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TheAntiChrice 04-23-2004 03:43 PM

Crazy idea considering the world nowadays, but air force or navy is what I've been considering.. Just wondering what your opinions on the armed forces are, and what its like on the inside

Midnightdriver 04-23-2004 03:51 PM>/biggrin.png there are several military men here.

Myself, 9base3,amryofone,and many more. I've been in since 1995 and have enjoyed almost all my time in. got to see some really neat places and many interesting people. I wouldn't have it any other way. and I'm on my way to the sad box very soon. Military life is what you make it to be.

fcrotornut 04-23-2004 03:55 PM

my best friend ben is over in baghdad right now, hes an fd owner and a nopistons member, he said its really rough over there, he was tyring to get me to enlist with him, but im rather happy i didn't. he said over there, sand and the air look alike and you continuously get im rather happy i didn't join.

if i would sign up for anything, i would go air force...

you make good money in the reserves, but i wouldn't reccomend it if you have family to take care of or anything tying you down to where your living now...

TheAntiChrice 04-23-2004 03:59 PM

Well I've already decided theres no damn way in hell I'm going army.. I'll pass on giant sandboxes and mountains full of crazy fucks with AKs.. Either Navy or Air Force all the way.. Only shitty thing is I'll be enlisted, but I'm wondering if I can get 4 years of education on the inside and come out an officer.. thats the goal for me

TheCamel 04-23-2004 04:13 PM

You have opened a big discussion here. I myself have been in 14 years, I have seen many changes, some good, some bad. The military is what YOU make it. I am a 2T370 Special Purpose Vehicle Craftsman in the Air Force. I work on the heavy construction equipment and aircraft towing vehicles. Cranes, dozers, high lifts, snowplows, telephone bucket trucks and lots lots more. I specialize in all diesel and gasoline mechanics. I have been around the world once, and on my second go around. I toured europe, Egypt, the Balkins, Japan, and korea. I spent a few months at some places and years at others, to include 2 fun filled trips to the middle east and awaiting my 3rd. There are many oppertunities available, but you have to go with your heart. The military is on a big fitness kick right now, so plan on running as much as the marines and army. If you think it will be an easy way out of civilian problems, think again, the rules and lifestyle are not easy to adapt to, especially if you have been in the civilian job market for a while. Do yourself a favor though, you want a job that will help you on the outside, something that you will be able to use your training for on the outside. Weapons systems is not a good choice, but avionics or communications, or even mechanics is good. Not too many guys I know that work on nuclear waepons in the civilian world. So choose wisely. I highly suggest if you will be going in that you get a garunteed job BEFORE you come in, if the recruiter says they cannot do it, you need to walk away until he can. They prefer to get the guys that do not know what they want and place thim in great sounding jobs, till you find out what the job really entails, such as Administration and planning... you are a glorified secratary that will pull their hair out in the first 6 months trying to get all the reports typed and compiled. And if you can, opt for an overseas assignment, no matter what your recruiter tells you, they will nto try to place you as close to home as possible, normally it is as far away as they can get you>/blink.png And not every base is the same, and each Command has a different way of doing things the "Air Force" way. If your joining for the money...good luck, tell me when you find it. If your joining for the college benefits, good luck getting to school in your first year in. and if your joining it "to see the world" you will, just not the places on the map you would normally go to, nor take your family on a vacation. *Flame suit on*

TheAntiChrice 04-23-2004 04:20 PM>/bigok.gif much props on helping out Camel

jspecracer7 04-23-2004 05:16 PM

All the Japan guys are/were military. IGY and Rutt were both Sergeant's in the Marine Corps. 1bad180sx was a Staff Sergeant. Me and Chris(Dragon) were/are both Sergeant(p). Even GoodFellasFD3S was a Captain:LOL:...though he wasn't from Japan.

The military is what you make of it. It can be easy...or it can be a PITA. I would never go Navy(I swim like a rock). I think now a days, the Air Force is the way to go if your interested in service. The Marine Corps has a long a proud history. I was always under the misconception that Marine's were stupid, but to be honest, some of the smartest people I've met were/are all Marines. But the Marines run things a little "different". As for the Army, its about to get tough....real tough. On the other hand, getting promoted in the Army is fairly easy compared to the other branches. If you don't have a physical fitness problem or an overweight problem, can shoot an M16, can give/take've done 90% of your job right there. You can probably make Sergeant(E-5) within the 1st 2-3 years in and by 5 years, can make Staff Sergeant(E-6). That's mainly dependent upon your *job* but for the most part it doesn't take long.

When we're in the field, we work our asses off. When we're in Garrison, we slack our asses off>/11.gif For my Unit, out of 14 days of work, they work 7 days of 12 hr. shifts.

Midnightdriver 04-23-2004 05:34 PM>/biggrin.png whats wrong with going to the sandbox and having wack jobs shooting ak's at you? I just get to shoot back with my SAW, or M-19.

banzaitoyota 04-23-2004 06:13 PM

I retired from the NAVY in 92. I saw a lot of changes while I was in. The military is what YOU make of it. If you have the grades, I highly recommend the Navy's nuclear power program. Any questions please feel free to ask

1gendreemer 04-23-2004 07:27 PM

What is it with military dudes and Rx7's...weird. Anyway, I did a tour in the Army right out of high school and had mixed feelings. Some things about it were great -the physical training, the travel, and my job as an Engineer (bridge builder). I didn't like that I was lied to by my recruiter. He told me that my job entailed doing actual (civil) engineering and that I'd be able to go to college while I was in. I ended up loving being a bridge builder and being the units first PFC boat operator (hey..I can drive!) but I don't remember doing any engineering/thinking/math/surveying at all and I had time for only one college class the entire time I was in.

My advice is to know what you're getting into. Know that as a new soldier, you're going to get all the **** work, all the deployments, and not many perks. Know that you will most likely be taking orders from someone who has the intelligence level of a 10 year old at some point. Know what you REALLY do in your job (and yes, get the job title in writing before you sign). If a recruiter tells you he can't make something happen for you, he's most likely lying...walk away and wait for him to call you.

I agree with the previous posts, that the military is what you make of it. You need to keep your head about you and expect long hours, hard work, and stupid orders. If you can deal with those things then you'll have a great time and get to travel the world for "free". I know I make it sound bad, but there are are incredible times that go along with the negative experiences. I wouldn't trade my military time for anything...though I'll admit I'm glad to be out now. I was very good at the life and excelled. My only regrets are that I wish I went into it a bit more educated and ready for what was to come. Feel free to ask any questions... good luck with your decision!

Dramon_Killer 04-23-2004 07:30 PM

I'd never wanna enlist. I'd try to go in as an officer or whatever. Though, i don't even think they would take me anyways, because i got into westpoint minus the dodmerb wouldnt pass me on medical.

drew 04-23-2004 09:18 PM

I was a chinese linguist in the Air Force from '90 to '97... I would definitely agree that it is what you make it and make damn sure you research the hell out of the different jobs and get something that you think you will enjoy doing and that will apply in the civilian world. It can be a big lifestyle adjustment, but I've always thought that it was a good one for me... changed my perspective on alot of things. The only thing that I didn't like was over time it seemed like ass-kissing got you further ahead than kicking ass at your job... the performance rating system is usually total B.S., ass kissers usually getting better ratings than those who truly excel at what common sense tells you that they should.

I did my time and don't regret any of it... when I decide to have kids, I'm going to strongly suggest that they give it a go at least for the minimum enlistment as long as they get to do something that will benifit them and not go in without a guaranteed job choice. If you do end up going in... put the money in for the GI bill... you will regret it if you don't.

The job I did doesn't really apply to civilian life directly, unless I wanted to work at the NSA, CIA or FBI, but I can tell you that having it listed on my resume and spitting out a few sentences in Chinese will definitely get you noticed in a job interview>/bigthumb.gif I was also fortunate enough to be in a position that allowed me to take on extra things like IT-related stuff, which gave me relevant work experience to use when I got out.

SoniX 04-23-2004 11:16 PM

Military service is, a unique experience to say the least, I am currently in the Army, Just got back from a year in Iraq, and being in the army, I can say this, JOIN THE AIR FORCE, I like the army and all, but seeing the difference in treatment was a real eye opener, we do a year, they do 3 months, we slept in the sand, they slept in a/c tents, right next to us, they had an internet cafe, we... well, I talked my way into the server room and made friends with the admins. it will teach you things about life though, especially if you end up on one of those great free vacations. I agree with what everyone says about recruiters though, if they try to tell you they can't garauntee your job, tell them to call you when they can, it is better to wait a few weeks/months to get a job you will like for the next 6 years. No matter what you do, good luck man.

???HP7 04-25-2004 12:47 AM

ok so i wrote a post for 30 minutes about how shitty it is... i'm not gonna post it. TOO negative and will piss people off. so my advice is get a job, go to school, get a better job, and be happy. a few years in the armed forces will make you realize just how wonderful a normal life can be.

but its your decision and you life. all i can say for sure is don't be a marine cause you might as well play russian rullete with all 6 chambers loaded. the marines were getting their asses handed to them in Iraq left and right.

take it easy and think about it for a bit before you sign anything.

i suggest the MOS 42A if you join the army. its a chill personell job! get to be in everyones buisness and not do **** else.


TheAntiChrice 04-26-2004 01:00 AM

All I can say is.. Wow thanks guys.. I thought this topic was dead but I assumed wrong, and its a blessing to have so many opinions that are favorable and so many willing to offer help and answer questions.. I'm humbled.. Once again.. Thank you gentlemen

75 Repu 04-26-2004 01:55 AM

Yeah thanks guys.. I have been considering the Navy and Air Force.. I have spoken to Banzai Before about it.. and it is good to know what I need to do to make the experience work for me..

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