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teknics 02-25-2003 07:32 PM

you cannot overdose on tetrahydracannabinol, even if you took a 1lb bag of raw THC and swallowed it, unless you choked, you ain't dying.

the way weed kills people is via lung cancer, which as some said can be solved with other methods, but those methods are more of a waste of money really>/smile.png.

imagine buying Marlboro Joints instead of cigs, lol.

Hell smoking weed in my experience produces the need to purchase ciggarettes and in some people's cases alcohol, alcohol is something istay away from, easiest way to lose your license (in NJ, Idaho, and one other state it is legal to drive "high" as long as you pass the sobriety test and don't have bags on you)


Joe Flo 02-25-2003 07:42 PM

Hell smoking weed in my experience produces the need to purchase ciggarettes and in some people's cases alcohol,

Its because they are all depressants. Weed just gives you cravings for some reason. I have only tried it once. Didn't get high though. I think its cause its in my blood. Dad was a major pothead stil is I think>/blink.png

teknics 02-25-2003 07:45 PM

actually the reason you smoke ciggarettes is to soothe your throat (sounds odd i know but cigs are a lot smoother then weed, and if you just breathe regularly you cough, it's like a step down program). You also smoke them because you get "cotton mouth" which is a drying of the interior of your mouth. The menthol cigs have a mint taste which help remove the cotton mouth disgusting taste that happens.

Same reason people drink after smoking weed, cotton mouth sucks and tastes horrible...for an example keep your mouth open for like 30 minutes in the cold, with moving your saliva, when your mouth is all stickey and such from being dry...that is cotton mouth.

also the "resistance" can't pass through generations it isn't a part of the gene pattern.


Apex13B 02-25-2003 10:41 PM

smoke up again with me'll get high

s13srmadness 02-25-2003 11:53 PM

you guys seem to forget that there are downsides to marijuana....

more than with cigs or alcohol...

if it were legalized my brother would become a complete waste as opposed to the partial waste that he is now.

image4you2see 02-26-2003 12:00 AM

dude i was going to reply but i forgot.........

evilT2 02-26-2003 12:23 AM

if you pay much attention to politics you would have noticed that in the last two months or so there was a vote in nevada regarding the legalization of marijuana. it didnt pass, but only by a small margin: 40/60. It goes back up for vote again in a few years and will more than likely pass next time. And when i say legalize, i do mean for receational purposes, i believe the policy allowed for something like three oz's. Which is a hell of alot even if youre smoking **** weed.

rxtacy 02-26-2003 09:25 AM

3 oz.? that is a hell of a lot. 3 oz. can't be consisered recreation. are u sure it wasn't 3 grams. that would make more sense.

Mazderati 02-26-2003 09:50 AM

Marijuana is legal in 8, I believe, states in the US. However, marijuana is obviously not legal in the entire country per the federal government. This means that you can smoke cheeba in CO, which is one of the states I think, get pulled over by a CO state po-po, not get ticketed and be on your merry way. If, though, a federal cop pulled you, you have the chance of being disciplined in whatever manner they deem necessary whether it be jail or a fine or both.

I'm sure there are more details and what not, like quantity for instance, but that is the jist of it as far as I know.


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