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sweet7 07-07-2005 09:40 AM

Got this idea after some stupid private had a negligent discharge with a .50cal and almost blew my head off>/angry.png . Then claimed that he didn't do it. Figured, ****, it must have been a ghost

Couple of my experiences.

Years ago, I think it was in '89 my grandfather and a couple of my Uncle's were killed in a freak mid-air collision with another aircraft, in my grandpa's private plane. Radar coverage over the area showed my grandfathers plane to be the only one in the area at that time. Even worse, wreckage from another aircraft was never found, only paint chips from a blue aircraft (grandpa's was yellow) and obvious signs of a collision. A few days later, we drove out to my mom's hometown for the funeral. We were at my grandma's house before the funeral getting ready and I walked into the study cause I thought I heard my Grandpa call for me. Sure enough, I walked in and saw my Grandpa standing there, smiling at me, dressed in his old Army aircrew uniform that he wore while he was a pilot in WWII. Anyways, I remember saying something along the lines of "hi" then walking off. It didnt occur to me till during the funeral, when i walked past his closed casket, that I couldnt have seen him......he was supposed to be dead.>/unsure.png

Another time, this was probably about the time I was 14 years old, my parents were out of town on vacation. I was home alone and decided to have a friend over. So I had a friend over, we were hanging out, and I had just put a movie in, when I heard a cuboard slam shut in the kitchen. I was like "wtf, I know no one else is here." So I walked into the kitchen, and a cuboard that I had forgotten to close after making some pizza was closed somehow. I disregarded it and said whatever. We watched the movie and then decided to go rack out. We went down in the basement, where there is a pull-out couch and not much else. Just a pool-table and laundry room. In the middle of the night, me and my buddy are awakened by the washing machine's timer going off. It then goes off, and I hear the distinctive sound of pool balls hitting each other, going in the pockets, and bouncing off the bumpers. Upstairs I'm also hearing more cuboards opening and shutting. At this time we are completely terrified, there is no explanation for this ****. I sprinted to the light switch (it was completely dark) about 5 ft and flip it on. When I did this the sounds of cuboards stop, the timer stops sounding. I then looked at the pool table, nothing was out of place except for the balls, they are usually nicely racked. Not these, they were all over the table and 1-2 of them were still rolling.

Freaky ****.

ambassador_josh 07-07-2005 09:51 AM

I used to walk in the woods behind my house, we had several thousand acres (not all ours, but uninhabited) and we used to look for arrowheads in this one specific spot. I usually walked alone for miles. On my way back from the arrowhead spot, AN INDIAN walked across the path. AN INDIAN. I kinda gasped in shock of course, and he turned his head to me. His eyes were solid black and crying. He said something not in english and ran off. I looked forward and walked on quickly...never went in that area again. He wasnt translucent like they make ghosts out to be, he looked as real as I did. He ran through some thick brush, but none of the limbs/folliage moved as he ran through it. My hometown used to be a railroad boom town around 1880 and they kicked a bunch of indians living there out of the limits of their new city then blamed them for lots of livestock disappearence, killing some and leaving the others for winter. Harsh.

sweet7 07-07-2005 09:57 AM

Yeah, I hear ya man, my grandpa looked completely normal too.

ROTARYROCKET7 07-07-2005 10:56 AM

[quote name='sweet7' date='Jul 7 2005, 06:40 AM']Got this idea after some stupid private had a negligent discharge with a .50cal and almost blew my head off>/angry.png . Then claimed that he didn't do it. Figured, ****, it must have been a ghost

Couple of my experiences.

Years ago, I think it was in '89 my grandfather and a couple of my Uncle's were killed in a freak mid-air collision with another aircraft, in my grandpa's private plane. Radar coverage over the area showed my grandfathers plane to be the only one in the area at that time. Even worse, wreckage from another aircraft was never found, only paint chips from a blue aircraft (grandpa's was yellow) and obvious signs of a collision. A few days later, we drove out to my mom's hometown for the funeral. We were at my grandma's house before the funeral getting ready and I walked into the study cause I thought I heard my Grandpa call for me. Sure enough, I walked in and saw my Grandpa standing there, smiling at me, dressed in his old Army aircrew uniform that he wore while he was a pilot in WWII. Anyways, I remember saying something along the lines of "hi" then walking off. It didnt occur to me till during the funeral, when i walked past his closed casket, that I couldnt have seen him......he was supposed to be dead.>/unsure.png

Another time, this was probably about the time I was 14 years old, my parents were out of town on vacation. I was home alone and decided to have a friend over. So I had a friend over, we were hanging out, and I had just put a movie in, when I heard a cuboard slam shut in the kitchen. I was like "wtf, I know no one else is here." So I walked into the kitchen, and a cuboard that I had forgotten to close after making some pizza was closed somehow. I disregarded it and said whatever. We watched the movie and then decided to go rack out. We went down in the basement, where there is a pull-out couch and not much else. Just a pool-table and laundry room. In the middle of the night, me and my buddy are awakened by the washing machine's timer going off. It then goes off, and I hear the distinctive sound of pool balls hitting each other, going in the pockets, and bouncing off the bumpers. Upstairs I'm also hearing more cuboards opening and shutting. At this time we are completely terrified, there is no explanation for this ****. I sprinted to the light switch (it was completely dark) about 5 ft and flip it on. When I did this the sounds of cuboards stop, the timer stops sounding. I then looked at the pool table, nothing was out of place except for the balls, they are usually nicely racked. Not these, they were all over the table and 1-2 of them were still rolling.

Freaky ****.



Wow that would be cool to experience wierd stuff like that.

In my house i was with my little brother watching space ghost coast to coast. It was a hot summer day so were laying on the floor with our shirts off, watching the tv. We heard a noise in the kitchen, plates and cups were falling off the sink area. SO we roll over and look into the kitchen. We see a fat lil circular shadow. SO we begin to yell at this ball, since we assumed it was our cat. "Judy what are you doing , blah blah blah..." Next thing we hear a slow yawn. Its my cat on the sofa next to us. We just woke her up from her nap. We look back into the kitchen and this dark ball is still there so we freak out. We went into the kitchen when the ball disappeared and a coupple of plates were broken and a few cops but no signs of anything. The windows in teh kitche were open but had those gates and the mosquito thing so nothing could of come thru.

That was weird

1revnrex 07-07-2005 11:05 AM

I see dead people...

Baldy 07-07-2005 11:14 AM

In Orlando staying at a condo one night when I was a teen, playing basketball on the court they had there with some other kids. I was standing on the sideline, it was night. I saw a light moving quickly across the sky. Hard to explain, but if you see a light from a plane, if it's moving at a certain speed you assume it's close enough to hear. Well it looked very far away, I could not hear it, and it was moving very quickly (just like a plane would if it were within a few miles away). I thought I blinked or something, but it was gone. There was one cloud in the sky, on the opposite side of the sky, and nothing to obstruct my view. I didn't think much of it, but all I said out loud was "woah." Then the other kid standing there says "YOU SAW THAT TOO??" We talked about it for a second, but that's it.

inanimate_object 07-07-2005 02:23 PM

I think there's more to what we know than meets the eye (so to speak) - it wouldn't surprise me to find out there's something else on some sort of supernatural level. What interests me is whether we will ever understand it like we do things like physics etc. - that and our subconscious.


ROTARYROCKET7 07-07-2005 10:03 PM

i know this is off topics but has anyone read that book Hyperspace or The great beyond its all about superstring theory and this type of physics really blows my mind. ONly **** i can read for 3 hours straight..


venomrx7 07-07-2005 11:37 PM

Not really supernatural, but I am training myself to focus on different parts of my body to do stuff like slow down my heart rate, or to make myself not feel pain.

I can already pull my focus away from pain in my extemities (hands, forearms, feet) I guess pain varies by location. I can also make myself not feel minor headaches, and dull moderate ones.

I am getting pretty good at controlling focus too. Like, I can be driving down the road and make myself stop thinking about anything but necessary stuff (the road). I will get from one place to the next and not remember anything about the drive. 3 hour drives seem to pass in 5 minutes.

Its great, I hope to develop it pretty far.

sexycheerleader 07-08-2005 12:45 AM

there is a place outside of my home town that was a mining comunity in the 50's. This town had a local hotel that catered to the minors. Kind of like a month by month commuity renatal place to get showred and feed. After the mining boom died in the area the owner of the place lost all his buisness like many others that catered to the minors and on the vege of going bankrupt he decided to torch the three story home while he and his family were still in it. The bank took over the property and the woods behind it and has never been able to sell it becouse of what happened. When I was sixteen a couple of friends of mine all went on our typical three day mud running and camping trip we decided t go in the national forest around this area. We ended up follow a river one night just to see where it lead and ended up on the property of the old hotel the freaky thing is our flash lights would shine to the bottom of the river and as soon as we crossed the property line they would reflect off the water in to the air. There were also no animals in the woods on the property not even a fricken cricket chirp. It wasent untill we returned that we found out what happened.

Not to be freaked out by something that can not be real the next weekend we took our trucks down the main path that led to the place (in the middle of the day) It was clear going in like a old road with alittle over groath ( acar could of made it) but tryng to come back out there were all kinds of fallen trees in our path we never heard fall. It made it a huge pain in the ass to make it out. It was a good thing we all had lifted trucks. That plae still gives me the ceeps so we all decided to leave well enough alone.

Il RX8 lI 07-08-2005 01:55 AM

[quote name='venomrx7' date='Jul 7 2005, 11:37 PM']Not really supernatural, but I am training myself to focus on different parts of my body to do stuff like slow down my heart rate, or to make myself not feel pain.

I can already pull my focus away from pain in my extemities (hands, forearms, feet) I guess pain varies by location. I can also make myself not feel minor headaches, and dull moderate ones.

I am getting pretty good at controlling focus too. Like, I can be driving down the road and make myself stop thinking about anything but necessary stuff (the road). I will get from one place to the next and not remember anything about the drive. 3 hour drives seem to pass in 5 minutes.

Its great, I hope to develop it pretty far.



Honest to God, I can make my ears stop ringing.

CletusFD3S 07-08-2005 02:13 AM

[quote name='Il RX8 lI' date='Jul 8 2005, 12:55 AM']Honest to God, I can make my ears stop ringing.



how do you guys do that?

cdaleracer669 07-08-2005 02:20 AM

i can usually fool myself to feel other emotions than im feeling. hard to explain but its far as paranormal experiences...i havent really had much except one night i was laying in bed listening to the radio, i was almost asleep and thought to myself"dammit i wish that radio would turn off" and not a half second later it turned off.coincidence or not who knows, but it was at least cool and helped me sleep lol.another interesting story i guess would be at some guys funeral right in the middle at the burial thing, there was an eagle flying overhead, and after the burial was over and the guy quit talking, the eagle flicked its tail and disapeared...i didnt see it,but a cppl of other ppl did.

GreyGT-C 07-08-2005 02:35 AM

one time my sister got possessed by satan... and her head rotated 180 degrees and then the stuck a cross in her *****.

True Story.

CletusFD3S 07-08-2005 02:38 AM

i think i saw that on a movie.... or something.... is your sister in the porn industry?

inanimate_object 07-08-2005 04:32 AM

[quote name='venomrx7' date='Jul 8 2005, 05:37 AM']Not really supernatural, but I am training myself to focus on different parts of my body to do stuff like slow down my heart rate, or to make myself not feel pain.

I can already pull my focus away from pain in my extemities (hands, forearms, feet) I guess pain varies by location. I can also make myself not feel minor headaches, and dull moderate ones.

I am getting pretty good at controlling focus too. Like, I can be driving down the road and make myself stop thinking about anything but necessary stuff (the road). I will get from one place to the next and not remember anything about the drive. 3 hour drives seem to pass in 5 minutes.

Its great, I hope to develop it pretty far.


[/quote] Haha, you crack me up First the flaming fist's of fury and now Ninja mind-control with awesome morderate headache dulling action - no wonder you're such a hit with the girls


Dave 88 A.E 07-08-2005 04:52 AM

My uncle had just passed away last month and a lot of weird **** has been happening at my aunts house. None of the stuff happened to me but this is what my aunt told me.

-The day after she was talking to my other aunt Ruth on the phone, it was early and the kids were still asleep so they could talk without anyone interrupting. My uncle was good for that while they would talk. So they are talking when all of the sudden the line went dead. Ruth called her back and said why did you hang up. My other aunt said "I didn't the power went out and when the TV came back on it was on chanel 6, the news that my uncle used to watch every morning.

-One day my aunt had to go out so she left the kids home and the oldest was sitting downstairs watching tv. My aunt made sure to lock all the doors before she left just. She comes home to find the oldest on the front porch in the doorway. He said he was sitting there when he heard the back door open and the water turn on in the sink.

-Best one was after someone dies you get all this food. Well one of my aunt's coworkers gave he a bag of apples. My aunt was sitting in the kitchen when she looked at the bag and noticed that on the bottom one of the apples had been bitten. Now it wasn't like that when she got it because the inside of the apple was still white and not brown from it stating to rot.

rotary510 07-08-2005 09:41 AM

[quote name='inanimate_object' date='Jul 8 2005, 01:32 AM'] Haha, you crack me up First the flaming fist's of fury and now Ninja mind-control with awesome morderate headache dulling action - no wonder you're such a hit with the girls




venomrx7 07-08-2005 10:50 AM

[quote name='inanimate_object' date='Jul 8 2005, 01:32 AM'] Haha, you crack me up First the flaming fist's of fury and now Ninja mind-control with awesome morderate headache dulling action - no wonder you're such a hit with the girls




lol. what can I say, it gets boring as **** when you live in the middle of nowhere... gotta find some way to occupy my time. I guess I wanna be a navy seal. thats it.

Edna 07-08-2005 01:50 PM

I will never play oija ever again. In high school me and a couple of friends played it. Thought that it would be fake. So there were three of us. One girl was across the room, me and the other girl had our hands on the thingy that moves. When the girl across the rooms grandmother started coming through. She would ask questions that only her grandmother would know. And she would anwer right. Me and the other girl would have no way of knowing the answers. Really freaky. The next day we tried it, and some guy named Stewart was talking to us, when we asked where he was and he said spelled out hell, I never touched it again.

Ever since my grandmother died almost three years ago, my family has seen a lot of hawks. Its kinda of our little family thing that it is my grandma watching over us. Even if it isnt, its always nice to see something and think of someone that you love.

blue_87_gxl 07-09-2005 08:49 AM

hahaha oddly enough im a memeber of perhaps the most half assed paranormal investigation group ever.

dont say i didnt warn you that we're half assed

Fd3BOOST 07-09-2005 05:59 PM

One time I jerked off stalefish and then the spooge shott acroos the room and it looked like Slimer.

89 Rag 07-09-2005 06:10 PM

[quote name='inanimate_object' date='Jul 8 2005, 02:32 AM'] Haha, you crack me up First the flaming fist's of fury and now Ninja mind-control with awesome morderate headache dulling action - no wonder you're such a hit with the girls




I was thinking some six million dollar man stuff, "we can build him bigger, stronger,,ne,ne,ne,ne,ne,ne...

[quote name='Fd3BOOST' date='Jul 9 2005, 03:59 PM']One time I jerked off stalefish and then the spooge shott acroos the room and it looked like Slimer.



So, when you blew your wad, it was green and eating a shitload of hotdogs?

75 Repu 07-09-2005 06:12 PM

this one time, at band camp...

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