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teknics 06-23-2008 04:51 PM


In the latest news I have for you a few things.

Firstly my family owns property in Windsor, NY (near binghamton) it's 60 acres, about 9 of which is field that we farm and the rest is woods for hunting, trails etc. So the federal government came in 2 years ago and said "hey, we're gonna possibly need to use part of your land for running a new gas piepline through the mountains. We'll give you $50/acre per year for 5 years with a 3 year option!"...they said this to everyone in path of their new proposed pipeline.

Some people went for it and thought they made a great deal. had we gone for it it would've been making $3,000/year for 3-5 years. Well they just came back to us 2 years later (now with over 900 property owners committed) and the offer available to everyone who has not already signed is between $2,700-$3,000/acre, which we graciously accepted. We stand to possibly make $180,000/year for 5 years. FOR NOTHING. The agreement simply means they might need to use our land as an access point to the pipeline or may need to encroach on our property a bit (but the pipeline is underground, so all that they would do is clearcut a small piece) we dont surrender ANY rights to the property. So thats great.

anywho our one neighbor who was also a holdout has just shy of 2000 acres of land, thats about $6mil/year he'll be making (he was at the commission signing off at the same time as us lol)

so yea, gov't actually was cool for once...but im sure they'll disappoint me very soon all over again.

oh yea, and i have big personal news regarding a new job i may be receiving, which has been my dreams, with a company ive worked with a lot on my 1989 Turbo2 build. End result? me happy, more fun toys possible, and possible move to Florida so i can bother scott and baldy! hell maybe ill buy a boat and really be scott's neighbor. But for now I dont want to jinx it so we stay hush hush.


1988RedT2 06-23-2008 04:55 PM

Yeah, yer welcome, ya bastid. That's my taxpayer dollars at work!

teknics 06-23-2008 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by 1988RedT2' post='902384' date='Jun 23 2008, 05:55 PM
Yeah, yer welcome, ya bastid. That's my taxpayer dollars at work!

yea if you want just deposit it right into my paypal account>/smile.gif

and for those wondering, it's a natural gas pipeline.

Oh and I just remembered, if while doing the piepline they discover any natural gas pockets on our property we receive, duhduhduh, royalties on it woowoo.

natural gas pipelines and electrical lines are great out in the country side, it's like an offroad highway for atv's dirtbikes, trucks etc. we already have one gas pipeline not too far from our property that we have a few trails connecting too and i love riding on that


jwteknix 06-23-2008 05:04 PM

yeah that pretty kool my father is a part of something similar they are looking for natrual gas on my neigbor and my property and they pay to access the land to take tests and what not for a specific amount of time. if they ever find any thing we get apeice of it and still get paid for them to access the land. So its basicaly win win. Get paid just for owning land is pretty kool but like you said some gay **** is bound to happen

jwteknix 06-23-2008 05:05 PM

youtype too fast but yeah thats awsome

teknics 06-23-2008 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by jwteknix' post='902386' date='Jun 23 2008, 06:04 PM
yeah that pretty kool my father is a part of something similar they are looking for natrual gas on my neigbor and my property and they pay to access the land to take tests and what not for a specific amount of time. if they ever find any thing we get apeice of it and still get paid for them to access the land. So its basicaly win win. Get paid just for owning land is pretty kool but like you said some gay **** is bound to happen

there main thing is mowing down the pipeline over the mountains it's like a 5 county wide thing i think, i forget which counties exactly.

900k over 5 yrs for doing nothing.


Rob x-7 06-23-2008 05:29 PM

they can zig zag that **** around my house and shop if they want

for million they can run it OVER my house, lol

phinsup 06-23-2008 05:29 PM

you'll need a letter of recommendation from me, which is of course for sale at a nominal, but now affordable fee. (for you)

Rob x-7 06-23-2008 05:33 PM

why do you want to move to florida anyhow?

you like being boiled like a potatoe?

j9fd3s 06-23-2008 08:23 PM

Originally Posted by Rob x-7' post='902391' date='Jun 23 2008, 03:29 PM
they can zig zag that **** around my house and shop if they want

for million they can run it OVER my house, lol

yah for a million i can just buy another house even here....

amp 06-23-2008 10:21 PM

Originally Posted by teknics' post='902383' date='Jun 23 2008, 05:51 PM
We stand to possibly make $180,000/year for 5 years. FOR NOTHING. The agreement simply means they might need to use our land as an access point to the pipeline or may need to encroach on our property a bit (but the pipeline is underground, so all that they would do is clearcut a small piece) we dont surrender ANY rights to the property...

you most likely dont have a choice.. otherwise hello eminent domain.. as far as nothing.. this is the government.. read the fineprint.. just access point you say.. hmmnn

you may not surrender any rights to the property but you arent denying them of theirs..

utility lines.. natural gas in this case.. requires a great deal of governing and with it guidelines... EPA.. public safety... etc

im seriously doubtin that at this point that those guidelines will not overide your rights as property owners... maybe a bad example.. but consider easements..

and why would they fork up a mil for a short term lease when for a fraction of that they can purchase the land.. similar acreage in the areas can be had for less than 200k..

and like ive already stated.. if you resist.. eminent domain.. even if they were to release such funds.. with a pipeline underneath there... good luck tryin to sell it later..

have your parents do some research prior to signin that dotted line..

jwteknix 06-24-2008 10:16 AM

also the pipe line wouldnt be put through all 60 acres of your land just a small part of it so you won't be getting all that money just a peice for where the actual pipe is run and the access points I'm postive they wont be paying out for land their not using

teknics 06-24-2008 05:59 PM

Amp: They're offering a 12-20% royalty on top of the offer.

The offer is fulyl legittimate a bunch of land owners created a commision to all use one lawyer for their specific bargaining, we are doing it with them and thru our own private lawyer to make sure all is square on our side.

The contract has been gone over constantly by multitudes of lawyers. In absolutely no way are any of our rights to the land infringed upon. Their are also crystal clear rules as to what specifically they can do to the land without permission, and exactly what they need permission to do ocne the land is rented (were like landlords)

As far as thinking theyre not willing tof ork up money for the property, IIRC the current budget just for land accruement is in the billions.

To put this into perspective, a guy next to use bought 28.8 acres for $32k, he is currently selling that same lot, unchanged for over $250k. Land up there was dirt cheap, but they know there's no way to secretly buy up all the land without alerting people and getting screwed.

As for why they wouldnt want to purchase the land, is that we know the gas is under our land, so in order for us to sell the land to them we'd ask a lot more exorbitant prices. So basically what they want to do is just borrow the land for a few years to zero in on the gas pockets, run their lines, and thats it, no need for the land once that business is handled, so no hassle in selling it.

Another reason for non-ppurchase is that, in all honesty almost everyone involved has had the land/property in their family since the early 1900s if not earlier, it is their life and way of life, a LOT harder to buy that from someone then to rent the rights.

Now as for eminent domain:

The only clear way to pursue eminent domain claims is to prove that there was reasonable negotiating over fair land value before a stalemate was reached.

They have not released how much natural gas they predict to be udner the properties, so everyones actual land value has skyrocketed. Thats why the negotiations are occuring. Now if the "commission" over steps the bounds of reasonable THEN the company can file for an eminent domain claim and battle it out in court.

However, since we've already agreed to our negotiations with the utilities company there is NO WAY they can use eminent domain against us, only against those who continue to push for more money.


"also the pipe line wouldnt be put through all 60 acres of your land just a small part of it so you won't be getting all that money just a peice for where the actual pipe is run and the access points I'm postive they wont be paying out for land their not using " (looks like you shouldnt be so positive)

yes but we own all 60 acres, the agreement is to rent our "property" because they dont know where they will be going in the property, they cannot rent aspecific spot that they have no idea where it is.

I actually now have updated numbers as the contract was formal signed etc today:

*edit*woop sorry, not allowed to be positing what our actual contract is, ill let you know once all landowners in our area have settled*edit*

as for everyone else around me, i could careless, i got my money in writing so it doesnt bother me what happens to them.

Also here's a quick tidbit of the pocket of gas they're trying to get to:

"The Marcellus Shale is estimated to have recoverable reserves of 50 TRILLION cubic feet of gas, 25% of the nations total, or about twice the ANNUAL use of the country. Wells have been testing in the 1 to 5 MILLION cubic feet a day range, Many in the industry are calling this the largest and most exciting gas strike in the country"

feel free to read more:

" "

or google "Marcellus Shale"


teknics 06-24-2008 06:24 PM

meh didnt notice that last post got so long, here's a better way of describing the "lease" that i found:

"The thing that is critical that they (landowners) know is that what we are doing is taking an oil and gas lease on their mineral rights. They are not selling us anything,” said Norman."


defprun 06-28-2008 09:50 AM

In Canada they wouldve gave you the big F-U even if you farm the land to live, lol.

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