think it's a good price. What are they going for in the USA.

How much money are you spending on it before you sell it?

7mech 06-22-2003 02:43 PM

The motor and turbo are going to be somewhere around 4k and the bodywork will be somewhere around 5k. The bodywork is being covered by my insurance.

TyresmokinRx7 06-22-2003 02:50 PM

That's ok. Insurance will make it a bit easier for you. Are you sure you want to sell her. After doing all that work, i'd be keeping it.

How much money have you spent on her after buying it

7mech 06-22-2003 02:55 PM

Well just off the top of my head, not including the normal care stuff, I say about 10k on mods. This doesn't include the motor and new turbo that are going to be put on. I wish I could but I need something more reliable because I'm going back to tech school to get a new job in the Air Force. Plus the wife is worried that I'll end up spending all of our money on it and saving any for other things like a house or vacation.

TyresmokinRx7 06-22-2003 03:01 PM

Good point. Pitty you have to sell her. What are you thinking of buying next.

7mech 06-22-2003 03:09 PM

Something newer. Possibly a newer used pickup with low mileage. Then I'll save the rest of my money and buy another 7 later down the line. This way I'll have an excuse to get away from the family if I need to. Also it will give me a good reason to spend time with my sons when we have them. Yes we both want 2 boys and that's it. No girls please. I would prefer not to have to be siting on the couch with a shotgun when she turns 15 or 16 or whenever she decides that she wants to start dating.

TyresmokinRx7 06-22-2003 03:14 PM

Think about it. With 2 boy's, there going to be at some girls house were the girls father will have a shot gun. Have a girl and a boy, you'll be right.

Sinful7 06-22-2003 03:17 PM

I grew up with 2 sisters... it SUCKS through adolescense. They were a couple of PITA's

7mech 06-22-2003 03:28 PM

I hear ya. I grew up with an older brother and things were cool. My wife on the other hand grew up with 2 sisters and boy do I feel for her being the youngest. I also feel for her Dad because he grew up with 6 sisters and then had 3 girls of his own. No wonder why the man spends so much time in his garden and taking care of his animals.

TyresmokinRx7 06-22-2003 03:35 PM

To put his mind at ease. Dam that's alot of females. That's probably why there's more females in the world than males

Sinful7 06-22-2003 03:40 PM

I thought that there were more women than men because a single male can procreate with several females... Seems only natural.

TyresmokinRx7 06-22-2003 03:44 PM

Putting it that way, then there's not enough females then. We need more.

7mech 06-22-2003 03:44 PM

I know I brought the subject of kids, but lets not get to far of topic because here in a few months when the car is done I'll be selling it. So does 8k sound good for my car or should I ask for more or less?

TyresmokinRx7 06-22-2003 03:46 PM

8K sounds fine.

7mech 06-22-2003 03:54 PM

Since you guys say 8k sounds good, would you buy a car like mine with similar mods for 8k?

Joe Flo 06-22-2003 07:42 PM

8k is a good price for a TurboII. Personally I think they are gorgeous cars! With the mods and care you put in I would pay 8k for it. However if you put it on ebay I don't think you would get that kinda cash. Sell it to someone on the site if at all possible!

Erik 06-22-2003 07:53 PM

with those mods...a brand new motor, and nice new paint that sounds like a great price>/biggrin.png

For comparison I have a 91 T2 with 70K original miles...If I were selling it I wouldn't take under 7K>/smile.png

good luck...hope everything works out!

7mech 06-23-2003 12:08 AM

Thanks guys. I don't plan on putting it on ebay. I plan on putting it on Nopistons, the evil forum, and team fc3s. I also plan on advertising locally. Hopefully nobody buys it so that I can convince the wife to let me keep it. Who knows maybe someone will buy it from me for 8k. If they do then good for them. I guess I'm having second thoughts about parting with my baby. It's really hard to get my wife to understand that I have put loads of time, sweat, blood(plenty of it), and money into this car and I won't be able to ever get it back if I sell it. It was my dream some day to pass this car onto my son or daughter(whichever) so that they could feel what it's like to be part of the rotary community. Also so that they could learn something about me when I was thier age. Oh well I guess there are plenty of other 7s out there and I'll be able to get another later.

Srce 06-23-2003 01:31 AM

I'd keep it. Looks like you have too much **** into the car so youd only be loosing more by selling her. Don't drive the car daily, cut the registration, get it off the insurence and don't drive it unless you can afford it again. Run it daily in the garage and take it for a spin around the block at night. That's my advice!!!

7mech 06-23-2003 03:30 PM

Srce that's a great suggestion, but there a few problems with it. 1st my 7 is my daily driver. 2nd I can't just take my wife's car because we work different shifts. 3rd I don't have a garrage(live in an apartment) and the car has gotten broken into once already because it sat for 4 days due to weather. 4th if I get caught driving her without registration and insurance the Air Force will have my ass.

MazdaEnthused 06-23-2003 03:42 PM

Well i say you keep it sounds like a beautiful car Keep it...

Turbo II 06-23-2003 04:06 PM

for a 90TII i wouldnt pay more than 6k. thats just me, no matter what mods it has

Rob x-7 06-23-2003 07:52 PM

I have the best idea, take the insurance check, cash it, and

sell me the car as-is.

7mech 06-23-2003 10:01 PM

rob if I sell it before I put in a new motor and have the body fixed I will remove all of my stuff with the exception of a few things.

rx7machine 06-23-2003 10:15 PM

I say you at least sell it to someone on the nopistons site.. so, we can all still get to see it and what all happens to it..

wompa164 06-23-2003 11:17 PM

Hey man, I'm in the Dallas area, and I'm HIGHLY interested. I was referred to this at, where I post much more frequently

I sent you e-mail, so respond to, or shoot me an IM at Wompa164.

I'm willing to pay every penny as long as nothing is wrong, but we'll talk privately.

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