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Maxt 09-21-2009 07:12 PM

GreyGT-C 09-21-2009 10:37 PM

that actually made me laugh. Thanks!

TYSON 09-22-2009 09:04 AM


Maxt 09-22-2009 09:01 PM

It totally reminded me of this guy that was going off the handle because the coffee was only warm when we flew out of Chicago.

phinsup 09-22-2009 09:17 PM

Well it's an interesting argument to a point not made... if that makes sense. What do I mean? Well his point is we have all this amazing stuff and we should be happy about it. While I may agree with the statement at hand, I don't agree with the conclusion reached. What I draw from such a conclusion (i'm not in any way saying you should be drawing from the same)... these amazing things shouldn't make you happy and as he stated they don't! These things were made to make our lives easier, so that we could in theory have extra time to do things we love, instead we've used the extra time these items have saved us to well..... work more to afford more things to make more time to...... well buy more things.

Maybe as a society we've lost track of the things that DID make us happy and traded them for things we've been told will make us happy? Maybe rather then the airplane ride making us happy, we should allow the destination we reach, the family and friends we visit and the time we spend at the end of that flight to be the places we look for happiness (and hopefully easily find it).

We've been inundated by tv ads for products and lifestyles that tell us all the things we need to have to be happy and even when we realize we aren't happy the conclusion we draw is that we should be happy with this wonderful stuff rather then be happy with the things we've had all along... for generations, century's in fact.

In short rather than taking a closer look at these items and demand happiness from them maybe we should take a step back and re-evaluate the places we expect happiness to come from.

GreyGT-C 09-22-2009 10:54 PM

i was happy until i read Phin's post.

Maxt 09-23-2009 08:44 AM

Or perhaps taking the hardship out of the journey makes the end result less joyful?

TYSON 09-23-2009 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by GreyGT-C (Post 834173)
i was happy until i read Phin's post.

me too!>/11.gif

1988RedT2 09-23-2009 03:13 PM

Actually Phins' post made me happy because I think much the same way.

I guess you have to give credit to corporations and marketing people who have instilled in us an innate need for useless expensive crap.

I tried to actually watch the video, but the sound worked perfectly for the ad which preceded it, but when the content came up, the sound went away. Coincidence?

Edit: Never mind, I'm enlightened now. Watched it on youtube. No glitches. Amazing!

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