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Eyxom 04-29-2004 09:12 PM

It's worth reading the whole thing... seriously...

You have just entered room "Chat 29054760051216810777."

Romeo81785: You're all gay

defprun: rock in ou t in da hissouse

Romeo81785: Especially Matt

defprun: hahaha

Eric Happy Meal: howdy

defprun: ive been discovered

Romeo81785: You squirrel loving bastard

defprun: "humps eric"

Romeo81785: Haha... Eric was molested

Eric Happy Meal: "humps bacl"

fcrotornut: argj

defprun: yiarr ha ha ha harr

defprun: we be humpins

defprun: too the wee morn

Eric Happy Meal: im not sure who else to invite

defprun: with erics wee wang

Eric Happy Meal: awww

Romeo81785: Oh Jesus... First rule: "When a man makes a gay comment towards another, that man should NEVER return with another gay comment"

defprun: frank!

Eric Happy Meal: you werent supposed to tell!

fcrotornut: deffypoo, so, if it happens, you want the job?

defprun: yes

Eric Happy Meal: whats going on with jobs

defprun: yes i do

Eric Happy Meal: i need a job

fcrotornut: haha

Eric Happy Meal: give it to me, im clearley the cooler red head

defprun: im a hard worker when im working, lol

Eric Happy Meal: oh

defprun: without regard to personal safety sometimes!

defprun: :-)

Eric Happy Meal: yuki, can i bone your sis?

fcrotornut: dude if i give you the job, you cant be jerkin off and such

defprun: yuki's here?

defprun: i wouldnt be mangs

Romeo81785: What job?

fcrotornut: damn, i wish i could get all the nopistons guys in on this hahaha

defprun: as long as i know what im doing ill be fine

defprun: lol

fcrotornut: that would be too big of a staff

defprun: yeah

Eric Happy Meal: yuki = Romeo81785

defprun: oes

Romeo81785: What?

defprun: HEY YUKI

Romeo81785: No..?

defprun: your name sucks?

Romeo81785: <-- Eyxom

Eric Happy Meal: ****

defprun: hAHAHAHA

fcrotornut: no he = TONY

defprun: owned

Eric Happy Meal: IM AN IDIOT

Eric Happy Meal: ****** a

defprun: haha

defprun: who's tony?

Eric Happy Meal: AXRacingDevs82 = yuli

Eric Happy Meal: god damn

fcrotornut: romey = exyom =tony

Romeo81785: Dude... I made this sn in 6th grade

defprun: lol

defprun: that explains it

defprun: how old is you?

Eric Happy Meal: both of you disapeared at the same time, then come back at the same time

Romeo81785: 19

Eric Happy Meal: im all feucked up

fcrotornut: haha wait def, how old are you mangs?

Leetheslacker has entered the room.

fcrotornut: cant be brekaign any child labor laws

Leetheslacker: OY

Romeo81785: Hey it's Lee

Leetheslacker: hey tis me

defprun: hi me!

Romeo81785: Lee it's Eyxom

nighthound666 has entered the room.

defprun: im 222

Leetheslacker: yo

defprun: 22*

defprun: lol

nighthound666: FC!

defprun: im old

Eric Happy Meal: yeah eyxom, and NOT yuki

Eric Happy Meal: nighthound = friend of mine

fcrotornut: 22 good god, old mans

Eric Happy Meal: hes a cool cat

defprun: hahahha

nighthound666: thank you eric happy meal

nighthound666: your a cool cat yourself

Eric Happy Meal: thats what she said

defprun: who the **** is 666?

Romeo81785: No ERic.... You are mistaken. I AM the cool cat

Romeo81785: And don't you forget it

defprun: hmm

Eric Happy Meal: he has a broken down fc

defprun: harrr

defprun: i have broken down FB

defprun: nice to meet you

Eric Happy Meal: awww sheit! i aint eva gonna forget it yo!

nighthound666: hahaha

nighthound666: yeah

nighthound666: they seem to do that

Eric Happy Meal: but hes getting a T2

nighthound666: yessirs

Eric Happy Meal: and then give it to me

nighthound666: and ma'am's

nighthound666: if there be any present

defprun: nope

nighthound666: haha

fcrotornut: deffy move to texas man

defprun: sausage fest

Leetheslacker: WHOAT

nighthound666: i dunno about that eric happy meal

defprun: im movin to texxus!

Eric Happy Meal: hrmmm

fcrotornut: DO IT!

Romeo81785: Who's getting a T2?

defprun: when school is done>/biggrin.png

Eric Happy Meal: nighthound

fcrotornut: lol

fcrotornut: oh man, we can party yo

Romeo81785: Nice Night... Good choice in cars

nighthound666: you got a tII

nighthound666: or n/a?

defprun: that would be awesome

Romeo81785: Me?

fcrotornut: you can buy me booze!

fcrotornut: hahaha

defprun: my life here is boring

Eric Happy Meal: hahaha

defprun: yay!

Leetheslacker: yaya boring

Eric Happy Meal: hes rich FD boy

defprun: ima live on the streets!

Romeo81785: Who?

defprun: and sell my body to buy booze!

Romeo81785: lol I'm a rich FD boy?

Eric Happy Meal: you

Eric Happy Meal: yeah

nighthound666: i wish i was rich

Romeo81785: I have an FD but I'm not rich

Romeo81785: :-P

defprun: lol

fcrotornut: i thought you mean i was a rich fd guy

nighthound666: want to give it to me?

Eric Happy Meal: 19 with an fd = rich

nighthound666: i'll probably talk to you if you do

Romeo81785: I worked for that **** you ass. lol

defprun: got any bitches i can ****?

fcrotornut: i was like nah man, i have the money to get one, im just keeping options open before i do

Romeo81785: I waited 4 years for that deal.

Eric Happy Meal: did you pay in full?

Eric Happy Meal: what was the deal?

Romeo81785: I took a loan... but I'm paying for it

fcrotornut: haha deffy, you can have my soccer playing ex, the bitch caught me follign around on her

Leetheslacker: head

Leetheslacker: shooulds

Leetheslacker: knees

Leetheslacker: and hoes

Eric Happy Meal: haha

Romeo81785: LOL

Eric Happy Meal: YOU IDIOT

Romeo81785: Matt?! The hot girl caught you cheating on you?!


Eric Happy Meal: YOU SUCK AT LIFE

nighthound666: lol ok boys, i have a date tomorrow, gotta go pick all the dirty underwear up off my bed

defprun: LOLERSKATES!!!!

nighthound666: so i can use it

Eric Happy Meal: hahaha

Romeo81785: lol defprun

defprun: ill take it!!!

defprun: oh yeah

defprun: seconds

fcrotornut: haha its ok man, i got a new onme

fcrotornut: with nicer tits

defprun: good stuff

Romeo81785: You were cheating on a nympho?



defprun: he was cheatin on a nimpho

nighthound666: hahahah

defprun: lol

defprun: its fcrotor

Romeo81785: lol eric

defprun: my ****** hero

nighthound666: this is pretty entertaining

Eric Happy Meal: thats what she said

fcrotornut: no, i was cheating on a myph, with another nymph


Leetheslacker: always is

Leetheslacker: SQUIRRLY NO!

Eric Happy Meal: ****** squirrel lover!


nighthound666 has left the room.

Romeo81785: Not another squirrel... Poor bastard

defprun: lol

defprun: so awesome

fcrotornut: haha

defprun: i bet she shags like a minx

fcrotornut: deffy, your FIRED

defprun: lol

Romeo81785: So when're you all going to visit south Florida?

defprun: WHY?

fcrotornut: before you even had the job,

defprun: why am i fired?

fcrotornut: haha

defprun: just my luck :p

Romeo81785: What's the job?!

defprun: to **** your mom

defprun: big job


fcrotornut: a freind and i are openeing a shop soon

Romeo81785: Ah nice

Romeo81785: Remind me not to go to it

defprun: im still movin ta texxus

fcrotornut: well, whenever he gets back from the army

Romeo81785: I want my car to run right

defprun: lol

fcrotornut: lmao

defprun: im gonna use tweezers and a squirrel to tune haltecs

Eric Happy Meal: i want to run my car

Romeo81785: Me too...

fcrotornut: FIRED

defprun: lol

Romeo81785: I think I have about 325whp right now

Eric Happy Meal: i have .25 hp

Romeo81785: LOL

defprun: my 1st gen runs awesome

fcrotornut: man deffypoo, your gonna love the few fds we do have around here

defprun: yay!

defprun: me likey

defprun: :p

Romeo81785: Come to south Florida... The Puerto Ricans drive them like mad.

fcrotornut: the weakest fd in town makes 380ish to the wheels

Romeo81785: You should go to Pettit racing or Dragon Motorsports

defprun: :o

Leetheslacker: eh

defprun: niche market in tyler :p

fcrotornut: indeed

Romeo81785: Right now, there are 7 FD's sitting at Dragon Motorsports alone

fcrotornut: tyler has a GREAT market for cars

defprun: i better not move there

Leetheslacker: its called tyler

Leetheslacker: what kinda gay city name is that

Eric Happy Meal: im gonna open a shop

defprun: and someone meets me at the airport and is like

fcrotornut: lots of rich old people that have rare cars, and LOTS of rich ass kids that love imports and turboss

Romeo81785: Did you guys hear me? lol

defprun: OWNED.

Eric Happy Meal: and im gonna do some other stuff

Romeo81785: 7 FD's at dragon motorsports at all times

Eric Happy Meal: and no ones listening to my story


Eric Happy Meal: cause im ugly

Eric Happy Meal: OH MAN

Romeo81785: NAWS

defprun: lol

defprun: nappy head!

Eric Happy Meal: today in health we talks about NAWS!!!!

Leetheslacker: WHOOOAT

Eric Happy Meal: he called it that, and at first i was like wtf!? never heard of that drug before

Romeo81785: I'm going to spray my intercooler, but I don't think I'm going to spray the motor

Eric Happy Meal: then once he went on i figured it out

defprun: itll cost me 40 bucks in fuel to get to tyler

Eric Happy Meal: spray the motor eh?

fcrotornut: hha in the desil?

Eric Happy Meal: peepee spray?

defprun: i guar-awn-tee

defprun: the desil ownz joo

Eric Happy Meal: or just regular water type?

RusspOTvn has entered the room.

Leetheslacker: use c02 isntead of NAWS for ic spray

Eric Happy Meal: yoha

defprun: who da **** is this guy?

Leetheslacker: its COLD AS ICE

defprun: russtypot

Romeo81785: Yep

Eric Happy Meal: that be DRAMON KILER

Romeo81785: Who's russpot?

defprun: whom?

fcrotornut: eegads!!

defprun: rustpot!

Romeo81785: DRAMON

Romeo81785: rustypot?

Eric Happy Meal: DRAMON

defprun: rusty potthead\

Leetheslacker: NOMARD

Romeo81785: LOL

Eric Happy Meal: no its dramon you ******* retard

fcrotornut: RAMROD?

RusspOTvn: who the **** is a what

Eric Happy Meal: god damn, learn how to read *******

defprun: LOL


RusspOTvn: omfg

defprun: LOL

Leetheslacker: that my av beeotch

defprun: harrr

defprun: i love da adds

Romeo81785: SAY CAR RAMROD

RusspOTvn: this is sidewinder

RusspOTvn: wtf

defprun: ramrod!

Eric Happy Meal: say car ramrod!

defprun: sidewinder?

fcrotornut: RAMCAR?

RusspOTvn: yeah

defprun: oh noes!

Leetheslacker: redniwedis

RusspOTvn: sidewinderx7

defprun: sidewinder is smart

Leetheslacker: OHNOS

Romeo81785: omg, someone post our entire convo on the boards

Leetheslacker: OMG NO FUCKHEAD

defprun: lol

Leetheslacker: :0

RusspOTvn: who is smart

fcrotornut: OMGHI2U

defprun: :O

RusspOTvn: yeah he is

Romeo81785: LMFAO @ MATT

Eric Happy Meal: it would be awsome

defprun: he is so smart!!!!11

Romeo81785: I'm posting this hsit

Eric Happy Meal: awseomly long

RusspOTvn: so does anyone else here play ddr?

Leetheslacker: i feel fancy!

fcrotornut: hey df, if i give you the job, your name tag will say DEFFYPOO\

RusspOTvn: uhh actually this is dramon, i lied

defprun: ddr!

Leetheslacker: DDR IS INSANO

fcrotornut: or DEFFYCATE

defprun: thats fine by me

Leetheslacker: pruneh

RusspOTvn: i love ddr

Leetheslacker: your new name is DP

RusspOTvn: i am teh ddr god

defprun: my nametag at Burger King says Rachael

Leetheslacker: it stands for donkey puncher

defprun: :p

Leetheslacker 04-29-2004 09:12 PM


Eric Happy Meal 04-29-2004 09:18 PM

one of these days matt, god damn you suck at life.

ColinRX7 04-29-2004 09:18 PM

Is it seriously worth the read? It's like 3 printable pages..

Leetheslacker 04-29-2004 09:19 PM

Originally Posted by ColinRX7' date='Apr 29 2004, 10:18 PM
Is it seriously worth the read? It's like 3 printable pages..

no, no its not,.

exyom is THE LOSE.

Leetheslacker 04-29-2004 09:42 PM

Eric Happy Meal (10:37:43 PM): lee, we should make a club

Eric Happy Meal (10:37:49 PM): called, the no rotor.....hotor

Eric Happy Meal (10:37:51 PM): or something

ColinRX7 (10:37:53 PM): the notsorx7club?

Leetheslacker (10:37:55 PM): yeah!

defprun (10:38:01 PM): lol

Romeo81785 (10:38:02 PM): lol

defprun (10:38:06 PM): lol

Leetheslacker (10:38:06 PM): no rotor hotor beetch

Leetheslacker (10:38:08 PM): REPRESENT!

Leetheslacker 04-29-2004 09:44 PM

teh highlights!

defprun (10:43:25 PM): im gonna get you

defprun (10:43:26 PM): like a

defprun (10:43:28 PM): SPACE BOY

defprun (10:43:33 PM): woah oh oh woah

fcrotornut (10:43:39 PM): im gonna love you like a schoolboy

defprun 04-29-2004 09:44 PM


Eric Happy Meal 04-29-2004 09:47 PM

fcrotornut: haha deffy, you can have my soccer playing ex, the bitch caught me follign around on her

Leetheslacker: head

Leetheslacker: shooulds

Leetheslacker: knees

Leetheslacker: and hoes

Eric Happy Meal: haha

Romeo81785: LOL

Eric Happy Meal: YOU IDIOT

Romeo81785: Matt?! The hot girl caught you cheating on you?!


Eric Happy Meal: YOU SUCK AT LIFE

nighthound666: lol ok boys, i have a date tomorrow, gotta go pick all the dirty underwear up off my bed

defprun: LOLERSKATES!!!!

nighthound666: so i can use it

Eric Happy Meal: hahaha

Romeo81785: lol defprun

defprun: ill take it!!!

defprun: oh yeah

defprun: seconds

fcrotornut: haha its ok man, i got a new onme

fcrotornut: with nicer tits

defprun: good stuff

Romeo81785: You were cheating on a nympho?



Leetheslacker 04-29-2004 10:05 PM

Eric Happy Meal (11:03:52 PM): WANNA FIGHT NIGGA!?

Leetheslacker (11:04:06 PM): no

Eric Happy Meal (11:04:06 PM): ill keel you

Eric Happy Meal (11:04:09 PM): i keel you ded!

Leetheslacker (11:04:10 PM): were in the no rotor hotor

Leetheslacker (11:04:13 PM): we fight rotors

Eric Happy Meal (11:04:13 PM): oh yeah

Leetheslacker (11:04:16 PM): i think

Eric Happy Meal (11:04:20 PM): homies dont fight each oder

Eric Happy Meal (11:04:26 PM): yeah, lets team up on the rotors

Leetheslacker (11:04:30 PM): word

Eric Happy Meal (11:04:38 PM): **** yeah

Sinful7 04-29-2004 10:32 PM


[evilmusic] DUN DUN DUN...... [/evilmusic]

No one cares!

Leetheslacker 04-29-2004 10:35 PM

Originally Posted by Sinful7' date='Apr 29 2004, 11:32 PM

[evilmusic] DUN DUN DUN...... [/evilmusic]

No one cares!


Sinful7 04-29-2004 10:35 PM

Just kidding on the lock ther guys, but WTF?? Who really gives a ****? and who actually read that?

Eyxom 04-29-2004 10:35 PM

pssssssh... Don't bring that disrespect up in here.>/ohmy.png

fcrotornut 04-29-2004 10:35 PM

we got hosed....

Leetheslacker 04-29-2004 10:35 PM

Originally Posted by Sinful7' date='Apr 29 2004, 11:35 PM
Just kidding on the lock ther guys, but WTF?? Who really gives a ****? and who actually read that?

nobody and nobody.


94touring 04-29-2004 10:35 PM

Originally Posted by Sinful7' date='Apr 29 2004, 07:35 PM
Just kidding on the lock ther guys, but WTF?? Who really gives a ****? and who actually read that?

LOL. Yeah, why the **** do we care what you guys talk about?>/biggrin.png

Leetheslacker 04-29-2004 10:37 PM

Originally Posted by 94touring' date='Apr 29 2004, 11:35 PM
LOL. Yeah, why the **** do we care what you guys talk about?>/biggrin.png

you dont


Eric Happy Meal 04-29-2004 10:38 PM

matt, according to seciton 123.54 of the no rotor hotors rule book, you have violated this section by stealing the line of a member "we got hosed" and now you must sodomize yourself. as per the written punishment.

Eyxom 04-29-2004 10:38 PM

lol we all thought it was funny... Thought maybe that other people might get a kick out of it too... Party pooper.

Leetheslacker 04-29-2004 10:38 PM

Originally Posted by Eric Happy Meal' date='Apr 29 2004, 11:38 PM
matt, according to seciton 123.54 of the no rotor hotors rule book, you have violated this section by stealing the line of a member "we got hosed" and now you must sodomize yourself. as per the written punishment.

the handbook never lies

fcrotornut 04-29-2004 10:39 PM

haha ive allready sodomized myself quite a few tiems today, once while looking at a pic of 94touring..

Eyxom 04-29-2004 10:41 PM

Oh dear God...

94touring 04-29-2004 11:19 PM

Originally Posted by fcrotornut' date='Apr 29 2004, 07:39 PM
haha ive allready sodomized myself quite a few tiems today, once while looking at a pic of 94touring..

Ummm wait a second. Maybe I should stop posting pictures of myself.>/biggrin.png

DeaconFrost 04-30-2004 02:12 AM

Can I have the last 30 minutes of my life back?



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