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94touring 07-20-2005 11:44 PM

Only thing worse than an FC is an ingrown toe nail. my big toe on my left foot decided to act up today after clipping the nails the other day. I limped around today and was in a lot of pain. Then it suddenly got better tonight. Wierd.

nopistons94 07-21-2005 12:23 AM

so unlike a FC it did get better , that is weird

Rx7Widow 07-21-2005 01:10 AM

I feel ya on the toe thing.

2006_Mazda_RX-7 07-21-2005 01:36 AM

Oh hell ya my toes been for a while. I have to work on that thing constently.

CrashFactory 07-21-2005 01:58 AM

I had to have half my toe nail removed (7 shots, they called it ring numbing, they had to take a scraper thing and push it under my cuticles and scratch all the cells that grow nail off my bone, very painful after the numbing went away), DO NOT let it get bad, even if it feels better, They wanted to take my toe off, (I despise doctors and hospitals and thought I could tough it out) it got REAL infected and had actually started spreading thru my blood stream..they pumped me full of crap in my IV, gave me some percoset and $4,000 later the nail is growing back.......


GreyGT-C 07-21-2005 02:30 AM

i had to get my left foot amputated one time because of that.

94touring 07-21-2005 08:12 AM

[quote name='GreyGT-C' date='Jul 20 2005, 11:30 PM']i had to get my left foot amputated one time because of that.



94touring 07-21-2005 08:14 AM

[quote name='CrashFactory' date='Jul 20 2005, 10:58 PM'] it got REAL infected and had actually started spreading thru my blood stream..they pumped me full of crap in my IV



No wonder it got infected, they pumped crap in your IV.

venomrx7 07-21-2005 09:44 AM

I had to have the sides of both big toenails cut out and the cells that they grow from treated with acid. not fun.

banzaitoyota 07-21-2005 11:24 AM

Actually they use Silver Nitrate. My right big toe has had this done several times.

ambassador_josh 07-21-2005 12:28 PM

this thread is worthless without Redbull

venomrx7 07-21-2005 09:58 PM

[quote name='banzaitoyota' date='Jul 21 2005, 08:24 AM']Actually they use Silver Nitrate. My right big toe has had this done several times.



it was a one time deal for me. It DOESN'T grow back from what I had done. My big toenails are probably about 20% skinnier than they were before.

rootbeerdragon 07-21-2005 10:22 PM

[quote name='ambassador_josh' date='Jul 21 2005, 09:28 AM']this thread is worthless without Redbull



more like, worthless without pics...>/smile.png

CrashFactory 07-24-2005 10:27 PM

they used formaldihyde (sp?) or embalming fluid for the uninitiated on mine, I think I have some pics BEFORE the surgery..



CrashFactory 07-24-2005 10:29 PM

It's fuzzy I know, but all that black stuff is skin/tissue I could barely walk......and as for the crap, I hate small back country hillbilly doctors :P


ambassador_josh 07-24-2005 10:51 PM

[quote name='ambassador_josh' date='Jul 21 2005, 11:28 AM']this thread is worthless without Redbull



Hey who changed my post?

venomrx7 07-24-2005 11:01 PM

The part on the right side where it looks flaked off is where some of the acid leaked over from the spot they were killin cells in.

And sorry for it bein nasty. I've been in flip flops all day.

CrashFactory 07-25-2005 11:42 AM

I've noticed since I've had the surgery that my nail is ultra weak, it keeps cracking and breaking and it's growing back where they scraped and such, which ISN'T sposed to happen, so I guess I'll keep an eye on it and try to not cut my nails too short...


ApneaBlue 07-25-2005 11:51 AM

I have had my share of puss oozzing ingrown toe nails....The main reason, as told to me by a Jamaican dr. is that people (guys in general) tend to tear their toe nails instead of clipping them propperly. The nail has a tendency to grow towards where there is less nail. So if for some reason you tore the nail off and then it went deep and took out more on the left side, a couple days later it starts to grow down into the side of the toe.

Solution: Other than getting the nail pulled or your toe or foot cut off is to shave the middle of your toe nail down with a sharp knife or razor. start at the center of the nail towards the skin and keep scraping nail away until the center of the toe nail is really thin. You then back this up by cutting a call "V" at the end of the nail where you were shaving.

Sounds dumb but when your ******* big toe is throbbing like someone dropped a sledge hammer on it, you'll try anything. I have had my share of these things and that's how I took care of it....

THEN to keep them from coming back you cut your nail straight across...None of that semicircular BS..

94touring 07-25-2005 11:53 AM

AH YES the V technique...this is what I did actually.

Dysfnctnl85 07-25-2005 11:35 PM

I had this surgery done on my left big toe. The numbing hurt like hell, but the surgery didn't, imagine that.

At any rate, the woman(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) got rid of the roots at an angle, so now my toenail is slightly slanted. No more of that ingrown BS though.

She showed me how much nail was inbedded (on each side) into my toe and it was rather disgusting. I blame it all on soccer cleats though, all point and ****...

yayer 07-25-2005 11:58 PM

surgery? whoa.. that's intense.

I've had these before and if you pierce and drain them, and keep them clean (rubberband, cottonball, and alcohol) for a while they heal fine. At least that was my exp.

CletusFD3S 07-26-2005 12:02 AM

[quote name='GreyGT-C' date='Jul 21 2005, 01:30 AM']i had to get my left foot amputated one time because of that.



what ever happened to being in the army?

CrashFactory 07-26-2005 02:44 AM

I tried that yayer, even went and got the special dr. Scholls thing with the bandaid and pad and crap for it, I have to be on my feet for 8 hrs a day, I dun think anything was gonna help at the point it was at, well except surgery i guess, they REALLY thought that if I had waited a day longer, they would have to amputate it, I had to hop around....The dr. looked at it (at ER, my dr. was gone...) and he wouldn't even touch it, that's why they pumped me full of antibiotics (well that and the infections spreading)..I had to wait for 3 days before I actually had the surgery AFTER the ER visit and them telling me they wanted to take it off....yeah the numbing was the shittiest part, the even shittier thing was that there was only sposed to be 7 shots, I had to get 9...for some reason, my toe didn't want to numb......watching them stick a huge metal scraper under the cuticle was one of the craziest things I have EVER seen...and to not be able to feel it made it even better...when I had my birthmark removed, they offered to let my fiancee look in the hole (they completely removed it and all the skin underneath) you could see the muscles and such..she wouldn't look, they told her it was a once in a lifetime thing, I asked for them to bring me a mirror, I wanted to see, but they told me to just hold still :P


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