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teknics 04-01-2003 02:32 PM

ThirdGenRx7 has my previous post about my whole court situation, said he saved it back when i first posted so if you can please post it back up here to let everyone know what this is about.

I'll give the ending away though.

Prosecution offered me and my co-defendant each 7 years in jail with 85% of that time mandatory (roughly 6 years). So my lawyer and his lawyer went and had a discussion.

They gave my lawyer the evidence they had on me. Now prepare for this hilarious part the ENTIRE case against me was based on my co-defendant saying "...kevin (don't know his last name) but he drives a durango..." twice within his entire statement. He told them where i hung out, they followed me home, found out my last name. THAT WAS ALL THEIR EVIDENCE. My lawyer laughed, hard.

So my lawyer, my co-defendant's lawyer, the judge, and the DA's had a series of meetings and eventually my co-defendants lawyer was going to let him serve 4 years in jail and let my lawyer worry about me. WELL my lawyer decided to get his sentence dropped down to 364 days as a way of being like "well if he did all that, and my defendant did nothing, how low can we go with his deal" and guess what? He got my 1 year under supervised probation!!!!! Not only that but my charges all got dropped (all 5 or 6) and the RObbery charge in the 2nd degree got changed to a Disorderly Persons Theft in the 3rd degree!!!!

So it's not even listed as a felony in my file, i don't have to go through jail time, and court is pretty much over, now i just have to figure out how probation will go. I went last wednesday but i wasn't in the computers yet, he told me to call him this wednesday to try to setup a date for me to meet him. When i figure out the day i have to go buy some Quick Flush detox type of stuff and just hope i get it easy with probation maybe like once every other month type of meetings or something.

Anywho thanks for everyone who hoped for the best in this situation, it was very thoughtful of you all, and may my prayers be with you during any future hardships you may have.

Oh and my durango may be pulling in $16k, and hopefully i've found a cym to buy>/wink.png for a good deal, and I have my beater car already hehehe.


Srce 04-01-2003 02:36 PM>/bubbrubb.gif

Baldy 04-01-2003 02:54 PM

I think it helps to get on a first name basis with your probation officer. At least that's what I've witnessed with my delinquint cousins.

Sinful7 04-01-2003 02:55 PM


teknics 04-01-2003 02:55 PM

yea his name is Mario i think, he seems cool i'vew only seen him for a few minutes. Plus i think im going to get moved from the paterson probation officers to my local wayne probation officers, not quite sure tho.


Rob x-7 04-01-2003 08:12 PM

make sure your room is clean, they can come search your room and car

at any times.

ThirdGenRX7 04-01-2003 08:41 PM

ummm okay... you're not going to believe this... but i copied it and saved it into a text file... but now the text file is empty and I don't know why..... WTF

Leetheslacker 04-01-2003 08:41 PM


teknics 04-01-2003 09:05 PM

yea thats one of the few things they told me, they can search me, my car, my house, or my work place, basically anywhere that i am they can search.

i think i saved it too but i forgot where i put it oh well.

Basically i drove people to rob a gas station without knowing they would rob a gas station. They went in demolished a kid stole some loot and fled. Called me a couple hours later i picked them up. Eventually i was found out and got arrested like 2 months after the robbery, was facing about 5 or 6 charges such as a couple conspiraces, aiding and abetting, robbery etc all in the 2nd degree. Thats when the above ending began>/smile.png


P'cola FD 04-01-2003 09:22 PM

Congrats Kevin. I'm happy to hear that. But don't do that detox ****. They can detect it. Get a friend that is clean to pee in a condom, and take it in there with you. Ever since I quit smoking, I do that for all my friends. Now when somebody asks me why I don't smoke anymore, I say "Beacuse then none of my friends would be able to get jobs."

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